Question of the Day.

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2 years ago

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I don't know where I came across this but I can assure you that I also had a dream about this topic 🤣😂😂😂🤣. This topic came into my dream and I believe I must have seen it somewhere...and I think that's on Read.Cash too. What's the question, you'd say?

"Would You Take 10 Million Naira ($18,000) Now or Go Back In Time To When You Were Younger But With Your Experience Intact?"

This is a tricky one for me and I have to admit because I am never the type to trivialize experiences and growth. I know we all wish we could go back to do things differently and while sharing my view through a challenge organized by someone on Hive Blog, I told someone in my comment section that I would love to go back to when I was 17 years of age and revolt against my dad so I could have my dream and wish of playing football professionally.

I have shared it many times here how that dream fizzled out because we live in a culture where parents control everything and that includes your career choice without value for your area of strength. I was good with writing and playing football while growing up.

I fancied writing so much because it allows me to be creative and give expression to my thoughts. It's the only way I can express myself without any parental supervision. I can be whoever I want to be through writing as long as I can give words to my hands.

I wrote a letter to Nigerians before now, acting as the newly elected President of Nigeria. I once wrote a letter to my unborn even though when I wrote it, I didn't even have a girlfriend. I once explained how I would spend close to $600,000 even though I don't even worth half that amount. I am allowed to dream big with the power of my pen and that's why I enjoy writing so much. There is no cry against dreaming big and if anyone has issues with that, I can't help them. We are responsible for what we do not for what most people think.

I have imagined being a player for Manchester United with my writing and the fans were cheering my name on the back of scoring a I became an instant hit and a legend for the club in just 4 seasons, scoring a lot of goals, winning collective trophies and individual accolades. My pen truly bleeds with emotions.

Writing has always been a part of me and most people have been asking me why I haven't written my book yet. I must admit that I have been lazy about it but I have started now, so my fingers are crossed. It would be a bit emotional because I would be writing about my life and the events that happened, my understanding of how humans operate with what to expect from life.

I mentioned football earlier too and yes, I love playing football... Physically and even on a game console. I see it as a way of finding solutions to different situations. We have so many teams with so many tactics on how to get to you, so, you have to first nullify their threats and then seek ways of countering theirs to get a goal. This is why I laugh when most people think it's just a game of 20 outfield players running after just one ball to put it inside the back of the net with their head or feet. It's a lot more than that but it depends on interest and of course, how we see things.

I like knowing things and most people who know me knows I ask a lot of questions and so if anyone says curiosity killed the cat and I would say that cat must have died nobly. Football, to me, is about finding solutions...just like you are solving mathematics but the difference here is that in football there is no laid out formula...there are many ways you can get the answer.

I like thinking ahead...I like pressing hard and pushing myself which makes me know that if I can make it in this Nigeria then I can make it anywhere.

Now, I have shared these background stories with you all, let me now answer the question. Collecting the 10 Million Naira ($18,000) sounds logical because I already have a lot of things I can do with that money that would give me an incredible amount of profit. I have a lot of tested ideas on ground which just needs funding and you can be sure that money would be put to good use but I've never liked being handed things on a platter without having to do something to at least enjoy that favour, so no, I wouldn't take the money but I would love to go back in time to when I was younger with these amazing memories I have and then build from the scratch there again.

I want to fulfil that lost dream of playing football professionally even if I would fail at it, I want it to be something I wanted and I got it. I don't want to tell people this is the life I settled for but rather tell everyone (even if I failed at being a professional footballer) that this is the life I chose.

I value experience because they guide us and that's why I would love to take my experiences with me to when I was younger because I know I have a tough mentality that never gives up, that's why I know I would make it as a footballer. Let me just go back in time if I could...I can make a lot more than 10 Million Naira before I get to this age again if I go back in time.

I would love to read your posts too regarding this. It's not a challenge and as I said, I saw it somewhere and I can't remember where but I dreamt about this just last night, so it played on my mind. I don't mind reading posts regarding this topic from you all and if anyone already did, I would love to check yours out too.

Thank you for your time.

Kindly follow me on Noise.Cash... I am trying to engage more with people and connect with everyone with this account. I look forward to seeing you there... You can say hello to me there so we can get familiarized as well. Click here.

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2 years ago
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I had the same dream you did but it was American football, but Life has a way of thwarting that and leads towards where you ought to be going. My life turned out way different that I ever thought it would. This post was obtained through Dreemport.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is so nice to have you here and yes, life can play a fast one on us sometimes... It can be painful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely going back in time, not only would I make more investments and better financial decisions, there are some life decisions I would avoid.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Chop knuckle, my crush... I would love to go back too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well one thing is clear I would never want to go back to my past even if the question was like this..

Would you take 18000$ and go back to your past I would say no I'm good :')

Because I've been through a lot in my past my childhood is the worst part of my life and all the experiences I had I'm still unable to come out of all that so I would rather go for 18,000$ and buy my parents a plot :') I also liked your idea I might write something about it too ✨

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I am so sorry for all you went through and it's totally understandable if you don't want a repeat of it. I would absolutely love to read your version of this as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you that writing is your passion. I have read some of those articles you mentioned up there and even read the letter you wrote to dead Mum and Dad. They almost made me cry but I wasn't on this platform to always comment on those posts. Thank God for @dreemport platform that pulls great content posts from different platforms and gives it more visibility by bringing those posts for curation. I just registered here now and glad to hop into this post. Hahaha. If I have a way to go back to when I was younger, I would have mixed feelings. First I will take the money 😂 but would I be given a chance to go with some amazing people I have met now? How about my kids and hubby? Would I go with them? Haha. Fond memories of growing up is good but I still love that I have grown up. However if I must go back to being younger, like you who have a score to settle with Dad, I have Dad's dream to go back and fulfil. He wanted me a nurse, I ended up as an Educationist. Both are helping lives right? One is saving it the other building it , same thing. Hahaha. ....... Long time bro. Greetings from @dreemport

$ 0.10
2 years ago

I am so delighted to read and hear from you. I am even more happy to have you here and I've missed reading from you. That's so true, the family we have built might make it hard to go back since we can't go with them. Yes, I have so many things I wish I can change back then too and I love how you described being a nurse and educationist... Spot on... absolutely true too.

I am so glad Dreemport brought you here. 😍😍🤩🥰... Please stay with us here too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we can really go back to the past think i would take it and have more time with my loved ones...

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Me too... I would take it without thinking twice, my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nahh I will choose the 10 million Naira, I'm already happy and contented with my life right now, I don't need to change things. Beside that money will be spend in a good way.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahahaha good for you but I still have so many things to change on my part 🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish we could go back to the past with the experience intact. Unfortunately, we can't. So I rather take the amount of money and start a better life 🤣

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahahahaha I trust you on that 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you gonna ask me, then I want to go back with this confident i have at the moment. For sure if I'm strong like i am today then no one will attempt to bully me anymore, and with this maturity i have, i will make sure that I will finished my studies to fulfill my unfinished dreams.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I love this so much, my friend and I would gladly love to go back in time too. We both could use a fresh start.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We really have dreams that we wish we have pushed through. The point is that it is never too late to pursue them all.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

For some dreams, it is already late.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If time travel would be possible in future, I will grab that. Because then I could know how to earn that amount. 😉

$ 0.02
2 years ago

😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂 I would give anything to go back.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If the experience includes the talents we have developed I would really go back younger. Because I know how good I'm when Playing football now, imagine playing like this when I was 6 Year old I'm definitely going to be a world class 😂😂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahahaha that's the whole point... Doing what I love in playing football and the money I have gained, let me use it to invest in crypto.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ow amazing you really amazed me by your written article as I've seen 10 million hahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will go back in time where I am still young 😔 the time where I am with my both parents, spending a lot time for them, eating togefher, laugh together and just always feel happy even we don't have much of everything. As im always told to myself, if I can replace myself for both of them where they are today then I will.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I can totally understand you, my friend. I would love to go back in time too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being with my parents once in a while is worth more than any amount of money

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's amazing... Family time. Me too, it means I would have my parents back again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just imagine going back to 2009 when I started teaching job, I would just invest my six months salary in Bitcoin and just relax till it reaches $65k per one.

$18k looks like a lot now but it is not my brother if you decide to live good in Lagos on the island. Someone can become broke in a year, going back to the past can make me fulfill every dream I didn't meet up and most importantly, I will love to go to school again

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You read my mind so well... It's only a matter of time before that 10 million would become 100,000 naira. I just want to start all over again and do what I truly want, not what I was forced to 'want'. Imagine investing in crypto so early...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe Imit's better to go back if we haf knowledge of the future, is that the thing? Because if yes, I would have invested in crypto as early as I can and just reap off benefits from it, maybe bigger than 18k dollars hehehe. Moreover, I would have been more open to try new things and adventure, and not a boring ans scaredy cat that just stayed home. 😅

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahahahaha you made me laugh out so loud hahahaha. Imagine investing in crypto so early would have been fun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh without thinking twice let me grab the 10 million nairas. 🤣 I'm not going back in time. I will spend that in my present time and enjoy it. Hahaha

$ 0.03
2 years ago

🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Momma... I trust you...that money would be put to good use.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm. This is really tricky. To me, time is the most valuable and precious gift of all. I won't even want to be given the 10million naira because I might get carried away again and forget my purpose. I only just need the opportunity to start all over again, this time more intelligently

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's my plan...I just want to start all over again and do what I really want.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a tricky one, I have been trying to rack my brain since. I guess I'll come back to this

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahahaha I will be waiting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am definitely going to pick going back in time to when I am younger, seeing as my experiences and memories will still be intact, that will be me having the power to change my past! I will talk more about it in my version of this article 😁

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's's about changing my eventuality so I would gladly love to go back in time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Since you want this to be in a post, I should work this out for my next article tomorrow. Let me keep my answer limited to my post alone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yaaaaaay. I can't wait to read yours.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Take me back in time please, there are so many reasons for me to. If I go back with the experience and knowledge I have now, I'd have more than the 10 million now. To put this in perspective, think about having your current knowledge about the cryptoverse 10 years ago.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You got it...that's the whole idea...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll collect the 10 million naira and use it to invest in something that would be profitable,it would surely make so many changes in my life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha that's fair enough but I really want to go back...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would prefer having $18,000 now than going back in time. Since I'm still in my early twenties although there are lot of sports I could have excelled in.

But now I need money and I need to make money to secure my future.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's fair enough. Having the knowledge of time, I still want to go back...maybe I would buy all these tokens when they were still cheap 😍😍🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago