Answering Political Questions

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2 years ago

The political game in the Philippines is getting hotter. The current situation is a mess right now in my opinion. There are some candidates that change their position they are vying and some backed out.

There is really no certainty when it comes to politics. People are also fighting, saying mean things just because they have different views. This is common for the Philippines to have different gimic on social media.

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In this article, I will be answering questions in relation to politics. These answers are purely my thoughts and opinions. Let's start! Questions are from here!

1) Are you registered to vote at the current address you reside at?

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Yes. Actually, I just registered this year. I missed two elections because I was residing in Manila. I have no time to go back to the province at that time because I was busy with my work. I registered last September. The step is very smooth because there are just a couple of people registering because I was the last few weeks to register. They extended it until October 31st.

2) Do you think the existing government is going in the right direction to benefit the people of the country?

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It is a yes and a no. I cannot deny that there are evident improvements from the last administration. Also, there are also issues of the government that really made the people mad. There will always the pros and cons of this government. What I observe is the structures like bridges, airports, and terminals are very much improved. The natural features of the country such as Boracay and Manila Bay are now clean and Instagrammable. The cons are that the pandemic has not managed well. We really need to step up on controlling and implementing rules. The government should be firm about its decision as to not confuse the people.

3) On what basis do you assess a political candidate?

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When choosing someone for a position, there are some traits, morals, and qualifications that I am looking for. The political candidate that I am choosing is the one with the capability to be a leader. He or she should also have academic excellence. He or she should be smart enough to understand how laws and regulations work. Also, he or she should have good morals. Good morals reflect their upbringing and there then will be reflected how he or she leads.

4) In your opinion, do you think gun control laws and regulations should be changed?

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Yes. Recently, there are a lot of issues regarding gun possessions. It is either from civilians or from public officers. There is this news that a police officer uses his authority to harass a family. The people really got mad and it was a trending topic on social media platforms. It was also aired on television about the issue. The law about guns should be stricter and should have qualifications for owning a gun.

5) There should be more strict laws and regulations to eradicate corruption?

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Yes! This is the biggest problem in the Philippines. Actually, my dream is for crypto as the system of distribution of money in the government. This is to know where the money is going. It should be transparent in every move and everything the money is coming in and coming out. I believe in the future that crypto is very promising.

Final Thoughts

We all have bets in this coming election. We all have opinions about it. We encounter people who have different beliefs compared to us. It is okay not to have the same belief. It is okay to have your opinion. For me, I do not hate people with different beliefs. It is their right, it is their choice. We should respect each other and hope for the progress of the Philippines.

Thank you for reading my article.

Peace- Jijisaur.

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Opensea/Twitter/ @Jijisaur

You can read my other articles here:

❤️ Toxic Filipino Traits

❤️ What If I Am An Animal?

❤️ My Eazy Breezy Sunday

$ 1.48
$ 1.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


For my country they are not going in the right direction, everything they do is for their benefits not the citizen benefits

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hey, same here. We can just hope for the brighter side. How i wish they realized how bad their decision can affect the people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Look for this am not sure

There should be more strict laws and regulations to eradicate corruption?

Because almost every country have their own strict law against corruption but it end 🔚 up winning

$ 0.02
2 years ago

True. But there are countries who are corruption free well not totally but you can see that their country is progressive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too sis I think I can't vote with this coming election because of the pandemic. I remember I vote already two times. I hope for this coming election sis, if who will win must be a true leader. Serving country and to all the people from their heart and mind.

The deserving one and make a biggest ways in order to lift up our country especially the problem with this pandemic since there are a lot of issues happened.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

May our country has the best progress yet. Hopefully people will choose the right one. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sis. I'm hoping and praying sis.🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago