Rasputin- his exciting life

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3 years ago

Grigorije Rasputin was born on January 10, 1869 in Siberia. Not much is known about his childhood. It is known that he had a sister Maria and a brother Dimitrije. His parents were farmers. Maria drowned in the lake due to an epileptic seizure, and Dimitrije was no better off. Playing with Grigorije by the lake, Dimitrije fell into the water and regardless of the fact that Rasputin immediately jumped to save him, a passer-by saved both of them from certain death. Dimitrije soon dies of pneumonia. The fact that he gave the names of his deceased sister and brother to his children shows how much trace these events left on him. Even in his early childhood, he expressed his passion for recognizing thieves and deceivers. Gregory was a controversial figure. Some considered him a healer, a holy man, and a psychic, while others accused him of conspiring against the Romans and aiding their king.

When he turned 18, Gregory stayed in the Verkoturje monastery for three months. His stay in the monastery turned him towards the life of a religious mystic. He is believed to have been associated with the banned Christian sect of Klisti. Doubts about his involvement in this sect followed him for the rest of his life. Tsar Nicholas II ordered the case to be investigated, but did not remove Rasputin from the court. On the contrary, he accused his interior minister of failing to control the press.

In 1889, Rasputin married Praskov Fyodorovna Dubrovin. In that marriage he had three children: Dmitri, Maria and Varvara. In 1901, he traveled to Greece and Jerusalem. Two years later he came to St. Petersburg, where he later became known as the ‘old man’ (holy man), prophet and healer. In 1905, the Empress asked for Raspucin's help. Her son Alexei was suffering from hemophilia and had been bleeding for days. The Empress heard of Rasputin's healing powers and decided to turn to him. It was believed that Raspucin healed with prayer. Skeptics have tried to refute Rapucin's claim, possessing powers of this kind, but nothing has ever been proven in their favor.

From his safe position, which was in favor of the empress, Raspucin was free to do what he wanted. However, his inappropriate behavior quickly damaged his reputation among the nobles.

This animosity also led to the assassination attempt that took place just before the beginning of the First World War.

When the war began, Rasputin continued to enjoy the favor of the royal family. As things went up in Russia, Rasputin and the Empress convinced Tsar Nicholas II that he should travel personally to the front line and command the army.

This decision eventually led to the revolution in Russia that gave birth to the Soviet Union.

During those years, without the influence of the emperor to stop them, members of the nobility began to conspire for another assassination. They were determined not to fail.

On the night of December 17, 1916, they took their step.

He may not have had nine lives, like a cat, but his enemies duly struggled as they killed him. Rasputin was invited to dinner with a nobleman. It is served with cyanide tea, in which the amount of poison was enough to kill five people. When it seemed to have no effect on him, his host shot him at close range. That was not enough for him to die either, and Raspucin fled. He reached the yard when he was shot once more and ushered inside. They thought the act was done, but when the body moved again, they shot him once more ... only this time, they shot him in the head.

After that, they tried to burn the body ...

According to the legend, Rasputin's body tried to sit after they lit a fire. Needless to say, the observers were horrified. However, what happened is completely normal. When exposed to flames, tendons are tense and then relax. Tendons are cut before cremation for that very reason.

Near St. Petersburg, in the famous Imperial Village, lives ethnologist Fyodor Morozov, who talks about how the mysteries outlived Rasputin. He states that he tried several times to photograph the place where this mystic was originally buried, however, for some reason unknown to him, not a single photograph was able to develop. He also tells about other mysterious events related to the former man of the Romanov dynasty, even 9 decades after his death.


Rasputin often whipped himself to blood, all for the sake of "cleansing" his sins, and he imposed that on other followers as well. And in this way, he imposed some other cruel methods of purification of sins on 'sinners'.

And the sinners who asked him to convert them to the "true faith" and who wanted "purification", had a special method: real love violence, which often turned into real orgies until dawn. Many of these "novices" have long, and some for life, bore traces of Rasputin's treatment of them.

That this is not a fabrication is best confirmed by the numerous diaries of members of the nobility who were its "novices", and often wrote about all this with enthusiasm. Even parts of the diaries of many noblewomen at the imperial court abound in these descriptions. Apparently, this was, in part, the reason for Rasputin's great influence on the nobility - and especially on noblewomen. It was noted that hundreds of his followers came before his hermitage and that for many that alone was enough to heal and purify them.

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3 years ago


I did not know much about Gligorije before this one. Good post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala na ovom lijepom članku! Bio mi je užitak čitati!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Drago mi je da Vam se svideo! Bas sam srecna zbog pogodjene teme...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Rasputinovo ime je poznal širni svet že za časa njegovega življenja. Znani »starec« je po priljubljenosti prekosil mnoge znamenite ruske zgodovinske osebnosti, začenši od carja Nikolaja II. pa vse do sovjetskega znanstvenika Sergeja Koroljova. Po priljubljenosti mu morda konkurira samo še Gagarin.

Grigoriju Rasputinu niso postavljali spomenikov, so pa po njem poimenovali premnoge restavracije, bare, klube in pijače. Najpogosteje objekte z Rasputinovim imenom odpirajo ruski emigranti, ker je njegovo ime v tujini pogosta asociacija v zvezi z Rusijo. Tudi v svetu filma je po številu uprizoritev Rasputin rekorder med osebnostmi iz ruske zgodovine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala Teji za iscrpni komentar! Kao I uvek od tebe... pozdrav!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

prvi put čula i prečitala sa uzitkom.Hvala sto si podjelila.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nema na cemu, bas mi je drago sto ti se dopao post!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hahve heard about the Rasputin before, but I did not know much about him, his life was very mysterious. Thank you for sharing all those information with us. I really love ot rtead biographies of various people.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Through the biographies of other people, we get acquainted with the way of life they led, with the habits, characteristics of these personalities in the time they lived ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

NIkad nisam toliko pročitao o ovom m?sterioznom čoveku kao sad. Hvala na opsežnim informacijama. Ove dosije - X stvari su uvek tema i za obične ljude, naučnike, svakoga..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Teme koje uvek zagolicaju mastu, zaintrigiraju... Ja obozavam da citam o ljudima, mestima, stvarima koji nisu uobicajeni...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ovo nisam znala,zaista zanimljiva ruska istorija.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Jeste interesantna, bar nama za citanje, a kako li je njima bilo u tom periodu, to je vec pitanje...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Zašto na svim slikama nalikuje na Isusa?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Uh, pa ne bih znala da odgovorim... Ali dok sam trazila slike, videla sam dosta slika na kojima ima neke slicnosti u izgledu...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

furao se na C.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Raspućin kao da je prorekao nasilje i haos revolucije i boljševičkog terora kada je rekao "Bez mene sve će da se sruši".

Takođe je predvideo i svoje ubistvo, u pismu caru Nikolaju II. Ako ga izvrše plemići, upozorio je, to će onda srušiti i monarhiju.

Komunisti su ubili carsku porodicu Romanov 1918. godine.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Prema pričama istoričara, predvideo je sopstvenu smrt, pad carske Rusije, Sovjetskog saveza čak i nuklearnu nesreću u Černobilju

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Preteca modernih gurua, lajf koceva i ostalih budalastina, savrsen primer i dokaz kako takvi umobolnici mogu napraviti ogromnu stetu

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bas tako! Covek normalan samo da se cudi I da se nada da ostane zdravog razuma!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

У близини Санкт Петербурга, у чувеном Царском селу, живи етнолог Фјодор Морозов, који говори о томе како су мистерије наџивеле Распутина. Наводи да је неколико пута покушао да фотографише место где је овај мистик првобитно сахрањен, међутим, из њему непознатог разлога, ниједна фотографија није успела да се развије. Такође говори о другим мистериозним догађајима везаним за бившег човека из династије Романов, чак 9 деценија након његове смрти. Postoji neka visa sila...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mozda postoji neka visa sila, a mozda i ne bi trebalo daa verujemo u sve sto procitamo...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Krajnje kontraverzna licnost. Mnogi smatraju da je on mnogo doprineo propasti carske porodice u Rusiji.

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3 years ago

Pa verovatno I jeste...

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3 years ago