Something about the reality of women

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Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago

I am sitting together with my aunt next door watching TV and talking. At that time my mother came and said that my father's blood pressure medicine was over so I should go to the pharmacy and bring the medicine. When I went to get the medicine, my younger sister said,

  • -Brother, bring a Senora pad for me when I come from the pharmacy.

Listening to my sister's words, Aunty next door covered her face and said,

She has become such a big girl, but she is not ashamed. Tell your brother to bring these rotten things ...

Before I could say anything to Aunty, my sister sat down in front of Aunty and smiled and said,

  • - Well, Auntie, were you ashamed to tell your brother when you had a child?

  • The aunt next door was surprised and said,

Why should I be ashamed to tell my brother that I have a child? Having children is a matter of joy.

- It's a pleasure to have an anti-period. This period process helps a girl to have the possibility of having children later. But some people like you look down on this rule cycle of Allah Tala ...

When I was returning home from the pharmacy to buy my father's medicine and Senora pads, I noticed a girl standing quietly away from the pharmacy for a long time. I went to the girl and said,

  • - Sister, do you need anything?

Hearing my sister's call from my mouth, the girl said in a somewhat normal way,

~ Brother, I needed to go to the pharmacy, but many people are reluctant to go. I will reduce the people.

I listened to the girl and put the packet of Senora in her hand and said,

- Here's what you need. I was buying it for my sister.

The girl was mumbling. I said to her,

- There is nothing to be ashamed of. When you buy next time, you will buy directly without any hesitation in mind.

No shame for period girls, no pride for period girls ...

I am going to Trishal from Mymensingh by bus. After a while I noticed that the black ribbon of the bra was seen through the gap of the shirt of a girl sitting in front of me. And the two boys sitting next to me are watching it and laughing. I smiled sweetly and said to the two boys,

  • - What, brother, are you so happy to see ??

One boy bit his lip and said,

I have seen that hidden treasure, brother. That's why I feel so happy ..

I smiled and said,

  • - I see such feelings of my brother. Seeing all the fun. Where is the brother's house, how many brothers and sisters?

The boy looked at the girl's bra straps and said,

Home brother Bhaluka. She has an older sister. Anand Mohan went to college.

- Does your sister come and go from Bhaluka by bus?

Yes brother ..

I smiled and said,

- Even sitting in the back seat of your sister, it seems that some boy like you is trying to see your sister's hidden treasure.

Hearing my words, the boy bowed his head. And I said to the boy sitting next to me,

  • - What's up, brother, what does your sister do?

The boy looked at me angrily without saying anything.

I just smiled and said nothing more. And I got off the bus with a note in the girl's hand ...

I am returning home with my younger sister by rickshaw. Then the younger sister said,

  • - Brother, take some paracetamol ...

When I rode the rickshaw and went to the pharmacy to buy paracetamol, the pharmacy boy handed me a packet of paracetamol. I opened the packet and told the boy,

  • - Don't give free packets of condoms with paracetamol these days?

The boy smiled and said,

~ After a while you will need a brother.

I smiled and said to the boy,

  • - Do you carry a packet of condoms in your pocket when you go out with your sister?

The boy didn't say anything, just stood with his head down ....

We men nowadays think of ourselves as hungry tigers and in our eyes women are the babies of a togbag deer ...

When I see blood stains on a woman's white dress while walking on the street, I get a demonic pleasure by showing that stain to my friend next to me. But we forget that if a woman did not have a period, we would not be born ...

Our penis stood up when we saw a piece of soft flesh seen through the gap of a woman's veil. But we forget that after birth we drank milk from this soft flesh of a woman ...

When we see boys and girls together in a rickshaw, a bad thought comes to our mind but we forget that they can be brothers and sisters, friends, uncles and nieces ...

We always say that women are bad but we forget that we are born in the womb of some woman ...

In our eyes, no matter how bad women are, they have to be respected because they have been respected since the beginning of creation.

Our mother, our sister, our half-sister.


Sir @scottcbusiness @georgedonnelly     if you give me the inspiration, I will get the inspiration to write better.

i hope you enjoy the article and keep subscribing to my channel to get the next episode.Let us know in the comment box how you feel about the article

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Thank you so much all of my read cash friends.

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$ 0.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago


very nice...☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much dear friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice articte 😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much dear friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah boy you mentioned important aspects about women

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good inspiration

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You written is very beautiful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good article to read :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for reading my article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent article. Please check my article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks dear ,i will

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

hmm good post

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3 years ago

thank you so much dear friend

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3 years ago