We discussed a lot of topics about tips on blogging that you should know and things that you need to know before making a blog, but we haven’t look on the possible hindrances that the writer will encounter before and during writing a content.
Fortunately, in this article we will discuss writer’s block and how can we fight and it. These past two days, I didn’t manage to write a new content because of the writer’s block, I can’t think of a topic, there’s a lot of stuffs on my plate—specifically schoolwork, and lastly, laziness. Since I experienced it, let’s talk about writer’s block.
What is writer’s block?
According to Wikipedia, writer’s block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author is unable to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. This creative stall is not a result of commitment problems or the lack of writing skills.
Some people will think that it’s hard to resolve it—which is somehow, it’s true, but it can also be resolved if we will manage our time and control ourselves to mitigate the writer’s block.
Go outside and take the fresh air
This things is rarely do by the writers or even a normal person, buy this can really solve your problem with regards to writer's block and it can help you as a writer to clear your mind.
According to MindOrgUK, spending time in green space bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical well-being.
Source: Mind.org.uk
This really explains that going around your house can help you to have a peace of mind. Who knows that you can think a topic while doing some extracurricular activities from outside, right? Start going your backyard and feel the fresh air!
Read books or other’s work
If you are really a writer, reading a book or any other content is a good hobby as it can enhance your vocabulary, your knowledge and discover new things. It can also help you to think a new topic that something related on the topic that you have read. Reading book has a lot of benefit and in my opinion, it has no disadvantage.
Additional tip: Did you know that one of the technique of famous bloggers are reading the content of other person and if they found out that there are something missing, they will write a new content related to the topic the they have read and put the information that they want to be added and things that will complete the content!
Talk to your friends and relatives
When you are a writer, most of the time you are focusing on how you can improve your content and ended up in experiencing writer’s block. They always forget socializing to their friends and relatives which can help you to resolve it…
…maybe you can think of a topic on the middle of your conversation *avoid gossips* Just kidding!
Rest and Sleep
Most of the people always forget the importance of resting, everyone deserves a rest especially if you feel that you did a great job.
When you are writing and experience the writer’s blog on the middle of writing your content, don’t force yourself to finish it as you may ended up in an unpleasant ending and lead to a fail content. Try to rest and sleep if necessary so you can think and clear your mind.
Do your hobbies
As a writer, you shouldn’t forget your hobbies and do it often so you can still enjoy your life as a writer. Doing your hobbies can make your brain relax and help you to think a topic that is interesting and will be one of the best articles in blogging industry. It can help you not only to your mind but also physically.
Stop aiming for a PERFECT content
Aiming for a highest and almost perfect content can lead you to a fail work. In writing, it’s important that you did your best not because you pressured yourself but because you did what you can do.
If you let yourself and emotion to aim for the thing that you can’t easily achieve, then do what you can only do so you can avoid the writer’s block.
Some people can’t continue their work because they are thinking that there is still the best that can improve their it and their works are not enough to be published. Always remember that Aim high but achievable.
There’s a lot of things that you can do to solve and fight the writer’s block. All you need to do is to choose what suits you. You also need to trust yourself and don’t let your laziness control you so you can always write your thoughts and avoid the blocks on your writing career.
thanks, the advice really hits me. I've been in writer's block for 3 months😆😅. I do have draft articles tho but couldn't finish a single thing, this article is perfect. Perfect to point out my problems