My motivation to keep going 🚶‍♂️

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2 years ago

Good day to you all

How are you all doing today? Today is another day to do more! We have to keep the spirit high and going, we have to keep pushing harder and smarter. Even if everything seems blocked we can still pave a way to come out successful. Life is not a straightforward path. It comes with its ups and downs. Yet we still have to live our lives to the fullest and remember we all have our goals and target in life. Water that flows would never remain dirty, but remain clean because of its consistent movement. But that of the stagnant water to remain idle and would always remain dirty and colored because of its inability to move from one place to another. All I am trying to say is for us to keep moving and never remain still, the route may seem far but with the gradual movement, we would arrive at our destination.

For the past few days now I have been on the word prompt by Shadows publishing. And so for today too. I think I am finding word prompts these days more interesting to write on. Just as the world prompt said, “What motivates you when the world seems upside down?”

Image screenshot from my email.

Isn’t that an interesting thing to work on?. Maybe that's an additional reason why I started my article for today with motivation 😂. Though it’s always interesting and easy to give out motivational speeches at times when it comes to practicing them we find it much more difficult or we find ourselves in such a position it becomes tough and harder for the motivational speaker himself to carry on, maybe he already forgot about all his said words that kept people going.

There are lots of reasons for me to keep going and so do each of us have our reason to keep going even if the world seems to turn upside down we still believe we are going to get there. Life might have pushed us or kept pushing us so hard, throwing thorns at us, setting a rough path for us to move on, but yet we remain focused and consistent with our lives. Then there must be a reason behind it. To a man who has his own family, his children and wife at home awaiting him to arrive home so they can feed and also settle expenses. Most times when he feels like giving up and he remembers his children and wife at home depending on him then he would be left with no choice but to keep pushing even when it gets to the point of giving up. Its same thing to a child who was sent to school to study and he remembers how hard his parent had to struggle before they could pay his school fees and send him to school, even when the tough gets tougher then he has no option but to keep it going not to disappoint his parent and make then am happy and have them realize that their sacrifices were never in vain.

To me, if I were asked what motivates me even if the world seems upside down. I would say MY PARENTS, even if it turns out to be tougher I would keep on striving so I make them happy and proud to have me. I was a motivation to them when I was young and couldn’t do anything, when I knew nothing, they stood by my side, cared for me, made sure I became a better child from a good home and background. Even at the point of giving up, I knew they never did because of me. If they did I might not be the person I am today. So now they are getting older and it is time for them to depend on someone. I have no reason to disappoint them but to stand up and keep moving, keep pushing, till I get there. My parents are my motivation and I pray God helps me. I never want to be like that of a bird 🦅 which lays the egg and cared for the hatchlings 🐣 only for it to grow older and repay its kindness by flying away from its mother.

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To my Sponsors, readers, commenters, tippers, and upvotes maker. I am using this medium to say a big "THANK YOU" to you all. Without you my page is nothing. I appreciate you all. 


01:20 pm Tuesday, 11th January 2022.


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2 years ago


My parents have always been our constant support and the main reason why we want to achieve allbthe best things in life. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So your parents are your motivation. No doubt they have survived a lot just to see us happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What motivates me when I feel down and about to give up is, I will remember all the years I had spent, all the struggle I went through. So I'll say to myself all those times and struggles will not be in vain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When you explained why it's easy to give and received motivation but it's actually really hard to stay motivated it's really difficult to constantly be in charge and on the move and productive

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God bless you more for being a loving and responsible son to your parents, you're adorable.

$ 0.00
2 years ago