Whenever I See Girls and Boys...

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago

Whenever I see girls and boys

and the girls and boys see me...

I remember the child

and the child remembers me... LOL

Christmas time is fast approaching, and we only have 10 more days left until Christmas! How fast was that? It's like the blink of an eye. Have you noticed, or am I the only one who has noticed, that days and times are getting shorter and shorter? Why is it that January and December feel so short? It's like a whole week. Have you bought gifts for your kids and godchildren yet? Because if you ask me if I have, well, I haven't yet. I still don't have a budget though. I was still hoping for the BCH to pump so that I could have a budget for it. Well, I know they can still understand if I couldn't give gifts to them.

I mean, to be honest. Godparents aren't obliged to give gifts every Christmas. It's just that people misunderstand the purpose of what the godparents are to the kids. Godparents are supposed to be the ones to guide the kids. It serves as the second parent for the kids. It's just so funny to think that I have noticed from other people that the kids aren't the ones asking for a gift, but instead the parents. Like, wth? What makes it even funnier is that the parents are more demanding, asking for a specific gift to be given for their child, even though some godparents couldn't afford it. Uhm, wth, can't you just be thankful?

LoL, enough with the gift thingy, and let's move forward. I will be sharing with you guys those awesome memories I had every Christmas days! I know there will be some of you here who have had experience the same thing as I experienced when I was a kid. I mean, I guess most or some Filipino peeps does the same thing every Christmas.

Christmas is every kid's most awaited holiday of the year. It's because this is the time when they can have and receive their Christmas gifts from their loved ones. I grew up getting used to receiving gifts every Christmas, and what makes me even more like Christmas is that most of the gifts I receive aren't wrapped in a box, but instead they're slid into a small red envelope called "ang pao". That's why I really loved Christmas before because I got to earn lots of money from my aunts and uncles. But, you know as a kid, mom will then use her technique and say, "Let me keep that money for you so that you're not gonna lose it."

Even without tools or equipment, we Filipinos enjoy caroling and singing from house to house. We sometimes just improvise with the equipment we'll be utilizing, and because we're innovative, we do a fantastic job with our caroling equipment. Even before the BER months arrive, we'll be plotting the caroling and deciding which house to target because the bigger the house, the more money they give. We'll make a tambourine out of bottle caps and drums out of a small bucket. We can already sing from house to house with just those in our hands. We have techniques to make a lot of money from occasionally. We'll divide ourselves into two groups, with the first group going to the big mansion and the second group doing the same, and our money will be doubled!

But sometimes, we couldn't help it not to encounter rude people. People who don't give a single penny and some people who won't even let you finish the song.

But now that I'm older, I finally understand why some people close their doors when they hear some people caroling near their house. When I was a kid, we sang Christmas carols to that certain house, and then they closed their house and said "No" to us. We were really pissed off by them. But now that I'm old enough, I finally understand them. LOL. 

The funny thing is that I also did the same thing that those rude people did to us before. Every time I hear someone start singing, even if it's two houses away from our house, I will close the door and pretend that no one is home. LOL. You know, I am always home alone every day. The worst thing is that I started to become exactly like what those people did to us. When they are heading towards our house, I will automatically say "Pikas lang," meaning "to the other house." But I'm not always like this, because I know you guys will automatically think how rude I was. I am not. I will only do this if I don't have some extra money and know that I am always home alone. So, that's why.

There was this one time that our Christmas decorations literally lasted a year! even our Christmas tree. I keep telling my mom why she didn't keep those decorations since it's no longer Christmas. And the only thing that she will say is, "Why to bother putting those back in a box when you're just going to put them back again?" And I was like, "Well, yeah, she's got a point." LOL. I can really tell where I got this attitude of mine. HAHA 

I really miss how amazing and fun Christmas was back then. And all we can do now is look back at some memorable photos and remember how much fun and lively Christmas was back then. This is actually my entry for ma'am @gertu13 's #ChristmasChallenge. If you guys haven't started writing your entry yet, then start writing it now because the deadline will be on December 15 which is tomorrow. We wanna read your amazing Christmas challenge too!

Before I'll end this one, I will be leaving you this "12 Days Of Christmas Parody"

Jini's Note:


I really don't know if this entry of mine does make any sense. But all I can say is that I really enjoyed writing this one because this brings back a lot of fun and awesome memories I had back in my childhood days. Remembering how amazing those good old days were.

Thank you guys for dropping by and reading this article of mine.

You can always hit the Like and Subscribe buttons if you want to

Arigathankyougozaimuch :>


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$ 5.00 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @gertu13
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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago


I'm not really into gifts or pasalubong. I guess most of us have grown into the culture of mandatory gifts. This is the part of Christmas that I don't like - the commercialism and materialism of it all. Also, the pasalubong culture. We are not obliged to. We should understand that not all have the capacity to give. If they do, be thankful for what you receive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trueee, this is so true kuya. Kaya lang meron din talagang iba na sobrang demanding eh. Sana naman maiintindihan ng iba na hindi lahat kayang ma afford gusto nila.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My mom also played that trick on me when ever my relatives give me money, she will say she wants to help me to hold it and when I ask her later, she will say she has used it to buy clothes for me 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha that's literally my mom too! 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ngayon matanda kana naiintindihan mo na bakit may mga tumatawad. Ako din e hahahaha. Naiintindihan ko na 🤣

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
2 years ago

Dati nagagalit ako pag ayaw mamigay, pero ngayon nakaka relate na ako sa kanila HAHAHAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha, natawa ako habang nagbabasa kasi ganyan din ako eh,hahahaha! Yun mag uumpisa pa lang sila kumanta eh sasabihin na "patawad",hahahha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wahahahaha ako kahit papunta palang sinisirado ko na yung pinto eh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay mas maindi ka hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your participation. Nice memories to bring up. Merry Christmas 💐

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for initiating this fun challenge ma'am !

$ 0.00
2 years ago

On the contrary, I think January is painfully long and lagging

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, yeah haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay lang na bato or lata ang gamiton sa pagpangaroling. As long as naa payts na kaayo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaayo! Usahay gani walay gamit, as long as mo kanta payts na kaayo hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha the famous lines of elders when it comes to ang pao. I'll keep it for you till you forget it 🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wahahaha so true ate. Every elders technique. Minsan si mama sasabihin niya allowance ko na daw sa school tas di na niya ako bibigyan kasi meron na daw ako pera haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I relate with the "red envelope" langga. I receive that too from aunt's and uncles every Christmas when I was a kid. I was really happy when I received it already and added it to my earnings.

Yes langga caroling is so much fun. We went into the big houses. There are kind people, they want us to continue singing more of songs. We were really enjoying.☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pag dako ang balay kay dako pud kwarta e hatag hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Langga tinuod na...

$ 0.00
2 years ago