The shadow in the color.

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2 years ago
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In this opportunity we will talk about the shadow in colors. A shadow is the region of darkness where light is obstructed or is a blackish shade like a grove of trees. It occupies all the space behind an object, indeed, it is the opaque object itself with or without light in front of it. The effective section of a shadow placed two-dimensionally, or an inverted projection of the object that sucks in the light. The shadow in the colors is a source of light, cast by it will always be gray, whatever the color. On the other hand, if there are two light sources of different colors, say red and blue, the shadow cast by each of them will be the color of the other source and only the intersection of the two will be gray.

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The shadow is created because there is a light source and an object that covers the light rays creating a correct shape. The shadow varies according to the position of the object and how close it is to the light source. Everything has a shadow except the light itself. If there are several spotlights, the shadow of the highest power spotlight predominates. Then, the shadow is nothing more than a place where no light reaches. It is produced when an object impedes the passage of light. Any natural light source such as the sun or fire, or an artificial source such as a flashlight or a lamp can produce shadow.

 This is used to give the sensation of volume in drawing or painting. Everywhere there is light and shadow. Wherever we look, we will find these two elements. However, if you are not aware of this, very few times have you stopped to see these shadows, to observe them. See the extent they occupy, where they are darker and where they are less, there is brightness, among others.

In fact, all bodies have a volume and a shape, which we perceive thanks to the shadow. Otherwise we would see them flat. Only the effects of light and shadow allow us to know what an object looks like. Shadows are produced by light.

There are two kinds of light:

- Natural light: which is the light from the sun and the moon.

- Artificial light: which is electric light, gas light, candlelight, in short, all light other than that of the sun and the moon. The difference between the two, apart from their intensity or tone, is that different shadows are produced.

 In the same vein, the shadow is a dark image that covers any surface projected by an opaque body, intercepting the direct rays of light.  The shadow occurs when an object obstructs the passage of light. The color of the shadow is usually "black", but this occurs when an opaque object is illuminated with white light. The color of the shadow depends on the light, the object and the surface where it is projected.

 On the other hand, in art, shadow also means to give volume to the image, although it still defines the action of decreasing light and shadow, it is what makes the world have parameters that allow us to understand our environment, it constitutes the third dimension of spaces. Despite this, the importance of shadows in artificial lighting design is often underestimated. We do not realize that without shadows, spaces cannot be fully experienced. Shadows not only influence our emotional experience, but also other aspects: such as three-dimensionality, texture and materials.

 To conclude, one of the most important defects of the beginner is to load too much black, to fill everything too much with dark spots, without remembering that in shading there are two equally important elements: shadow and light. That is why he falls into the defect of making the tones darker than they should be. We must emphasize that the shadow, since it gives volume and most of the time it has a very particular meaning. It is clear that handling a shadow intrinsically implies handling light. Therefore, it is advisable to know that volume is the aspect that distinguishes the objects that surround us. In drawing, the volume is represented by the shadow, it is nothing more than to value its intensities.

      Can you easily distinguish the shadow in colors?

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Disclaimer: I would like to let you know that English is not my mother tongue, I may even make some mistakes in the elaboration of sentences in my posts. Feel free to correct me attentively. It will help me in my learning process.

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Writer, English, Read, Science, ...
