There are different crypto-blogging sites where you can earn free crypto by just writing and express your opinion through writing such as, Publish0x, HIVE and etcetera. However, there are also writers who always disappointed on the result of their works because of different aspects.
As a writer, we should consider a lot of things before you write and after you write your piece of work. One of it is your niche, the way you attract and encourage your audiences to read your work and many more that we already discussed before.
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In the end of this article, you will encounter the following:
Relying on the tips that you will receive.
Don't expect too much, it is what it is.
Trust yourself is like trusting your work.
Do your own research.
Relying on the tips that you will receive is one of the best crypto-blogging site that I encountered, in fact, it is the first site that I used to write blogs. It also introduced me to different crypto-enthusiast and learned a lot about cryptocurrency including Bitcoin cash. This platform have an AI robot named @TheRandomRewarder where it gives tips that is worth of Bitcoin cash. In addition, there is also a generous guy in who always give huge amount of Bitcoin cash and he is known for this kind of act, none other than MarcDemesel.
Sadly, because of being desperate, some users are relying on the tips that they will receive on their article and always mention the legendary tipper because they are hoping that he will tip it. Don't get me wrong, mentioning him is not a problem but what I meant is they are exaggerating the facts because of desperation.
Sorry for the term, truth hurts. I don't want to be hypocrite but I also expect his tip before on my article but now I only write because I mean it. Learn from your mistake!
My point is, write because it is your passion, write because you mean it. Don't rely on the tips that you will receive, don't expect so you can avoid disappointment.
Don't expect too much, it is what it is
Each one of us have a passion and it includes passion in writing. Honestly, writing is not my passion because I can't write and express what I want to say through writing fluently but because of, I overcome it. I am not saying that my works are good, but I can feel the improvement on my work.
At first, it is normal that you are having a hard time to construct a single paragraph but all you need to do is to continue. Don't expect too much on your first content especially if writing is not your passion, it's hard to be disappointed. Nevertheless you will learn day-by-day. You will overcome it soon and you will learn how to write with passion.
Trust yourself is like trusting your work
As what we have said, don't expect too much but you only need to trust yourself. You will have a hard time in your first try but as the time goes by, you will learn how to accept your work. Learn to trust yourself, once you learned it, it is like trusting your work.
As a writer, you should know how to trust your work because you are the first one that will do it. Don't call your work as “nonsense” because seriously? It is your work! If you will be ashamed on it, you shouldn't be hurt when your readers said that it is nonsense because you are the first one who called it like that.
Be proud on what you have done especially if you know that your content is based on facts and not more on FUD or hoaxes.
Do your own research
We always hear this one in every corner of crypto-space, “do your own research” but it is also related to blogging and writing. If you are writing about a controversial topic, researching is a must! You need to state the facts and not rumors make sure that your sources is from the official website and trusted platforms not a fake one because you will be in trouble once you write a fake news.
It can be the roots of trusting yourself, if you know that your sources are based on facts, you will be confident on your work. Also, if you spread FUD and continue to write without researching, it will cause misunderstanding and it is possible that you will receive negative and harmful feedbacks—if that's the case, you may be disappointed on yourself and of course, on your work.
At first, it is normal that you will ve disappointed on your works especially if it is your first time but the first thing to do is to do your own research, trust yourself, write it because you mean it. You don't need to depend the worth of your work on the tips that you will receive. It is hard to gain viewers in the beginning but you will receive what you want with the help of your hard work, patience and perseverance.
In the end, the outcome always depend on yourself especially to your actions.
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Published: June 24, 2021
I've been blogging (or attempting to blog) since 2011. I was new to the Internet and the online world back then and I heard that all these people were blogging. First I thought: “What's blogging?” My second thought, without even knowing what it was: “Oh! I can't do that! I mean … don't you have to be qualified or have some kind of blogging skills??”
I would have never started if my daughter had not told me that it wasn't that hard! Since she said that I thought: “OK! Where do I start?” Research instantly disclosed that it was easy start blogging because there are a lot of FREE blogging platforms out there. So I say to myself: 'So what if I get disappointed. It's free!! I'll just keep trying until I no longer disappoint myself.'
From 2011 to 2020: Persistence and Perseverance brought me to Read.Cash. Can't you just hear the chorus behind me singing Hallelujah?!! LOL. 😊
All because I DECIDED not to become DISCOURAGED and DISAPPOINTED.