My Post Election Thoughts

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2 years ago

May 9th. The day that the people of the Philippines will choose leaders for six years. It is the day for us to exercise our voting rights. It was my first time voting and I can say that it was smooth sailing. Very peaceful, fast, and automated. I love that our voting system is improving. Everything is quicker and automated.

I am so happy that the voting is over, and now counting the votes. On the same day, the votes were transmitted and collected. Indeed COMELEC did a great job of making the PCOS machines to be better this time around.

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May 9th in the evening, there was already a partial result. In the lead is Bongbong Marcos for president and Sara Duterte for vice-president. I can say that not everyone is happy with the partial result. They expressed their disappointment because the leading on counts was not their bet.

Some are questioning why the votes are too fast to be collected. Some questions the flow of the votes. In my opinion, I think that because the machines are better now compared to six years ago. Of course, we should level up our voting game here in the Philippines.

Some cannot accept the fact that the gap is too big. Some people want to leave the country because they feel like they will suffer for six years. They are showing their passports but not the tickets.

On the other hand, people who voted for Bongbong Marcos and Inday Sara Duterte are very happy. They expressed their happiness by posting videos of them singing and dancing to Bagong Pilipinas, Bagong Muka~ Sorry, I do not know the title. Hats off to Andrew E. for making this song. It is very catchy and makes me want to be a rapper haha!

What I learn in this election is, that we will never please everyone. You know what? People have feelings. Some are hurting and angry. Some are happy to the moon. What is best is acceptance. I just wish that even though your bets did not make it to this election, I just hope that you will respect the decision of the people.

I congratulate Bongbong Marcos and Sara Duterte, and all the people for topping this election. I wish them that they will do their best to serve the country and the Filipinos. I wish them all the wisdom and good health to make it possible. Indeed, a landslide!

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This was the time he was still a senator. Got it from the camp's official Twitter account.

That is it for today. Thank you for reading. I will see you at the next one.

Banner edited from Canva.

Please follow me on my new NC account. Thank you!

Date published: May 11, 2022

My other articles:

🔥 I Am A First Time Voter

🌺 Q and A: Traveling Edition

💓 Q And A: Sleeping Edition

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2 years ago


I haven't voted before and next year might be my first time doing so and I hope it's going to be an awesome experience

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This election is amusing and amazing in some way. It revealed our hearts and our attitude when not granted with what we want even though we fought for "truth" tooth and nail.

You are definitely right. We cannot please everyone. Also I hope everyone take it to their heart when they try to convince people next time.

Also empathizing and sympathizing to and with my fears/pain does not require the listener to make my vote their vote. :)

Congratulations first time voters!!! Thank you for partaking in the national event that paints our picture for the next six years. Heads up pa din. Taas noo pa din!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very well said! After all we are all Filipinos. We should uplift each other. Taas noo tayong lahat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The tiger of the north roared and the eagle of the south flew toward the direction to palace hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Best combination! RAWR!!! I am hoping for the best for this tandem!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I voted for the other but never showed disrespect by any means, especially on social media. As a Filipino, I will submit to governance whoever the President-elect is because my core is to follow what the bible says.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually okay naman si Leni. What drove others not to vote for her are the toxic supporters. Yung below the belt na ang mga sinasabi. Grabe sila. Sila ang nagpapa away away sa mga tao.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hindi naman lahat hehe pero madami din ganon sa BBM supporters. Praying for our country at sa pagbabago na mula sa sarili tlga para sa mas maayos at nagkakaisang Pilipinas.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, hindi lahat. Kokonti lang naman yung mga toxic supporters. Agree ako sis for the future of our country, let us support each other.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's the opposition who does alot of quarrels, infact the side of other political candidates shows respect. Well, as I've seen the news lately some of the rallies are conducted by the opposition. Hoping that everything will be okay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"They are showing their passports but not the tickets."

It will hit people. It is simple to say that they will migrate to other nations, but can they afford it, or are they just entitled to do so? I understand their frustration with the election, but they've already gone too far and below the belt.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't know the feelings of voting because I have not given to anyone yet. But hope tp enjoy that one in future. Well, hope your country is served well by the selected person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It seem like this election was really chaotic Philippine friend of mine was telling me all about it some days back

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In my opinion, I guess people just can't accept defeat. I mean, Philippines is a democratic country. With that, people have the right to vote whoever they thought would make the country great. If they will not accept what the majority has voted, I think they're not exercising being democratic at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago