My 2021 Crochet Journey

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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago

02, January 2022

Time check: 12:42 pm

My crochet Journey in year 2021 is much better than that of year 2020 but not a good one compared to the previous years before the pandemic strikes.

My hobby is crochet and later on in my crochet journey, it becomes a source of extra income. I crochet whatever I want and whenever I feels like crocheting, which is almost every day.

So as not to stock up with plenty of finished crochet projects, I personally organized bazaars and invited crafters to join in. I created the Craft Collective Cebu group and made a FB page for these crafters. It is there I made a survey of who wants to join a craft bazaar. When I have 16 members who registered to join I will then set a schedule with my favorite mall, Parkmall Mandaue and book for a slot.

I usually have three bazaars in a year. First on February for Valentine’s Day, then in April or May for summer display and then early December, just in time for Christmas gift shopping.

This is a two days bazaar that happens on a weekend, Saturday and Sunday, when shoppers flock the malls.

I usually make a sales of Php 8,000 – 12,000 ($160 – 250) in these two days bazaar. Aside from the sales, being the organizer, I also earned from the lease of other crafters’ booth.

I also accepted crochet tutorials for free to those who are interested to know how to crochet. The interested ones varies in age and gender.

All these happened before the pandemic and I missed it a lot.

In year 2020, I have not made any bazaars but made a few sales thru online selling of crochet materials such as yarns and buttons to my fellow crochet group members. But the sales is not that good as when I had a bazaar.

Our crochet group, Cebu Crochet Group (CCG), has no events too. Oh, there was supposed to be one on April 2020, but got cancelled because of the pandemic.

During this year, I made plenty of ear savers and donated them to the front liners in various hospitals. That make up for the loss sales. It is better to give than to receive anyway.

Come 2021, the pandemic was still amidst us though some places were already open for bazaars but I still felt scared to organize one.

Gladly, a friend of my daughter has a newly born niece whose parents are into celebrating the monthsary of their baby. They ordered from me every month a customized dress for their baby girl. I wrote about the progress of their monthly orders in two different articles.

Sharing the link here should you want to check them out.

By December 2021, I made a total of 11 customized Disney Princess attires. Yes 11 only as they missed ordering in the month of November.

Because I was working from home in 2021, I have plenty of time to experiment on new patterns and one of them is the coasters out of pop tabs.

@Bloghound was interested in the coasters but I was not able to make a costing out of it. I really totally forgot, I just remembered when I was looking for the link above, and for that I am truly sorry Jerryl. I hope that you will not lose interest.

Towards the end of 2021, our crochet group, CCG, got a new commission to do a tree yarn bombing for an art fair event. I participated in this activity and surprisingly got paid for doing it.

I published articles about this in two different parts, the making and the installation.

All in all my crochet journey in 2021 was not a lousy one though I am hoping that 2022 will be better.

Thank you for joining me in my crochet journey.

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That’s all for now folks.

Thanks for dropping by.

To my sponsors, upvoters and commenters, a HUGE THANK YOU!

Thanks for the 🧑🧑🧑.





$ 6.28
$ 5.86 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @bbyblacksheep
$ 0.10 from @annayks
+ 4
Sponsors of Judith1969
Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago


Naalala ko yang mga Disney costumes for the baby sa noisy posts mo. Not bad na din yung 8k-12k sa bazaar. Sana talaga maging ok na ang lahat para mabalik na din mga bazaar at mas lalo pa lumaki ang sales mo at mas marami ang magcrochet. Ako konti na lang papaturo na ako sayo Ate Judith. πŸ˜„

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mam you 2021 was very happy,you crophet and have a shop to sale these caps or beautiful cartoon type things? This work is really unbelievable my grandmother also do this and they made a bedsheet for me in 2013. Happy new year

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope that one day, somekne will organize a bazaar for our place as well haha. Or maybe I can look into where I can donate skme crochet items like in other countries. Anyway, good luck on your crochet journey this year!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like your craft more and I also try this

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How nice, ate! I love all your masterpieces!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is the reason I am super fan to yours ma'am Judith. If I'm still in Cebu I will surely went to the parkmall to visit you and buy one of your crochet product during bazaar ma'am Judith.

I love crochets products ma'am. I love the upper. It's really cute. More blessings to you ma'am Judith!πŸ™πŸ˜‡ Happy New Year!❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago