I never expect when I am posting my finished product or my design in crochet there are a lot of people asking if I am selling my products or my Made to Order crochet project. In that matter, I feel so inspired to make a lot of designs in case some people love to buy my finished products.
When I posted this design of my personal use bag soon if I am done with it. Lots of people asked and requested ang MTO bag, coin purse and phone case made of crochet.
So that I am immediately asking my friend who introduce me to crochet. I order a lot of yarns for their order. There is one customer who requested to make a centrepiece crochet for her table. I immediately searched the colour she requested for the project. I am waiting for my order will arrive soon and made crochet for them.
At this moment I am looking for a beautiful design to introduce to them what they want so that I can start immediately when the yarn will arrive.
While waiting for my new yarns to arrive I practised making an Alcopouch that was a trend in social media today. They made an Alcopouch because they made it and gave it away for birthday, christening and also for wedding. At least just in case there is someone who wants to MTO and AlcoPouch I already know how to make it.
I will update you soon about my Crochet project. And I am so inspired because my husband supported me to make this kind of hobby. And also the most important thing to become so much inspired is the people who believe in me that I can do this project.
I think this is the new hobby that I can make money but it's not a past approaching money it needs some effort and need to think about the designs. I hope it doesn't take time for me to get bored because this is my weakness. I hate this kind of attitude for being bored immediately and converting it into sleep. Hahaha
And also I am so thankful for my Mother who teaches me about crochet. When the time that my Sister has a project in School about Crochet I am also the one who always copy what they are doing and keep asking about my mother. Mother told me also that I am a fast learner about handmade than my sister.
My mother also teaches me about embroidery but I am sticking in the crochet because it does need to cut and cut the thread not like in embroidery that the special thread is too short.
I hope this inspiration will never be changed and my boredom will not arrive immediately so that I can make a lot of projects in crochet.
-November 16, 2021
Article 39
Wow that looks awesome I wish we stay in the same country I would have bought from you