A Writer's Perspective: Usual Time of Writing

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2 years ago

A passion of mine is writing. Our abilities in it may vary from one another, but one thing remains the same: it is a means by which a person can express themselves and their opinions.

I have always enjoyed writing, especially about topics I like. Who else among here has the same passion when it comes to writing? Isn't it fulfilling when you finish writing one article in a day?

In spite of that fact, we find that writing has become second nature to us. Even though we might not strictly adhere to a schedule, there is always a certain point in the day when we have the impression that we are doing more. Because of this, when we write during these times, we have a tendency to become more dynamic and lively.

If you are paying attention, you may have noticed that I do most of my writing in the evening, specifically at this hour. Perhaps you're thinking about that question right now. Consequently, I shall respond to that. This is because, during this hour, my thoughts are racing at an incredible rate. Even though I'm feeling sleepy, my mind is constantly coming up with new ideas, and my fingers are typing the letters that will eventually form words, sentences, and paragraphs.

But here is a question: How to achieve consistency in writing?

Let us begin by giving it a definition. It refers to being consistent in the application of something, usually something that is required for the sake of reasoning, precision, or equality. But believe me when I say that it is hard to build consistency, primarily when you are used to doing something away from being consistent. But anyway, it is not impossible to attain it. Once you do, it is one of the best things anyone could ever achieve.

Anyway, when you're passionate about writing, your mind and spirit are constantly engaged in a battle of wills your hands. The pen is your weapon, and words that flow with desire and dedication are like daggers in the hands of your adversaries.

If writing is your love, you'll work as diligently as if your heart is set on it. For many of us, it is. You'll keep meticulous diaries, perform deep analysis of your stories, and master and adjust character development. So when you think you are not good enough, remember that every successful individual starts with small things as well.

If only for the sake of making the experience a bit more natural and writing in a voice or perspective that is at the same time unidentifiable and one that others, followers, grow to recognize. Since we have different timezones, people can read our posts anytime during their most relaxing time.

In order to achieve and maintain success, you must work hard and listen to good advice from others about how you should lead your life. As a result of living life to its fullest potential, you'll have an abundance of energy and a strong sense of self-worth. Having discovered a true passion and calling for yourself, you've done something that few people in this world manage to do.

Another post was finished, and I am glad you are still reading until this point, and for that, I commend you. Bear with me if you see errors. Anyway, you can always correct it by leaving a reply below. Since I think it is all good, that's it for now. Thank you!

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2 years ago


Pretty cool post on writing habits @McJulez. I wish I could get more motivated to write, I go into periods of time when I just don't have the ambition to write. I have plenty of friends that tell me I am a good writer, but I've never done it for a living and up until 7 years ago I didn't do too much writing. This post was obtained through https://staging.dreemport.com.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reading via Dreemport.. Nice.. Love seeing readcash articles in there.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I just learned about it (via noise.cash) a few days ago, and I thought of it as an effective tool for widening the scope and reach of articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful piece :) I have been writing daily on Hive since January first and I always enjoy doing so :) I think when we love what we do then it becomes natural and for some reason, I found writing to be one I enjoy so much although I'm still learning along the way.

I came here thru Dreemport by the way :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, that's great. I have just signed up there a day or two ago to widen the scope of my article and I am glad you appreciate it.

I also enjoy writing, and though my articles are far from being perfect, I am always open to comments and suggestions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's cool :) Welcome then :) I think nobody is perfect and we are all learning one way or the other :) All the best to you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm also writing at night, but I'm trying to adjust my schedule in the afternoon so I can rest and do anything I want at night without thinking about work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me, the best time for writing is around 2-3AM, as everyone's sleeping and the silence is giving me more ideas.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I haven't tried writing yet during that time range you've mentioned, but I might try it soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having passion on what you do increase all the things that you need like skills and abilities to do it better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keeping the flame of our passion burning is really good and it makes us become more productive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, passion for it will increase growth in our writing skills and we shall get better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It indeed increases our productivity, which will then improve our overall capacity and performance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Passion is a key factor when it comes to being consistent in your writing. If you're passionate, you'll definitely be consistent

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As they say, passionate people know how joyful it is to build consistency in the things they are passionate about.

$ 0.00
2 years ago