Reasons Why You Should Drink Tea Moderately

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2 years ago

Hi, everyone! I am back again in writing an article. I have a 1 day break from writing and that was Sunday. The platform was having a hiccup since Sunday I believe. It has been nearly a day since they have finally fixed the bug while writing this. 

Now, it is back, hooray!

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My photo collage of my teas!

Anyway, In this article I will be writing about the disadvantages of drinking tea. Yes, there are some bad things to point out about tea. There will always a bad in a good, and vice versa. So, in this article, I will only be basing on what I have experienced in my 7 years of drinking tea. I am no expert on teas or a dietician. I just want to clarify that in this article.

Here are the Cons of drinking tea

1) Drinking tea may stain your teeth. 

Image from Unsplash

The strong color of tea can make yellow marking or stain in your teeth. This is the reason why I do not like tea when I am outside the house because I cannot brush my teeth immediately. If I am outside, I try to swirl water around my teeth just to lessen the stain. Thought it does not affect your health, it make look your teeth discolored. This is not really kind of a big deal. You can just brush your teeth right away.

2) Drinking tea has a caffeine that may disrupt sleep.

Image from Unsplash

Yes, drinking too much tea can make you hard to fall asleep because it has caffeine. You do not like to drink it  right before going to bed or taking a quick nap. For me, it is best to drink in the morning to keep your energy high and your mind going. I can focus more on my work when I had a cup of tea before doing anything. 

3) You will have a frequent bathroom trip. 

Image from Unsplash

Yes, this is true but in my case is not all the time. I drink one glass of water in the morning and then the next liquid that I will take is green tea. I just go to the bathroom a lot when I drink tea and the weather is a bit chilly. Ugh, this is a bummer because it is so relaxing to drink a warm cup of green tea in a chilly or rainy day. Haha! Well, I guess, you cannot have everything in place lol.

4) Tea does not have a lot of calories.

Image from Unsplash

Tea is best when you are trying to lose weight because in my case it makes me full already. The tea are just basically brewed leaves. It have anti oxidants but does not have a nutritional value to be absorbed. It also  not good when you are playing for a sport or will do a physically demanding work. There is a version of a sweetened tea that has sugar that has a lot more calories. 

5) You might feel dizziness.

Image from Unsplash

This is in connection with number 3. You will feel dizzy when you drink too much tea because, again, it has caffeine. You might feel it the whole day and just ruined moments. It is better to drink just a cup or two of tea in a day. It is important that there is a moderation in all things, even the good has a bad side.

Final Thoughts

Drinking tea is so healthy and good for weight loss. I have been drinking this fro seven years. Of course, losing weight should also come with proper diet and exercise to achieve it. There is always a bad in a good. Green tea is one of my favorite drink even though it is boring. I find it calming and soothing. As I get old, I refrain from drinking sweetened and carbonated drinks. I still drink those, don't worry but occasionally.

By the way, I am glad that the platform is back! Yehey! It has been almost 2 days without article. Now, here it is!

Thank you for reading my article. Peace- Jijisaur.

Lead image edited on Canva

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🎄Jijisaur's Learning Journey - Every Thursday! Blog #2

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2 years ago


Ang masama yung masobrahan ka sa milk tea 😅 It contains lots of calories and sugar which will make you gain weight. But there are also healthy teas that is much better than coffee. But, I'd still choose coffee over tea and I am not a fan of milk teas either.

$ 0.01
User's avatar sc
2 years ago

Good to know, sis. Yung milk tea kasi madami talagang asukal. Nagustuhan ko yun dati tas lumobo talaga ako. Ngayon nagiingat na me hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I stopped taking tea since 5 months ago or maybe more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, what could be the reason? Maybe you can share why you stopped drinking tea.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah, well i AM not going to write an article about it but shortly I stopped it because I really was taking it too much and also because I want to stop the sugar intake, maybe it will enhance my charm hahaha who knows

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mas maganda pa rin ang tea kaysa coffee kahit nka yellowish ng teeth, toothbrush nalang or meron naman ngayon maraming tinda na pampaputi ng ngipin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama ka dyan sis. 😊 Mas healthy talaga ang tea lalo na yung green tea. Hinay hinay lang din kasi baka panay ang ihi hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nag try ako mag tea nang one month and sobrang pumayat ako lalo kaya nag stop ako. Nag shift ako ng turmeric and okay naman sya kaso medyu di ko bet ang lasa. Ayun, nag ending sa coffee parin HAHAHAHA

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Okay lang yan, sis. I will always your preference hehe. Ako naman nahihilo sa kape kaya tea lang talaga ako o kaya milo hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything should be in a moderation to avoid bad effects. Thanks for this my friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, this principle should be applied in all things. Even in good things, there should be a moderation. You are always welcome!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oooh I love teaaaaa. Pero most of the time parang maccr ka talaga after uminom ng tea

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, sis. Kaya ihanda ang pantog haha! Pero ang ginagawa ko e di muna ako umiinom ng madaming tubig para hindi ihi ng ihi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago