Can You Make Yourself Seem Like A Psychopath By Just One Text? 

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1 year ago

Ahh~ It is a rainy night. Hot tea is good right now. While I am writing this blog, I have my green tea infused with lemon and honey in the right corner of my table. I sip every paragraph so that I will not forget about it.

One time, I am so focused that I forgot that I have tea. It went cold. So annoying to drink cold tea. I drank it anyway because it would be a waste pouring it down the drain.

So in this article, I will be borrowing @Ruffa Panda Panda's article entitled "I.D, Green Market, Mumblings and Questions" click here to check her article.

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Let's begin~

If you had to start a rumor, what would it be?

"That One Piece will be ending next week". Haha, otakus will go crazy on this rumor. I watched many episodes of One Piece but did not continue watching because I was busy at the time, and then forgot all about it. It is one of the nicest plots I know for anime series. Oda has this vision of connecting every character. Anyway, this rumor will be all over social media platforms. Anime review sites will come up with ending conspiracies and whatnot, haha!

Can you make yourself seem like a psychopath with just one text? 

"I like your smile." This is kind of creepy when a stranger says this to me out of the blue. Uh, it is giving me the creeps already. I am not really a fan of psycho movies, though I watch some psycho-ish documentaries. I am more focused on the story rather than the people. I like how the film connects the dots leading to the truth.

If life was like a musical, people start dancing and singing out of nowhere, what would you do?

I probably will get confused. Maybe they are under the influence or something. I may ask some people who are on the scene about the situation. I will not dare to join them though because they might be part of a cult or something, lol. The last resort is to run! Hahaha!

If your phone could talk, what is the most embarrassing thing that it would reveal about you?

That I forgot someone's name. There was a time that I freaking forgot someone's name. It is so embarrassing because he knew my name, and I did not. We were chatting for like 10 minutes already and in the back of my mind, I am trying to remember his name. Ugh, my memory is embarrassing me! From that day, I swear to myself to never forget names.

What would you choose to fall from the sky instead of raindrops?

If not raindrops, I wish that BCH will fall from the sky haha! I do not know how it will be done but I do wish there is a cloud of BCH and I will catch every drop of it haha! I will probably lay all our basins outside of our house. Even if I will be hit by lightning, I will take it! Haha, kidding.

What smells awful, but you can’t handle but smell it all over again?

Spoiled milk. It really makes me puke. The last time we had spoiled milk was three days ago. We forgot to consume it before five days max when it is refrigerated. The smell is so sour, I just cannot stand it.

How many days without a shower would you be okay with?

I think it depends on the weather, haha! I cannot go a day without showering because I work out and showering for me makes me refreshed. I feel sluggish when I do not take a shower especially when I am sick.

What is the strangest food combination that people eat that you just don’t understand?

Milk and soda. Some people do this on Tiktok for just a show or do they just like the combination? I mean, just looking at them chugging the gallon of milk plus soda makes my stomach upset.

Well, that is it for this blog. It has been a while since I did a Q&A blog. Again, I would like to thank @Ruffa for this idea!

That is it for this article. I will see you at the next one!

📸 All photos are credited to Unsplash

Date Published: Aug 18, 2022

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1 year ago


Oh, I love One Piece, although I haven't been able to watch it more, due to lack of time and internet, but I know I will watch it sometime. I remember I stayed around chapter 740, but then I started to watch One Piece again because of my boyfriend, he hadn't seen it and we stayed around chapter 546, so I haven't been able to advance much hahaha Over there they already say it will end soon, but maybe after One Piece comes Two Piece, Three Piece, etc., and it will be a 1000 pieces puzzle hahaha.

In that kind of message it's also important the typography they use (if it's an image), one font can be creepier than another.

I also wouldn't dance out of nowhere with strangers haha I really like certain dances, but I don't like to dance. There's a phrase that says "musicians don't dance", and it's 90% true.

I've never seen people mix milk with soda, I find it a bit disgusting haha those people are crazy.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pwede po ba na pera nalang ang mahulog from the sky . hehehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Umm "You look lovely in your sleep" that would creep the hell out of me!! I saw that in a tv show, it was scary haha I'll keep on dancing and would like to have 100$ bills fall from the sky. Too obvious right? Again, fun fun fun, glad to see some things haven´t changed around here ❤️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey, Rebeysa! Oh, that phrase kind of creepy too. Yeah, money money! See you around~

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is nice reading your questions and answers.

There are some people who eat eggplant and groundnut together. I wonder how sweet it tastes.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh, this is a new combination for me. I feel like the taste is earthy since it is mixed with groundnut.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Katalinuhan nalang magfall from the sky haha para masalo ko naman. Isama na si damon salvatore para mapakasalan ko na agad hahah

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ay bet na bet ko po sagot niyo haha! Lalo na yung huling sagot, hahaha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe. Perfect yang tea mo sa malamig na panahon sis. Dito sa amin huhu ang ginaw kasi galing umulan na malakas sis. Hehe natawa ako dun sa phone talk, pati ako napaisip kun ano.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, tea is the best for cold weathers. Sa amin din e maulan, mukang babagyo pa nga hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes sis pero di ko nahiligan talaga uminom ng tea sis. Oo sis parang may LP ata. Nakita ko kanina sa social media.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Mine is.. coffee and cocacola HAHAHAHA. I do that nung nakaduty ako and it makes me puke while talking to a customer. I need to put them on hold tuloy at tumakbo sa cr 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Coffee and cocacola will definitely upset my stomach and will also make a run un the bathroom, haha. But I seldom drink coffee like one a week if I really need to. I drink tea often.

$ 0.00
1 year ago