Figure out your ultimate vision which dosent have to be that concrete and down to every last percentage, you just need to understand where you want to go and then literally break it up into what must done daily. How has these visions helped in your day to day lives and what have you improved on these couple of months?
Take for example you could do two things you could go to the gym tomorrow and you have the most intense work outs ever like 3hiurs straight and after that you're going feel fatigued and you're going to feel like you just killed it and that you did an amazing job which obviously anyone who sees you knows you did but is that going to push you closer to where you actually want to go. If you're working out it's very likely that the goal was to build muscle and strength and gain physique but let's be serious here you jistvdoing one intense sport every week wouldn't get you anywhere close to it, the thing that will bring forth good results is going to the gym consistently over some set period of time so as opposed to one or two days of going super hard if spread into multiple days you should see a lot of improvement compared to the latter.
I think this is what hurts a lot of people even when they go with the process,of starting anything whether online or a blog or any other thing and you set a, goal of achieving a 100k in a month or some thing even more but you'll be choked up with work that you wouldn't be able to achieve that. I was always someone that sees so many authors and falls in love with books immediately but I was never consistent with it and you'd see me flip through the first 20 pages then I'm done and it's been like this for a while now.. But what I should have done is set a goal and not pressurize myself so much to read as many books but try to cover one.. So i shifted my goal and I started loving some amazing books..
Changing the smallest things into a daily discipline help to get you through a lot.. this happens in every area of your life, stop overthinking and Overcomplicating success or your success story... stop adding and adding to the goal because of the people you watch daily then you stress the brain cause it can't process all at once, but the focus should be "what can I do today that will push me closer to that goal?" then daily repeat the same and as it continues you become open to more initiative as to the how's? and the Why's?.
Relating all this to being an author on readcash, so let me give you an example of what this implies here...So if you're just getting started that dialy discipline would be testing each day, testing each area of creative's, testing what kind of genre are you, and testing your mind to accept the outcome.. You must know that there are no shortcut to any thing in life and if you want to be better set the goal.
When you set the goal as to what kind of earning you want to get every month do not focus on any tiny efforts of what it would take to get there but focus on the daily guide that will get you there without problems.. Figure out the way to test several methods to figure out what helps better, study writers entrepreneurs, fashion icons then when you get the perfect idea go for it..
Then lastly take off that perfectionist life style, when you test and fail you would want to kill yourself, but when your mindset is to set so many networks everything gets better with each trial.. everyone's got their dseites so please don't choose a complicated route to it because at end of it all someone else will take that idea and get there before you do...
Thank you for reading, be willing to be the best player... are you ready player one?"
thank you amazing sponsors, If you renewed recently thank you so much..
/November 2021/
Everything is just about being focus on what we want to achieve. Acronym of focus goes thus... follow one course untill you succeed.
You're doing this, you're doing that , you're not focus on the particular thing you want , and eventually you did not get the result you want in both aspect, why not leave one and place your target in just one? Just like you said.
There's is huge difference when you pull two wheel at a time, than when you pull a wheel with your two hands, the difference will be crystal clear. Being successful is not how hard you work, but how are able to use your sense, majority of people are doing like 3 to 4 jobs just to earn a living? I said woooot !!!! , It's true, and they are still poor. Success don't work that way, we are getting things too complicated for ourselves all in the name of hardwork..... We have to take it easy with ourselves, focus on one thing, that will even give us rest of mind, believe me , you'll beat the target sooner or later.