The Manifestation Of Everything You Have
Mathematically speaking I was getting less of what I should get within a time frame but I said this is the moment and I’m going to hit this anyways regardless of the outcome..and so you know what I did, I decided to aim higher, I decided to not only expand on my goal but expand upon it by a factor of 1000, this is be multiplying everything I put forward and this was high but I had made up my mind to climb that mountain.. At that time that mountain seem high to me and standing at the feet of that mountain, I remember thinking “ there was no way I could ever get up there, are you freaking crazy?” But maybe if I take it one step at the time and get a little bit closer each day, I might surprise myself..
“Now what where these goals?” The possibility of doing great in anything I did do was to set an intention, I planned for it because it was a dream I had which became my reality.. it may seem like this wasn’t a perfect approach for me but as long as you can get close you will surely get there in no time. Sometimes manifestation might not even be getting what you think you want but a matter of getting what you actually want.. I had thought of putting my place in a position where I can make money and growing as a person, so when I came close to this based on the things I’ve been saying I know I had reached some where.
Manifestation is real and there’s nothing to convince me other wise because I have loved it and experienced it myself, as you grow you begin to manifest everything in your life and you appreciate the process and prepress more..You manifested your apartment, your yeses of existence and maybe you did this within a time space, you can change your life when you work hard till you achieve your goal and that’s keeping you where you’re now..
Lets take a step back, when you burned timed, when you studied hard, when you made an inspired action.. the major thing you did was to set your intention and what you want out of life and as you get to know several other things that sustains those goals, you’d realize that what you’ve accomplished was achievable and you can as well with that same dedication achieve something greater..
My imagination was, “ why couldn’t I just take a nap and see so many occurrence based on what I am doing presently or what I’ve done in the past..” we’ve been sober about the level of our manifestation, stopped believing in what we can achieve and strength and patience lost. A lot of things are already changing in 2022, the year started great and I know you feel the same way I do.. what I’m saying is that, this is the year to understand the main reason why you and I do what we do and does it make meaning..
“What do have to do to make sure you manifest these things?”
The most important and the first on this list too is prayer and constant commitment.. There’s absolutely nothing too hard for God to do but when it’s the right time; trust him, call upon his name in the midst of confusion and listen when he speaks.. every move and every careful study always make sure you add him first..
The second thing just like I made mention, be ready to swapped through plans.. make as many detailed plan as possible, if one of them don’t manifest the next one will.. when you don’t see any progress, drift into the next and so is the next after that it keeps going till you have gotten there.. you will get noticed instantly because you’ve worked secretly to make and build all of that, you shall be celebrated when manifestation occurs..
Gratitude; a special heart like no other, the more you appreciate the factors that led to that you open more doors to greater achievements.. there’s no way you live in this world and you have manifested anything even if you where able to buy clothes and accessories, that counts.
I will stop here for now, I will dive into it more and more till this list is fully completed.. thank you for reading and showing your support..
Lead image source by Oprah dialy
January 15th, 2022
we are all what we thought ourselves to be. It is always said: wether's you think you can do it or not, you are right either ways. We should always reflect positivity and its definitely going to manifest in our lives. ☺