Yesterday I dropped an article about positive thoughts and promised to continue it. I announced writing about how to think positively, how to properly repeat positive thoughts and where to find positive affirmations. If you don't do it now, you can read the previous article here
So let's start.
How to think positively?
In order to think positively, it is not enough to say an affirmative sentence just once and continue to darken for the rest of the day. It is not some magic or Universal secret for you. In order for positive affirmations to have an effect, they need to be repeated. In a way, it's like a brain exercise, just like there are muscle exercises.
Lifting weights strengthens muscles, and by saying positive affirmations we strengthen self-confidence and optimism.
I will reveal to you a trick on how to get rid of negative thoughts even when the environment puts all the negative things under our noses.
Put a thin rubber band around your wrist, the one we use for jars, and every time you catch yourself being overwhelmed by negative thoughts during the day, you tighten the rubber band to burn your arm and reformulate your thought. Instead of thinking, for example, "Will I stay at work" you correct yourself "Great. I stayed at work and have a good career." In this way you train yourself to think only positively.
Surround yourself with positive people
Surely you already know the old "Who you are with, that's who you are" If you are in the company of those who are constantly whining, you will unconsciously adapt to them and look for a way to complain. In a society of the positive and successful, you will strive to fit in with success, ambition and good ideas.
The words we say immediately get a picture in our head and as such they are easier to remember in the subconscious. This is called visualization and it is an integral part of positive thinking and the path to success. In this way we begin to feel good in our own skin and increase the level of those hormones that affect us to be happy.
In other words, we are changing our view of the world. We turn “I’ve never done this before” into “This may be a great opportunity in my life” or the statement “There’s no way this is working” into “I need to find a way to make it work”.
Correct repetition of positive affirmations:
If you’ve ever paid attention to what thoughts are spinning in your head, you’ve probably wondered at least once in your life how to get rid of these negative thoughts. Truth be told, it’s not easy at all but it’s not impossible either. Positive affirmations serve to simplify this process until it becomes a habit.
Before I start repeating the affirmations, I want to tell you my story:
Madness called Covid-19. April month. Before giving birth, with my stomach to my teeth, I go to the doctor for a regular prenatal check-up. Of course I put a mask on my face when I talk to someone or when I enter the Health Center. I arrive at the Health Center, park, get out of the car like a bear (I can't sit like a man anymore because I look like a three-winged closet) and an acquaintance approaches me from behind and greets me. When I finished the conversation, I realized that I greeted the girl without gloves on my hands and talked to her without a protective mask. Almost, that's it, I picked up the virus. Within I immediately started coughing, by the time I got home I already thought my lungs were hurting, thinking about what I was going to do and how I was going to do it. I am pregnant I have a child of 2 and 10 years old at home and I seem to have picked up Covid. Until I realized what I was doing to myself. Negative thoughts overwhelmed me so much that I unconsciously began to mimic all the symptoms of the virus. Then I started repeating the positive affirmations and thank God, there was no V from the virus either :) They helped me get rid of the negatives, if you believe in that you will too.
How to repeat affirmations correctly:
Choose a short and easy-to-remember affirmation
Focus on one or two affirmations and use them for a few weeks (even when it's all over, keep using it for a while)
Make some repetition routine. For example, repeat them when you get up, while driving, before bed ...
Set aside at least 10 minutes a day to start with for good thoughts.
Pay attention to the words you say and try to imagine yourself in the story you are telling. Don’t just talk in vain. You have to believe what you say.
Try not to use the word "NO" or "I AM NOT" in your affirmations. Instead of "I didn't pick up the virus" you use "I'm a healthy and happy person"
Where to find positive affirmations
There are hundreds of books and authors dealing with this topic and among them the most famous is certainly Louise Hay. I will write one for each aspect of your life, just to give you an idea of what it is all about.
When you feel lonely - "I enjoy the love of those people who are not next to me"
When you're scared - "I make the right decisions every time"
When you lose confidence - "I am unique in this world"
When you're angry - "I have to vent my anger to see things more objectively"
When you're desperate - "I realize this situation is good for me"
When you are indecisive - "I know that my wisdom will lead me to the right path"
When you are among strangers - "I am beautiful and smart and everyone notices that"
When you're at work - "I enjoy what I do"
When you get up in the morning - "This is a great day" - my favorite
When you worry about money - "I am a magnet for money and attract wealth"
When you face a problem - "All my problems have a solution"
When you want to give up - "Giving up is easy and that option doesn't exist. It will be waiting for me tomorrow"
These are just some of the ideas and some situations you may find yourself in. You do not need to look for positive affirmations. Design your own, ones that are in line with your goals and your thoughts.
Uh, I've already advertised enough for tonight. For tomorrow I am preparing a little optimism and one great game.
If you liked this article, don't forget to like and comment on it. If you have experience with positive affirmations, I would love for you to share your success story with us in the comments.
Juce sam izbacila clanak o pozitivnim mislima i obecala nastavak istog. Najavila sam pisanje o tome kako da mislimo pozitivno, kako da pravilno ponavljamo pozitivne misli i gde naci pozitivne afirmacije. Ukoliko do sada niste procitali predhodni clanak mozete ga procitati ovde
Pa da pocnemo.
Kako misliti pozitivno?
Da bi smo mislili pozitivno nije dovoljno samo jednom izgovoriti afirmativnu recenicu i nastaviti da mracimo tokom ostatka dana. Nije vam to neka magija niti Univerzumska tajna. Da bi pozitivne afirmacije imale efekta, potrebno ih je ponavljati. Na neki nacin, to je kao vezba za mozak, bas kao sto postoje i vezbe za misice.
Dizanjem tegova jacamo misice, a izgovaranjem pozitivnih afirmacija jacamo samopouzdanje i optimizam.
Otkricu vam jedan trik kako da se oslobodite negativnih misli cak i onda kada nam okruzenje pod nos stavlja sve negativne stvari.
Oko zgloba ruke stavite tanku gumicu, onu koje koristimo za tegle, i svaki put kada u toku dana uhvatite sebe da vas obuzimaju negativne misli vi zategnite gumicu da vas pecne po ruci i preformulisite svoju misao. Umesto sto ste na primer pomisili "Da li cu ostati na poslu" vi se ispravite "Super. Ostala sam na poslu i imam dobru karijeru." Na ovaj nacin uvezbavate sebe da mislite samo pozitivno.
Okruzite se pozitivnim ljudima
Sigurno vec znate onu staru "S kim si, takav si" Ako ste u drustvu onih koji stalno kukaju, nesvesno cete se prilagoditi njima i traziti nacin da se i vi zalite. U drustvu pozitivnih i uspesnih, trudicete se da se uklopite uspehom, ambicijama i dobrim idejama.
Reci koje izgovaramo odmah dobiju i sliku u nasoj glavi i kao takve lakse ostaju zapamcene u podsvesti. To se naziva vizualizacija i ona je sastavni deo pozitivnog razmisljanja i puta ka uspehu. Na ovaj nacin pocinjemo da se osecamo dobro u sopstvenoj kozi i povecavamo nivo onih hormona koji uticu na to da budemo srecni.
Drugim recima, menjamo svoj pogled na svet. Pretvaramo "Ja nikad ovo nisam radila pre" u "Ovo je mozda sjajna prilika u mom zivotu" ili konstataciju "Nema sanse da ovo radi" u "Moram da nadjem nacin da to proradi".
Pravilno ponavljanje pozitivnih afirmacija:
Ukoliko ste ikada obratili paznju na to koje vam se misli vrte po glavi, sigurno ste se barem jednom u zivotu zapitali kako da se oslobodim ovih negativnih misli. Istini za volju, to uopste nije jednostavno ali nije ni nemoguce. Pozitivne afirmacije sluze tome da pojednostave ovaj proces dok vam ne predje u naviku.
Pre nego sto pocnem sa ponavljanjem afirmacija zelim da vam ispricam svoju pricu:
Ludilo zvano Covid-19. April mesec. Ja pred porodjaj, sa stomakom do zuba, odlazim kod lekara na redovnu kontrolu pred porodjaj. Naravno masku stavljam na lice kada pricam sa nekim ili kada ulazim u Dom zdravlja. Stizem do Doma zdravlja, parkiram se, izlazim kao medved iz automobila (ne mogu vise ni ko covek da sednem jer izgledam kao trokrilni orman) i iza ledja mi prilazi poznanica koja se pozdravlja sa mnom. Kada sam zavrsila razgovor shvatila sam da sam se sa devojkom pozdravila bez rukavica na rukama i razgovarala sa njom bez zastitne maske. Gotovo, to je to, pokupila sam virus. U roku od odmah sam krenula da kasljem, dok sam stigla do kuce vec sam umislila da me pluca bole, razmisljam sta cu i kako cu. Trudna sam imam dete od 2 i 10 godina kuci, a ja izgleda pokupila Covid. Dok nisam skontala sta radim samoj sebi. Negativne misli su me toliko obuzele da sam nesvesno pocela da imitiram sve simptome virusa. Onda sam pocela da ponavljam pozitivne afirmacije i hvala Bogu, od virusa ni V nije bilo :) Meni su pomogle da se oslobodim negative,ako verujete u to i vama ce.
Kako pravilno ponavljati afirmacije:
Izaberite neku kratku i lako pamtljivu afirmaciju
Fokusirajte se na jednu ili dve afirmacije i koristite ih nekoliko nedelja (cak i kada sve prodje nastavite jos neko vreme da je koristite)
Napravite neku rutinu ponavljanja. Na primer, ponavljajte ih kada ustanete, dok vozite, pred spavanje...
Izdvojite za pocetak barem 10 minuta dnevno za dobre misli.
Obratite paznju na reci koje izgovarate i probajte da zamislite sebe u prici koju pricate. Nemojte samo pricati u prazno. Morate da verujete u to sto govorite.
Probajte da ne koristite rec "NE" ili "NISAM" u vasim afirmacijama. Umesto "Ja nisam pokupila virus" vi upotrebite "Ja sam zdrava i srecna osoba"
Gde naci pozitivne afirmacije
Postoji sijaset knjiga i autora koji se bave ovom temom i medju njima je svakako najpoznatija Lujza Hej. Ja cu vam napisati po jednu za svaki aspekt vaseg zivota, cisto da imate predstavu o cemu se radi.
Kada se osecate usamljeno - "Ja uzivam u ljubavi onih ljudi koji nisu pored mene"
Kada ste uplaseni - "Ja donosim prave odluke svaki put"
Kada vam nestane samopouzdanja - "Ja sam jedinstvena na ovom svetu"
Kada ste besni - "Moram da izbacim ljutnju kako bih sagledala stvari objektivnije"
Kada ste ocajni - "Ja shvatam da je ova situacija dobra za mene"
Kada ste neodlucni - "Znam da ce me moja mudrost odvesti na pravi put"
Kada ste medju nepoznatim ljudima - "Ja sam lepa i pametna i to svi primecuju"
Kada ste na poslu - "Ja uzivam u ovome sto radim"
Kada ustanete ujutru - "Ovo je sjajan dan" - meni omiljena
Kada brinete o novcu - "Ja sam magnet za novac i privlacim bogatstvo"
Kada se suocavate sa problemom - "Svi moji problemi imaju resenje"
Kada hocete da odustanete - "Odustajanje je lako i ta opcija ne postoji. Cekace me i sutra"
Ovo su samo neke od ideja i neke situacije u kojima se mozete naci. Nije potrebno da trazite pozitivne afirmacije. Osmislite svoje, one koje su u skladu sa vasim ciljevima i vasim razmisljanjima.
Uh, vec sam se dovoljno raspisala za veceras. Za sutra spremam malo optimizma i jednu super igricu.
Ako vam se svideo ovaj clanak ne zaboravite da ga lajkujete i komentarisete. Ako imate iskustva sa pozitivnim afirmacijama, volela bih da svoju pricu o uspehu podelite sa nama u komentaru.
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
Fantastic article with very helpful tips on how to keep a positive mindset and attitude. I would say that the first part is a little off base as it promotes pain as the corrective behavior factor. This is the same as using words like "No or Not" in a positive affirmation. There are better exercises than using pain reinforcement to help to create a new positive habit. I have read the rubber band technique before in self-help books but it's incorrect, even though it may work for a small group of people. It takes 21 days for form a new habit, good or bad so it is less effective to use pain to try an reinforce positivity. Your C-19 story was great! The power of mind is truly spectacular to say the least. Believe you are sick and so shall it be. Believe you are well and so share it be and so on and so on. Thanks very much!