Reasons why I'm absent here for more than two weeks

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1 year ago

September 14, 2022

Time management is needed to make all things done but sometimes time is not enough to make all of them.

Hello my dear family. I miss you all and I am happy that someone is missing me around. I don't know if you miss me too. Anyway, how are you? The weather now is like summer, the scorching sun is sometimes unbearable. Supposed to be we are now in wet season but it seems summer extends until these days. Cold, cough and fever are now common these days again so let us make our immune system more stronger.

I'm back for now and I don't know if I can be here most of the time like before. Why I am absent here for more than two weeks? Here are some reasons:

My son already have classes.

Many of my friends knew that I am a full time mom and a housewife. Last September 5, my son classes already started and I need to accompany him in school. During those time that I am in school, I cannot find enough time for my cellphone because parents are the one to prepare and cook for their merienda and for this week, I am one of the assigned parents to do it even I am not good in cooking. I am just assisting my partner to do it. I have a hard time managing my time being a mother, a wife and a writer (Oh! am i a writer, lol).

Before, morning is a time for house chores like doing the laundry but this time I can't do it in the morning because we are in school, so, I used to wash clothes in the afternoon now. Afternoon is my usual time to write an articles here before but now, I am trying to find time but most of the time I can't.

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I tried another blogging platform

Some of you also knew that I tried another blogging platform and this is also one among the other reasons why I am absent here. I am trying to be active there because I am still learning and still considered myself as a newbie. I need to learn more about it as it is more difficult than this platform. I don't know if other users also finds it more difficult like me. I also have goals in another platform that I need to work for so I can achieve it.

Putting some limits

We're busy or not, time won't change. If we do nothing, time will just go and wasted. If we were busy, time seems so fast.

I can say that I am busy from doing house chores to taking care of my son, from accompanying my son in school to being his home teacher and from writing here and there. It seems that there is no time wasted but still time is not enough.

We need to manage our time not only for side hustles, not only for our family but also and above all things for our self and our health. I really wanted to do more, to push myself more than the limits but most of the time our health won't allow. Every action we take always gave back a consequences. Id we don't care ourselves then sicknesses will follow but if we take care of it, then we could prevent some sickness. That's a lesson I learned after suffering some weaknesses, sickness and changes in my health after pushing my self to the limits.

For now, I choose to rest and relax if my body said so but not with laziness. I am trying to love myself and be concerned with my health.

Maybe some will say, I need to do this and that because I have need to attain something but sometimes while we are trying to reach some golds but some circumstances will happen and we cannot have it. We have different ways of hustling and that's how I managed mine. I am still amazed to those people who really work hard and sometimes I could ask them "can you still sleep with that?"


I can say, I can't leave but I can't promise though to be here everyday. I am just here around, coming in and out and thankful to those people who still remembers me.

Rusty, do you still know me? Hopefully you still remember me, lol.

Keep safe my friends and may we all be blessed abundantly.

Missing you all,


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1 year ago


Busy jud sis basta naay students kaya yung mga sideline natin maapektuhan.

Take your time sis.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lagi sis oi, singit2 lang jud pag my time kay need jud pud mulihok

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Can you share the name of the new blogging site you just tried out and I am new here and hope you are full back to the family.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's hive and Im new in there too..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Missing you here ate :) Time management is a must always po talga, though may mga stiuation tayong hindi natin makontrol. take some rest if you have time po, and good luck to your son :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Paminsan minsan na lang talaga ako makavisit dito huhuhu.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am glad to see you welcome you back to read family. Will you mentioned the other blogging platform that you were doing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Its a hive sis and I am still learning about it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am a fan of such housewives who have kids and still hustle in online, huge respect for such people. Seen my mom how busy she gets in her household work and after that hustling seems very difficult to me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for appreciating us. Hustling can be done only if we have some available time after doing our responsibilities.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Once in a while we all experience lack of time or let me say lack of time management because of many things that life offers from time to time. We just have to set priorities to pick the one that are most important before others

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes kacy and we really need to.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can relate to you , for its been my present situation too. Too many works to do that should be accomplished yet time and strenght won't allow us sometimes. We need to prioritize things that are more important and just cannot be put off, but not giving up others that are important too. Just keep going but not push yourself to your limits for health concerns is the best that we can do to keep going.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You got my point and yes thats the reality. We need to keep going while keeping our health in good too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe me too find it hard to manage both writing and life and sleeping disorders coming to me whaha, mababaliw na ata ako soon. Charr, yiee naman soon to be whale sa kabila si ate Jenn.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Di ko pa nga maintindihan yang mga sinasabi mo eh hehehe... nagreply na lang ako dito at matutulog na.. tulog ka na rin hehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Busyha sa inahan oy.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lagi sis oi.. laban mga inahan

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am happy that you still find this platform interesting even with your tight schedule. Wishing your son good days at school.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for your well wishes...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're welcome sis

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Mas busy ka sa kabila 😅.. Cute ng junakis ko kya okay lang haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Korek ka dyan sis, mas busy ako doon hehehe... Sumilip din dito namiss ko na din kasi...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nasa hive ka na din ba sis. Ako sin struggle na sa pagsingit ng time. Huhu.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ou sis nasa hive din , same name hehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago