The clock is a snitch my friend

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Avatar for King_Gozie
3 years ago

If you're not conscious of how good your time is you'll always forget how bad you are. So my fight isn't to make you scared, your flesh alone is bold enough for this mission.

My biggest weapon is making you forget distractions that keeps you away from being consistent.

Check your timing before you check out, the test is always in the attempts but the results are in the follow-up, the constant return to its importance.

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Sometimes being patient in the waiting room makes us miss out on what the outside means, we're always in the waiting room all our lives. Be far more strategic, make your heart beat for things that matter not in any way vanity or success on a platter.

If you can't snatch the moment then somebody else will snatch the desire from you, it's how it works. God makes no mistakes in putting you at that stage of your life, but if you blatantly neglect with deep intentions of thinking about it as 'an opportunity that will have its flaws so it's not for you' you might eventually loose it.

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I want to try to help you remember, you'd never fall if you had the strength or weight built at the fore front of your thoughts.

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Every design cannot be assumed or over-emphasized as a broken design, it was a plan that was an evidence of divine selection. So in every opportunity right in front of you grab it, it was orchestrated for you to be right there in that position.

You make a bad move sometimes and your fate is flame for a while and you separate yourself, just because you seem to be the perfect fit for the job it somehow slips into your palms again.

Erase certain faults from your heart, some of you who had been seen all through your life's journey as somebody who cannot make it have to somehow find Joy in God and smile like you still got it forgetting what it may seem from the onset.

Because God could resurrect mercies anew every morning when everything is said and done, he will always be there for you in times of need.

People tend to look out for themselves all the time with the fear of flying, always afraid of the next wave but we always forget there's always something or someone better waiting on the next flight to that same destination. You don't learn that opportunities are like fire flies, you will never hold one if you try to hold them all.

When we become too contained

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trying to present ourselves it takes so long to find ourselves, the skill we humans need to accomplish is the Force of time.

Whatsoever position your feel is much more bigger than you, you really do have so much to give than your excuses. Flying off track is actually not that hard staying is.

"A little motivation from a story about my uncle how God gave a word about his ministry and had given him directions to be at a place at a time of ministration of another pastor from a different chruch. He had to obey God even though he wasn't even ready as at that time but God kept telling him to go, he went and on getting there he wasn't allowed in to see the pastor.

He stayed back, waited for a long time prayed through out the program for a sign. This was a well know pastor along with his ministry. He had this feeling that God wouldn't want him to leave just like that without an encounter.

Finally he met with this Pastor and that was when his own ministry started."

The clock tells you it's time but don't you think its way past time, what you need to do is:

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"when thousands take a step back because they saw an obstacle you took a step forward because you saw an opportunity"

Wide as the sky

Shooting for the limitless

An interview with success

Connect with the community

Be your favourite self

Have you been blocked?

Thank you for your time.

Thank you @QueenRay for checking up on me, God bless you.

Bye for now

|26 July 2021|

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Avatar for King_Gozie
3 years ago


Spending our time in the waiting room without doing anything will not change anything for us. We must also be up to grab opportunities around us. When God is busy doing His own, let us also not sit idle and expect miracle to Happen.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Yes it wouldn't, there are times when we need to grab an opportunity...thank you for the wonderful contribution.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The story at the end explains the timing of God, he obeyed and stayed at the place God planned for an encounter. Gods word cannot return back to him void.

Most of the time it's just a simple mistake it take to swift us away from opportunities, I equally didn't listen one time and I missed out on a trip.

God bless you for really going in depth on timing .

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Time as they say wait for no one. So, we should not be in a hurry butt try as much as we can to wait because with hurrying many have gone to their grave.

Patience wins it all.

Many have been tagged as those who cannot make it but there every indications that one can make it when you applied wisdom and hardworking. Wee should never for once jump over the words of God as he alone has his own way of doing it and making it possible.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Thank you so much for stopping by, I love where you wrote through 'wisdom and hard work' in all we do that is the most application. And with God it's all possible...

God bless you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love your point here ❤️ Godbless gozie 🙏🏻

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Thank you for reading, God bless you too ❣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We always say we don't have enough time but it takes time management. We should practice how do things and when do to things. We should be more organized

It does take patience for things to happen and we should not rush into them for sometimes the best things are those what we have waited for so long to happen and be achieved.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

'Times management, organisation and patience'....important factors. I appreciate these contribution a lot. The other side of possibilities that can occur from being patient. Thank you friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We must not hastily take wrong steps. Neither should we give up. We have a father in God, who is ever ready to make everything come to pass at his own appointed time.

Once an opportunity comes, we should allow it meet us in the waiting room.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Thank you Queen, he is ever ready to bring our request to pass.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. You need to take one step even there is an obstacle still take one more step. Don't give up. God is always there to guide us no matter what happens. Don't be afraid and lose hope but always take one more step..

God bless you Gozie...🙏❤️

$ 0.10
3 years ago

I loved this, if one step doesn't take us there, take another...God bless you for always reading and dropping life changing words ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes Gozie.. take and take one more step.. you're always welcome Gozie...❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Every design cannot be assumed or over-emphasized as a broken design, it was a plan that was an evidence of divine selection.

this is a good one. What we have now is planned. It was no accident. Take one step forward always.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Indeed every thing was structured for us, but if we don't dive in we miss out, a good lesson to everybody. I appreciate this contribution, thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

which reminds me of some line , . . it goes something like you cannot just dip your toes in the water you have to get in it... sorry im probably not making sense hahaha .. but something to that effect.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Yes it does make sense, start slowly and boom you're in, it just takes small little steps...thanks this is deep

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Timing is really important. I believe that everything has its own perfect time. However, we should also learn how to grab opportunities that will come in our way.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Thank you, so many wise words in between your comment...everything has its timing really....have a wonderful day

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree timing is really everything... If you see the opportunity go grab it and stop procrastinating. Have a good day king!

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Have a good day too Elyz thanks. Thank you for stopping by.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Most times we become so patient that we end up missing the goal... We must make sure that while we are in the waiting room that we are not in the wrong room because that is where the problem starts.

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Exactly, 'waiting room could be the wrong room' beautiful. By just staying there could hinder every opportunity and we miss out most times. Thank you sir

$ 0.00
3 years ago