Yarn Tree Bombing - The Installation

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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago

November 20, 2021

This article is a continuation of yesterday’s published article.


The Visayas Art Fair will be held at the grounds of Montebello Villa Hotel on November 25 to 28 this year.

Today, we went to the venue to install the doilies, mandalas, dream catchers and wind spinners to the different trees that were assigned to us.

We were supposed to start at nine in the morning but I came in late. I went to church earlier to hear mass for the Feast of Christ the King, our parish. After hearing the mass and arriving home, I went back to sleep and overslept.

I arrived at the venue a few minutes before ten in the morning. When I arrived there, some trees were already dressed. The tree assigned to us was also dressed but still needs a lot of work as only one of our team arrived. I was the second one.

Well, it is understandable since there are only six of us in the group and three are senior citizens who were not allowed to join us. The other member, a doctor, was not able to join us too as she has an emergency at the hospital. Hence it was up to the two of us to finish the tree.

I was glad that some team members came to help Rose, my co-group member.

It took us almost five hours to finish our tree. We were glad that one senior member really insisted in joining us as she wants to experience the yarn bombing installation activity. She was not able to join us before. We assigned her in making long chains for us to connect from one doily to the other.

The end result is simply awesome.

I am so proud that my handmade art is up there, showing off its beauty.

There were plenty of doilies left so some members of the other team put them up in other trees. Though we were only asked to dress up four trees, we were able to dress up plenty, almost ten of them.

The tree of the Lapu-Lapu team has garlands surrounding it and a photo frame for picture taking. It was designed mostly of Christmas ornaments and flowers. Wind spinners were hanging under the frame. I was the first one to test if the square frame works. 😁

The other team has granny squares surrounding their tree. It is very colorful and beautiful.

While the Eucalyptus tree has mandalas surrounding it. I like it that they used a brown yarn to connect the mandalas as when you look from afar, the mandalas look like floating in air.

This team has many members in it so they were able to make plenty of extras. They dressed another tree with sunflowers.

They also have lots of dream catchers. These were supposed to be hanging at the trees but the trees are so tall. Even with the ladder that we use, we were not able to reach the branches so we decided to make a frame out of it.

And of course, we have to test it first if it will look good in the picture. Yeah, it looks good. And I blend with the colors. hahaha

More dream catchers were stretched from one tree to another. These are the smaller ones that were connected hoop to hoop.

Bonus points of the venue is that I saw two very big tortoises. I was told that they weigh more than 20 kilos. I took a picture of one, it was not looking at me when I took the pictures but when I said Hi, it turned his head towards me and poses for the camera.

I really had a great time with my crochet group today. Even though it was tiresome but it was a great way for us to bond. It was the first time for us to gather again since the pandemic started.

Thanks for joining me in the installation. Hope you had a great time too.


Β That’s all for now folks.

Thanks for dropping by.

To my sponsors, upvoters and commenters, a HUGE THANK YOU!

Thanks for the 🧑🧑🧑.




$ 4.76
$ 4.49 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.11 from @fantagira
$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
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Avatar for Judith1969
2 years ago


They all look great ate Judith! I never thought that there's a unique way to beautify a tree body. 😍

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you BC. 🧑

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! All of them are amazing 🀩 Looks like you also had lots of fun.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks Monika. Yes, we really had fun. I missed doing this with my group. 🧑

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow very creative. May igaganda pa pala ang isang kahoy! No way this is very new to me here in my place we just add some lights on trees but this one is looking great!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you Love. It does make the place looked different after putting up all this decors. 🧑

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow!😲 It's my first time to see and witnessed this kind of activity maam Judith. All of it are perfectly awesome!😲 I love the trees a lot with this colorful yarn.❀️ This is really unique ma'am Judith. I don't have anything to say but it's perfect. I wish I can go there also to have a pictures maam. I find it really cute and attractive. I was really shocked with this.😲

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks Ramona. It is perfect for picture taking. As they say, it's instagramable. 😁🧑

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes maam Judith too much. A perfect pictures for Instagram.πŸ₯°β€οΈ

$ 0.00
2 years ago