The greatest mysteries of the world

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3 years ago

The world is full of mysteries that scientists do not yet know how to explain, and I present some of them ...

The Bridge of Dog Deaths

The Overtun Bridge in the Scottish town of Dumbarton is also known as the "dog suicide bridge", and it earned this nickname thanks to black dog statistics. The bridge, which has stood 15 meters above the gorge since 1895, has witnessed the suicides of hundreds of dogs, who jumped from it as if in a trance.

The exact number is not known, but it is believed that between 300-600 dogs jumped from the Overtun Bridge. At least 50 of them died. Last year, the media reported that the dogs jumped from the same place on the right side of the bridge and that the dogs that jump are mostly breeds of long muzzles, such as German Shepherds and Scottish Terriers.

Why this happens is not yet known, but there are two leading theories. The first is that it is a paranormal phenomenon. And another theory is that dogs are attracted to the smell of weasels and other animals that live under the bridge, and do not realize that they will fall down.

Fossilized wild

This fossilized giant was found in Ireland in 1895. It is 3.6 meters high. It was discovered during the blasting of a nearby mountain. In addition to its size, the fact that it has six toes on each foot and hand is also astonishing.

Sliding stones

Sliding stones are a very interesting phenomenon. NASA cannot explain this phenomenon either. These are rocks that glide on the surface of a dried lake and leave a mark.

Stone doll

Found in July 1889 in Nampa, Idaho, this little stone doll saw the light of day while digging a well and then aroused the interest of scientists around the world. Undoubtedly made by human hands, it was found at a depth of 100 meters, which can be calculated that it was created long before man first appeared here.

A 300-million-year-old iron screw

In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists, who were searching for the remains of a meteorite 300,000 kilometers southwest of Moscow, found part of the rock, which contained an iron screw. Geologists estimate that the stone is 300-320 million years old.

At that time, not only were there no intelligent life forms on Earth, but there were no dinosaurs either. The screw, on which the head and the groove are clearly recognizable, is about one centimeter long and about three millimeters in diameter.

Giants in Nevada

The Indian legend of the 3.6-meter-tall red-haired giants who lived in this area before it was inhabited by the Indians was confirmed when in 1911, the mummified remains of a giant human jaw were discovered in a cave. In 1931, two skeletons were found in the lake bed, one of which was 2.8 meters high and the other 3.5 meters high.

Laladofi's plate

It is a 12,000-year-old stone vessel, discovered by Polish professor Sergei Loladof in Nepal. It seems that Egypt is not the only place visited by aliens in ancient times. A plate in the shape of a UFO is clearly visible on the plate, and there is also a creature that looks incredibly like a "little gray".

Despite the most modern technology, many of the world's strange ones are a real puzzle for the human race...

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Avatar for MarijaJak
3 years ago


I really love mysteries and love to explore, great topic,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As far as I remember I commented this post but I can't find my comment now. My comment is deleted or there is a similar post, I'm not sure?!?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This list is really great! There are many mysteries that we will never solve. Mysteries are always interesting, and we can talk about them a lot. For example how were the ancient Egyptians building the pyramides?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I wonder if there is any connection between the fossilized giant found in Ireland and the legend of the red-haired giants in the Nevada area? After all, both are or were 3.6 meters tall - which seems a very specific figure. And red hair is a rather common trait in Ireland...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja mislila da samo su mace tolko glupe da skaču u dublinu... A psi? zanimljivo

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ajd što su bili džinovi već su imali čitave vilice :D Danas je to retkost. Dobar tekst.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Članak je veoma poučan. Tek kada pročitamo tako neke stvari, shvatimo koliko u stvari ne znamo, ali možda je i bolje ne znati sve!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Da vam kazem iskreno bas sam zadovoljan sto sam se rodio i zivim u ovom veku, nikako ne bi voleo da zivim a mozda isam ziveo u to vreme, nekako mi strasno i bizarno samo kad gledam ove slike

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Prosto obozavam ovakve stvari. Jos od malena su me fascinirale misteriozne price i verujem da sam zahvaljujuci njima sebe razvio u analiticarskom pravcu koji uvek trazi odgovore

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I ja isto... Uvek me zainteresuje nesto sto nije uobicajeno, sto je misticno, sto nije mozda realno u prvi mah, kad postoji 1000 pitanja kako i zasto...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

da, iza svake takve stvari se krije racionalan odgovor samo ga treba naci

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Veoma zanimljiv clanak. Kako vreme prolazi tako se covecanstvo menja.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sa promenama dolaze i nova saznanja, a proslost uporedjujemo sa tim novim saznanjima...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

U meteoritu loza štafa....Sta sve nećemo čuti i hvala na tome!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are more mysterious things in this world that waiting to be discover. What in the past are really captivating us. We are more curious like a child we are aeger to see how they live before. Though a book age 1400 yrs ago has its explanation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Everything we have not experienced, and seen with our own eyes, is exciting and interesting to us ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very interesting post! Especially about stones.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, yes, stones is very interesting!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Zanimljivo, nesto je cak i bizarno

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Da, ima mnogo cudnih mesta, a bizaran je ovaj most, po meni!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ovo kamenje mi je bas strava :) Ima tu necega, neceg zanimljivog... :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I meni je to najvise intrigantno!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i meni, bas mi je zapalo :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sigurno je da postoje stvari koje covek ne moze , bar ne jos uvek da objasni. Zapravo, mislim da ljudki rod napreduje tako sto pokusava da objasni stvari koje su mu tog trenutka neobjasnjive.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Da, neke stvari su po svim osnovama nama neobjasnjive, kako nama laicima, tako i naucnicima... Ali verujem da za sve postoji odgovor, samo je pitanje kad cemo mi obicni ljudi saznati za to...

$ 0.00
3 years ago