“Happiness Is Going From Failure To Failure Without Loosing Enthusiasm”

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Avatar for King_Gozie
3 years ago

Facing failures we loose the will to keep trying, then when a message says start over that even adds salt to the open wound... it's very human to do that but let me tell you something excellent itself is not normal, so if you want the best out of life you can't do what's just normal coz unfortunately it will win over you like literally jump past you..

A lot of people are desperate and you can tell from their reaction to certain things of life. Look at failures eye to eye and stand up for yourself as a man or a woman. Think logically if you're ready to take full control of what's happening sacrifices have to be made and the more realize that you become wiser, smarter and listen more...

Look at your life first and then come to a realization that it's going to be very tough and so that's why you can't spend all day talking to the walls coz nobody is going to hear that. We have a lot of things right in front of us and we don't understand the concept of why we keep on re-doing the same process without success. Then all of a sudden you grasp the idea and start taking things as a stepping stone to another level and from that as well to the next level of success..

What if I told you that you've got to go to God, you're looking for an easy way out but do you really know what people are going through or have been through... the sleepless night, the prayers, the energy and time dedicated to fully make something come alive... You have to restore patience, if you realize what they've been through you will see that you haven’t done 1 percent of what they all did..

So you have to realize that what you're going through in this season of want and lack or some thing even worse than that, Is going to make you watchful and observant.. So understand this coz you'll get to a place where you have to find peace within yourself... Put on the will and tap into those things and put your body on a full motion and the next is to max out on those little areas...

“Do you really want happiness?” This should ring at you daily, you can’t do this by accepting the little failures… In as much as this is one things you need to handle, take a look at what you intend to achieve if it’s worth putting in full attention you know how to create a good strategy to it… I pray for everyone still believing God for one thing or the other, God will bring them to manifestation and you’ll be among the first testifiers in 2022… coz when you looked back of how you did it, you will be happy with your self…

This was intended to be short… thank you for reading through.. this was really to encourage you not to give up or keep hurting… look on the brighter side and that’s always the winning side.. Love you all.

November 2021

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Avatar for King_Gozie
3 years ago


Great article, you are such an inspiring person and I am honored to read this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for always coming through..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are welcome bro :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True, believing and reading the Bible words is the best way to get full on yourself. Happiness is all over the world, you can get that if you have a positive vibe, failure isn't the end of the fight. We should learn of that, in that way all the success we had it should be more happier and happier if you are look in the failure you had before.

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Very true about success, for every fight we are much more closer to it.. so we must not give up because we know what’s at the other end of the tunnel… thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahhh this is a very nice article coming from you friend,, true to life. We all have failures and if we accept being failed then we could have the courage to start again, once we fail we already know what to do and what to avoid. It is part of growing. As they say TRY AND TRY UNTIL YOU SUCCEED. So when we fail it doesn't mean that we should stop there but we should keep moving forward. Life goes on and on. Every failure has its own lesson.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That’s right and I appreciate this comment… it’s true that we fail it shouldn’t stop us from restarting or coming back at it stronger.. I do hope a lot gets this and work on themselves to be better..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I manifest for more success and happiness. I do have a lot of failures too, but I'm trying to think positively. It's kind of hard, but trying :)

$ 0.02
3 years ago

I’m sure you’ll go through with this phase… I do wish you success even as you try to walk this process… take care Ling

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Happiness is accepting failures and making them as a lesson and motivation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very true… they sure serve as a motivation to be better…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A failure should be a new opportunity to achieve and achieve success, that nothing discourages us and that everything drives us to be better. A hug friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you friend… and you really explained it all… new opportunities will always arise so we shouldn’t dwell on the past performance…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It doesn't mean that it is the end of your journey when you fail because FAIL only means that it was your "First Attempt In Learning". Having said that, let's just keep going and don't ever give up. Let's accept our failures and learn something out of them, so we can have some ideas of what to do next to lead your life to success in your next attempt.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Very true we must never give up and that’s just a way to get better and better.. thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We should never forget the happiness in our life. As what they always said life is too short to forget happiness. God is there!🤗

$ 0.06
3 years ago

Exactly God bless you dear… this should be at the back of our minds to keep pushing through and all will fall in place..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes king! Thank you for this reminder🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For me, success is failure turned inside out to yields success. When we fail and keep up with the chase without giving up, it will make room for a better and a well assured future for us

$ 0.04
3 years ago

I’m going to save your definition and quote… that hits deep.. our future lost importantly is what we work for now and I’m sure it will get better… thank you dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right, to be happy doesn't mean we won't face circumstances, but for us to be able to overcome them and still won't break.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Yes surely it will be tough but our happiness is when we stay right there and get that success… not that you aren’t happy but fulfillment

$ 0.00
3 years ago

never to stop trying and look forward to a better tomorrow, winners are loser who didn't stop trying, KIng ou have done justice to this one again, I kingly greet you candidly lol

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you Candy Ebiz… exactly tomorrow will be better..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ahahahah, Candy Ebiz? , you are funny

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love the place you pointed about going to find and hoping to find it easy with just one prayer of dedication. It's a process and it takes and enduring one. Expecting the breakthrough to come via once prayer is somehow hard, if you pray or dedicate once and it didn't Happen, you are to continue. That's the process, God did not ingnored you, it's a process

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Exactly it’s not as if we have been neglected and I actually went through this same thoughts this year and I was like God had left me all by myself but I began to understand I even trusted more… so we must keep our faith solid even as we strive to be better

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is a saying “ he who isn’t ready to fail isn’t ready to find true knowledge or happiness@

So sometimes failure is part of the lessons

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said brother.. I love this quote.. it’s a learning process to see the possibilities of anything and come back to it..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Next year will be better than this year by God's grace. I'll be the first testifier. Amen

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amen!! Surely going to testify as well.. God has been good and still doing good

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes oh, bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm... I first read this years ago... You made me nostalgic by just writing that... Next you had a well thought out writing to buttress your point... Then the touch of religion too show a bit of what you believe... Really really nice...

$ 0.04
3 years ago

Thank you… I appreciate you coming through…

$ 0.00
3 years ago