Hello, my dear friends and family, how are you? what's up? I'm not very good, now that I'm writing this article I have a severe headache, which does not leave me. You know how busy I am these days, and this headache may be due to my tiredness. I miss for an interaction from the bottom of my heart with you my dear ones. Today I want to tell you a little bit about my situation these days, and why I'm not feeling very well.
First, let me thank my dear supporters, subscribers, visitors, and voters for their endless support. Thank you for always standing by me, believing in me, and the hope that you give me for continuing on this path. Your presence in my life is a great blessing, for which I always thank God.
As you know, I'm busy working on a mural project, and I'm tired of doing it these days. But I did not go to work today, because as soon as I woke up in the morning, I received the news of my half-uncle's death. This made me less motivated and not able to go to work.
My half-uncle, was my mother's brother from my grandfather's other wife. We were not very close, but seeing the kindness and love he expressed to us when we saw him always stayed in my heart.
The news of his death affected me today. I have reviewed all my childhood memories of him in my mind so far. He was always very sweet and lovely. It was around this time last year that he sent a message to my mother that I miss Ellen, tell her to call me, I want to talk to her. That day I got a video call with him on WhatsApp. We talked a lot, his kindness melted my heart as always. But I did not know that this was the last time I would see him and talk to him.
After that, he became ill, and doctors diagnosed him with stomach cancer. He suffered a lot during this time, until in the last surgery they had to remove his stomach, spleen and part of his intestine. But he didn't survive the surgery, he fell into a coma, and never woke up again.
He has two sons and two daughters, a daughter and a son living in Australia, who visited him before their father died and returned to Australia before he passed away, they can no longer attend their father's funeral. He saw his first grandson in the hospital before his death, thank God he no longer wished to see him. His other son lives in Canada with his wife, who could not come and see him until his father was alive. But now, after the death of his father, he has bought a ticket and will come until tomorrow. Everyone is waiting for the funeral to take place after his arrival.
His funeral will probably be on Friday, and we will all attend. I ask God to have mercy on his soul, and to give peace and happiness to his merciful soul. He was certainly a devoted husband to his wife, a caring father to his children, and a kind uncle to us. His presence was always full of goodness and blessings for those around him. May God gives his soul his divine goodness and blessings.
I know I will miss him one day, until the day I see him again in another world...
Thank you for being with me today despite my sadness. I ask God to have mercy on all your lost souls. May the souls of all the dead people be happy and at peace...
My condolences my dear Ellen and may he rest in peace. Hugs from me...