Participate in the Quidax token "vault" for free wakanda Inu tokens

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago

Wakanda Inu token is another meme token out of the many that has broken records by growing by 7x in the past week and moving up to over 300% in the last 24 hours hence raising world wide interest in this digital anomaly. This meme coin has since been listed on several exchanges including coinmarketcap for curious minds to get more information on the project. Shit coins have been all over the place for quite sometime and increased in popularity especially with the increase in unemployment rate since the covid-19 lockdown rendered so many jobless, hence many a people including crypto newbies have adapted the trend of buying shitcoins as soon as they are launched with the hope of high profitability within a short time frame. Wakanda Inu token is one of these memecoins that has gained popularity within a short period from its launch and seems to be doing well in the market.

Wakanda Inu price chart

Image source

What is Quidax?

Quidax is a polular cryptocurrency exchange platform registered in Malta (one of the few countries open to cryptocurrencies and establishing a regulatory framework), launched on the 1st of August 2018, and allows users to buy, sell, swap and store cryptocurrencies similar to other popular exchange platforms.

Image source

Some of the features of Quidax are;

I only intend to do a quick overview hence you can click here for more information on Quidax and it's mode of operation; or consult other sources on the internet for further reading.

Free Wakanda tokens from Quidax

Quidax has promised to give out wakanda Inu tokens for free for the next seven days until a total of 200 Billion Wakanda Inu tokens have been distributed with the very simple requirement of staking a minimum of 500 QDX in the Quidax vault for the 7 day a1rdrop period. It should be noted that unstaking the QDX before the 7 day a1rdrop period is over means you will stop getting free tokens.

How to stake QDX

  • Buy atleast 500 QDX; this can be done by simply sending some amount of USDT to Your Quidax USDT address and swapping it for Quidax token

  • Lock it in the Quidax vault; the vault button is located under the receive button in the Quidax wallet as shown in below screenshot;

Image Source

  • Wait for your daily airdrop; you'd get free Wakanda tokens everyday until the 7-day a1rdrop period is over. The amount to be distributed per user is unknown and may simply be distributed randomly as I am totally unaware of the distribution pattern.

"Disclaimer; I'm not advertising the platform Quidax, neither is this a form of financial advise. I am simply writing this to make the information publicly known as information should be free. I participated in this campaign with a very negligible amount that I can afford to lose in a bid to see if the platform is able to meet up with its promise after the seven day Quidax token "vault" campaign".

As seen in below screenshot, I have locked (staked) a total of 736 QDX which is about 30 USD; a very insignificant amount of money for the purpose of testing the system, and will write about the outcome whether I receive the a1rdrop after my initial 24 hour period or not....

736 QDX staked in Quidax vault

Click here for the official announcement from Quidax Blog

Learn everything about the Quidax Vault Here

$ 4.50
$ 4.18 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @Lovelyfaith
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
+ 6
Sponsors of Kristofferquincy
Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago


Nice, I will give it a try too, I hope things turn out well too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is good that you are letting us to know about the platform, it's quite a piece of information. I will check quidax out. Later!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope it's a legit one. Sounds good to me that token I mean. But no to something likw this for a while for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All the best on this Kris :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Best of luck on your stake, Kris. As much I would love to trade now, no extra yet but hopefully soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I understand; your finances will get better soon.. don't be bothered.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've seen this ads on quidax vault somewhere but didn't put in more seriousness to check in details. Well you've explained well. I want to ask, what's the minimum amount(usd) to stake or any amount is welcomed?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The minimum as mentioned in the article is 500 QDX; that should be about $20 give or take..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Did you receive it via mail? Cause they didn't send me anything like this, or when did receive it ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I bought $30 worth of wakanda inu coin and it's gradually increasing though I'm not putting much hope on it. Shitcoins are meant to just make profit quickly and go out.
This deal by Quidax looks like a win-win situation. You still have what you buy in your wallet and at the same time you stand a chance of winning WKD. A question please, is it random or for all that stakes QDX?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's for all that stakes QDX during the seven day a1rdrop period; today is a1rdrop day 2, five days to go.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also bought 30$ worth of wakanda Inu coin though I don't have any idea concerning it, my friend advised me to get it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I got $30 too. When did you get yours ? I mean which day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago