October 11, 2o21
Self-discipline is the hardest to build especially when you grew up getting everything you want. When your parents spoilt you and started giving you anything that you want when you started crying.
Being spoilt has its pros and cons too, one is that your self-discipline is not developed. Wondering why? Because you never experience waiting for that something that you want. You never experience sacrificing anything for something that you wanted so badly.
So now, let me share with your some tricks on building your self-discipline. By the way, I also read that success comes from discipline and not from motivation so I think this one will help us achieve the goals that we want.
According to Miriam Webster self-discipline is the ability to control one's feelings and over one's weaknesses, it is also the ability to resist temptation and the ability to pursue what one thinks is right.
Since self-discipline is the practice of resisting temptation therefor if you were able to resist temptation you can gain control over your habits, your productivity, and your lifestyle, so what we are going to do is to replace your negative urges into positive habits. Over time you those positive habits will feel natural and your negatives habits will push over into the background
Replacement activities are easy actually, all you have to do is think of activities that will replace the negative habit that you want to remove. For example, you want to lose weight, in order to lose weight you have to lessen your food intake and you have to eat healthy foods with less fat, less salt, and less sugar. What you will do is whenever you think that you want to eat, think of an activity that will divert your attention. Diverting your attention or refocusing on other things is the key. It is also like training our brain to ignore all the temptations in our life. You can choose any activity that you want as long as your achieving your goal of channeling negative urges into positive habits.
Self-discipline or self-control is a hot and cool system, It's like when you are in a bad and good mood. When your system is hot, it means that you are in a bad mood. Making decisions when you are in a bad mood is letting your impulsive emotions take over. It is the time when you are making reckless decisions without considering all the long-term consequences of your bad decisions that are caused by your bad moods. A cool system is when your brain is relaxed and you can think things slowly without making harsh decisions.
The trick here is to give yourself some time to breathe, let's say, give yourself at least 15 minutes, have some deep breathing exercises, and let your cool system take over. Don't let your emotions take over and don't let your hot temper get the best of you. Try resisting the temptation of making a decision when you're hot-tempered for a few more minutes and you will notice that the cool system is taking over. So, if you want to build your self-discipline then empower your cool system to make a long-term decision. And never ever let your hot system makes decisions for you.
We've heard this trick everywhere but this one helps build your self-discipline just like the first two tricks. Immense expectations can ruin your self control if you are intimidated by the obstacles, or hindrances that are in front of you. This may make you think that finishing the goal or achieving the goal is impossible.
The easy way to trick our brains into overcoming obstacles is to take one small step at a time. How? Don't think how big your quota is, don't think how huge the responsibility is, and focus only on a simple goal of taking that first step. In that way, your brain is not intimidated by huge responsibilities because it only sees the first step that you have to take. So, whenever you are faced with a new challenge start with a small and simple goal and focus on it, then when you are done with that first step you can not start the second step and the third and the fourth step until such time that you didn't notice that you already accomplished huge responsibility.
A lot of people are using excuses for their lack of self-control without knowing that they just made themselves lazy. By making excuses you just taught yourself to justify your bad habits. But excuses don't last forever, it's not even as bulletproof as you think.
If you will think about it, because of all the excuses that you have you are not accomplishing anything and all the task keeps on filing up because of your excuses. You are being unproductive. Building self-discipline doesn't happen all at once, you have to devote some time to help yourself build it. Like giving yourself 30 minutes every day for each goal that you want to achieve. It may sound not much but you are getting closer to your goal and it help's building your self-control too.
Consistency is always the key. To build self discipline you don't have to be on top of every game, what matter's is your consistency to do something to about it. Every simple things that you do as long as you do it every day that is what matters. If you need to build up your self control you have to show up at your best and at your worst.
One of the people who you'll see that have build up their self-discipline are the writers here in read. You will see them publish their article everyday, consistently polishing their skills on writing and through reading.
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This is really great and I learned a lot from it.. I will use what I have learnt here