August 27, 2021
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. - Vince Lombardi
Whenever I take a break in achieving my goal, I always look back to this quote, to push myself to move, to push myself to step forward, to look ahead, to have that will again to achieve the goals that I set. But lately, it's not working, it's not procrastination because I'm not delaying it for another day, the motivation to push myself is not there too, I don't know if it's laziness, lack of motivation, lack of willingness, or if depression is eating me again.
I did check again the definition of those four behaviors just to know where I really fall and let me share it with you;
the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy; idleness
the general desire or willingness of someone to do something
the quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness
feelings of severe despondency and dejection
Source: Oxford Languages
They are absolutely different from one another, but most of the time they quite look the same and can trigger or support one another. You may be feeling one of those or maybe a combination of these behaviors at the same time, but how do you know which one is it?
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Is there really a difference between those four? Let's see if we can figure out the difference between those four behaviors by listing down some symptoms that can help us determine if it's laziness, lack of motivation, lack of willingness or depression, or maybe a combination.
Being a couch potato or idleness has an intention. It can also manifest as procrastination. It's a preference too. There are people who enjoy doing absolutely nothing, and it's alright because everyone needs a lazy day for them to recharge or to relax, but if it affects our daily task, it may have a different impact on us. That can also view as we have the desire to do it, but the effort to do it is not there.
you give yourself excuses to do the things that you have to do
you left your task unfinished
your house or your working area is in a mess and disorganized
you are good at procrastination
Lack of Motivation
Lack of motivation is one of the symptoms of depression but it doesn't mean that you are also leading to that mental illness. You just stop doing what you want to do, and no willingness to even try to do something about it.
you don't have the energy to do things
you procrastinate because you loss interest in what you are doing.
you don't like things that are not beneficial
you are unproductive because of loss of energy
Lack of Willingnes
Lack of willingness or desire to do something is cause by lack of inspiration or lack of purpose. That is why setting of goals is important for us to have reasons to do something or to more forward towards our goals.
you procrastinate because you don't have a clear goal
you don't have a drive to do things
you choose to sleep more to avoid and to procrastinate
they reason out not to do things
As we all know depression is a serious mental illness that doesn't go away after a few days or even weeks and months. It is a mood disorder that seed a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. There are times that you may thought or feel as if life isn't worth living anymore. No desire or hope and no feelings too, they just feel numb. They feel like they lost all the concept of meaning in their life, and it doesn't matter to them anymore
you have lost interest in daily activities that used to be pleasurable
you either want to sleep more or you can't sleep at all that leads to insomia
you either have no appetite or increased need to eat which causes weight fluctuations
you are irritable and restless
you feel drained and sluggish that you want to have plenty of rest
poor self care
you have suicidal thoughts or you engage in dangerous activies
These are the types of behaviors that people are feeling nowadays and I admit I fall into one or two of those behavior categories the good thing is, I can identify it and i can still make some actions for me to be back to my old self again.
And if you are also feeling one of those, it is important for you to identify and know the causes. Figure out what truly brings meaning to your life and start setting your goals again. It may be hard to fix it but always know that there are people who loves and needs you. Don't forget to appreciate yourself every now and then for you may be having a hard time now but there are so many things that you've already accomplish in your life and you deserve a tap on your back for that.
And remember that you have friends that are always there to listen.
lead image: unsplash -
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Never take depsession for granted. Been there. It's dark!