Mental Health Webinar | Challenge Accepted

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1 year ago

My October so far is smooth sailing, bonus is I got to have a free mental health webinar with my friends in Discord. It was an initiative from the leads of the group to have a webinars like these, which is highly appreciated because prolly most of us ar struggling inside. We just want to keep it to ourselves and just cover a smile daily.

It is a nice gesture of @tpkidkai to invite Ms. Ish, the Wounded Healer to be hosting a webinar. The webinar is all about how can writing help you with your mental state.

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Ms. Ish showed us some of her writings for herself years back. I noticed that the writings were about her sufferings and dark times. She was very nice lady to able to share us those stuff. She also had a padlet for us to write the things we were feeling at the moment. Too bad though that half way the webinar was my dinner time.

My Reflection

People know me to throw jokes here and there, being silly on the server every thime. Little did they know that I have some burdens carrying on my back. I sometimes get sad at night when the silence dropped. These times are when I became vulnerable and think of negatives ideas. One negative idea was that I am not enough for a certain thing. I am giving my best but is not suffice enough.

This is when emptiness crept in too. I do not know how and what to feel. I sometimes force myself to cry or am I just used to the feeling. Parang cycle lang lagi yung araw ko. Hmm, I do not like to go bad in dark times, kasi it was really hard.

One thing that I hate to myself is I always kept the problems to myself. I do not like to share my real problems as I do not like to others to think of it as well. Parang binibigyan ko lang sila ng problema rin.

I do not write emotional stuff on papers but they are just in my mind. Ang masama pa dun is pwede mong balik balikan. I am totally different sa real world that is why probably nalalabas ko yung quirky side ko as anon here in the virtual world.

Yeah, it is still me but I am showing just what I want to share. Probably just a 5th of me. Being an anon din is a freedom for me. I am known kasi as strict and very shy as in shy like I will not make kibo unless you do the first move. Kahit hirap na ako, di pa rin ako mamamansin haha! Ganun ka extreme, besh. But when it comes to professional setting, walang hiya ako HAHA!

I find few with the same place like mine. They are shy too but when it comes in virtual world, they somehow show their true selves. Maybe because people are judgy sa totoong buhay?

Anyways, those are just my two cents reflection. I do wish the topic emptiness was discussed because I was really looking forward to it.

Before the month started, @Eunoia had this one blod per day challenge. I was like, why not? I used to do this everyday. Now I try to blog every other day or two. Okay, so challenge accepted na lang for motivation, HAHA!

So far I am doing good in this challenge. Instead of goofing around discord server, eto na lang magkakapera pa ako haha char.

I am also trying to be healthy now by sleeping early so, no procrastinating for me. I have to put my focus on what should be done for me to sleep soon as I am done.

Lately, I was not feeling good, not that I am sick. I just feel drained physically and mentally. Probably because I stayed up late with my Discord friends talking about what nots. It was really hard to take that away from my system because Marites is life, haha!

But I now see a little bit of improvement since I started sleeping early. By the time 10 PM, I should have finished all the side gigs that I am doing. I should be out of the discord server at this time too. I also encouraged some of my friends to sleep early because it is for their health too.

I honestly have trouble sleeping before so what I do is I take melatonin and put the AC in a little bit lower temperature. Melatonin helps me to sleep faster and longer. It is always effective to me. I recommend this to my friends too!

I will keep this challenge as I am seeing improvements already. Yes to a healthy life!

📸 All photos from Unsplash

Date Published: Oct 3, 2022

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$ 2.45
$ 2.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Eunoia
$ 0.05 from @Pinkchic
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Avatar for Jijisaur
1 year ago


Jiji thanks for the tag! Glad that you had enjoyed the webinar last Saturday even though we have some technical difficulties.

It is okay to be anon, and probably one of the things that I regret was doing that when I started if I could have known that it is better to have an anon account definitely I did ( ay I did it nga pala when I was curating some contents back then and it was fun!)

So just be you stay as you are ( debut yarn)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We will never know the whole story talaga of someone based on snippets lang...

Di ako nakaattend nyan yet again inaabangan ko pa naman yang webinar na yan huhu...

Writing is very therapeutic it helped me a lot talaga to overcome my traumas

$ 0.00
1 year ago

TP the beast!! Meron talaga tayong mga tinatagong problema or isipin na di kayang esher sa iba no. Wala ng salinan ng bad vibes, basta happy lang. But deep inside, aigooo. Di dapat ganito ee. Ako I have ways para mawala lahat ng yan. Nakakatulong din naman. Same tayo na shy type sa personal, walang hiya kapag virtual world na, lol. Di rin ako namamansim, and that is where my headset will make its entry, lol.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Mahigpit na yakap, sis! If ready ka na pag-usapan kung ano yung dinadala mo, I'm sure your friends and family are there to listen. You can also count me in! ~Manju

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Same tayo sis. Tahimik ako sa totoong buhay pag hindi kikibuin hindi magsasalita. Thank you sa encouragement sis. Gusto ko talaga matulog din ng maaga.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Feel this, i am also a shy type but when i in a situation on any profession convention. I became verbose one hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's okay to be someone you like online and stay as an anonymous. You'll definitely have a freedom. I loved the webinar last Saturday.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We all have that kind of feelings, me too that's the reason why I wanted to become Ananymous but some people wanted interfere with that, ended lossing my attention and trust to them lol. Well sometimes that's the benifits of online and internet, instead of ranting it to social media just write your thoughts also you became what you want here, they could judge you but let them be, they were nothing in your real life, perk's is that we were rewarded uwu.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love being an anon and disappoint peeps when I reveal my face 🤣 I love the reward part char 🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago