Quotes For a Healthy Mindset

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2 years ago
Topics: Mental, Health, Happy, Emotions, Quotes, ...

My mind is cluttered these past few days because I have a goal that I am scared of taking a risk. I want to reach this goal in no time, but I am scared of failing.

I overthink a lot of things which creates a cloud in my mind. In today's article, I will be choosing five life quotes and how can I apply them in my life. I will be choosing the quotes here.

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Let's begin!

1) Accept your feelings. Know your purpose. And do what needs to be done.

—  Shoma Morita

Image from Unsplash

Sometimes I am in denial of a certain feeling to conceal it. I am not accepting it because I do not believe that it is happening. This is very unhealthy for me. What I do is always ask myself, "Will this matter five or ten years?" And the answer is always NO. So it makes me more positive when I think of it. I have to accept what it is and not stress about it because I cannot change it.

I think I am still in the process of finding my purpose in life. I have some in my mind but I know for sure, I still have other purposes. I have goals in life, and I know what are things that are needed to be done but right now I am scared of taking the risk.

2) It takes your enemy and your friend, working together, to hurt you to the heart: the one to slander you and the other to get the news to you.

—  Mark Twain

Image from Unsplash

I am not good at understanding this quote but what I understand is you both need an enemy and a friend in life. The enemy will tell the ugly of you, and your friend will be the one who will tell you the truth.

They said, if you make your enemy angry, then there is something that you are doing good. I personally do not like an enemy. If ever there is a person that I do not like, I simply ignore them because they are not worth my time. I love having a small circle of friends. I have trust issues that's why I prefer small groups.

3) You can learn much about life from a checker game: surrender one to take two; don't make two moves at one time; move up, not down; and when you reach the top, you may move as you like.

—  Leo Calvin Rosten

Image from Unsplash

There will be sacrifices along the way. It is part of life to have obstacles on the line. It is normal but sometimes, we cannot take it anymore. We just want to give up. Sometimes we have to sacrifice for ourselves to attain what we want in life. For example, I am away for a long time from my parents because I am studying in Manila. In return, I have a degree. Now, I can live here in the province with my parents again with me having a degree.

If you have reached your goal, everything is easy because you have been in those bad times. You know how to solve them because you have been there.

4) Talking and eloquence are not the same thing: to speak, and to speak well, are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.

—  Ben Jonson

Image from Unsplash

Speaking alone is not the same as speaking with knowledge. It is evident at this time because of the ongoing political game in the Philippines.

There is a candidate that speaks nonsense. You can sense if they are sensible and a good leaders in the way they speak. You can feel if they are really sincere and telling the truth. They can speak whatever they want but they can never speak well if they do not have academic excellence and sincerity.

5) The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

—  Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Image from Unsplash

"Anything" can be a feeling, a thing, a person, etc. There is no permanent thing in this world except change. One day, that "anything" will be gone and then you will realize that you loved it.

In my case, sometimes I have to let go of things that I love because I will be just hurt in the long run. When I lost that "anything" I knew that I loved it. I have to choose. Right now, nothing romantic interests me. I am just fine building myself again.

Final Thoughts

I am just a human. We are human. We have feelings and all feelings are valid. Sometimes, we encounter sadness in life and it is normal. Nobody in this world is always happy. It is part of the cycle. These quotes are sure have deep meanings and made me realize that life has so many dimensions. It is very clear and vague at the same time. Lately, I am feeling empty. I am looking for something that I cannot find... I do not know the reason.

Thank you for reading my article.

Peace- Jijisaur.

Lead image edited on Canva

Opensea/Twitter/Noise.cash: @Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

❤️ Cons Of Having a Thick Long Hair https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/cons-of-having-a-thick-long-hair-ac4e41fb

❤️ Three Reasons Why I Invested in Crypto https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/three-reasons-why-i-invested-in-crypto-b2228e7e

❤️ Answering Political Questions https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/answering-political-questions-8ff10896

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Avatar for Jijisaur
2 years ago
Topics: Mental, Health, Happy, Emotions, Quotes, ...


not all close friends are sincere, as you say and this is a fact i have also experienced bad things, when i was played with feelings by my friends. I once thought that, did I get a sincere friend? maybe not all friends are like this. but we have to be wise in judging it because everyone has a different attitude and behavior.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I truly believe that you will be good when surrounded with good people. So choose friends wisely.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too sis. I prefer to have a small circle of friends than a big one since I learned from my experiences. I thought they are real at the end it's not. It was the time I started having a trust issues.

Yes sis, sometimes we need to sacrifice ourselves in order to achieve a good one. In order to give our love ones a gift and giving them a good life. Like in my situation sis I work here in Manila even it's too lonely I choose it because this is for my family.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Carry on, sis! Just think of the sacrifices will all be worth it! All the best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for motivating me sis.🥰 It's really a big help sis. God bless you always.🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago