Don’t give up: Write even when you don’t want to

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3 years ago

What is your style in writing? 

When I write articles it's just like I am talking to a friend. In My previous post, I have said about the specific topic a writer should have, then the purpose of why you are writing. This time I’m going to tell you my own way or style of writing. 

Upon reading some content from good writers here and outside this community, I saw different ways of how they deliver their articles.

I know that my knowledge in blogging is still very limited and my style of writing is quite far from professional writers. 

Not only that English is just my second language so I am not that good at English grammar.

I just follow basic rules in writing like having the main idea of the topic and some supporting details. Then use words that are easy to understand.

As the phrase goes: “Write to express not to impress.”

Some writers deliver their posts in a poem style, recipes, tutorials, news, reviews, photography, and or story series. 

As for me, I’m kind of like mixing those styles but maintain on the track of my niche at least.

There are bloggers who like writing different stuff, no specific branding, it’s like more of general information. Sometimes I do that, because you know I tend to learn everything that’s kind of interesting be it music, sports, electronics, and mechanical equipment.

Don’t ask me about finance, I am not good at that niche. (laughs) But somehow I’m kind of reading some stuff related to that, at least not being left behind.

Sometimes I wish that I could know all things so I can write everything but even Einstein or Aristotle don't know about everything. 

When I write, I just like talking to the air. Yes, I know it’s hard to put those words in full content without a target. But it’s just like selling goods of general merchandise. Assorted products. Are you getting this? Somehow my content gained an audience.

So whatever your style in writing, just make sure you don’t get lost. This is one of the mistakes that I saw in my previous writings. I always re-read my articles after posting and even if it feels like no mistakes, there are still visible errors. 

One thing difficult about me being a blogger is that no one is correcting me. I always correct myself. You might think of me as a perfectionist but making your works always nearest to perfect is a success.

As a self-taught writer. I am combining different styles of writing and using the teachings of full-time bloggers as a guide. I guess that makes it more of a free-writing technique.

To noobs in blogging for this platform, if you are going to take my advice, don’t rush. You will learn all those techniques eventually. Forget about the upvotes first. Don’t try to keep looking at those huge tips from the funder of this site. Although sometimes I felt envious of them but instead of feeling that way, I got motivated and inspired. Would you believe me that @MarcDeMesel tipped one of my posts?

I was just three weeks on this platform when I received that. I couldn’t believe that the number one funders of this site would notice my article.

So forget about those numbers first. Just focus on writing good stuff first even if you still have no specific niche. If you could set a goal of one article per day that would be great. 

I always mention @CryptoMax on most of my posts. I don’t know him personally but I am learning from his blogging style. I remember his comment in one of my previous post:

“Don’t give up and don’t forget to write even when you don’t want to!” 

We all do have some ups and downs and sometimes when we are so down we just feel like we don’t want to write. But believe me, I can write more whenever I am down.

Writing is not just coming from what we think, we should also feel it. Let your emotions do the writing. 

You may think, who am I to tell you about these things?  Well, that is just what I feel and according to how I perceive things about blogging.

This site is telling us to write anything in accordance with its rules. So you don’t have to worry about anything to write. 

Try starting to write about your pet, or your first crush, we never know of your thoughts. Write with your own style. Unlock your skills. Free your mind. You do have potential. 

Thanks for reading. Ciao!


You may want to support me with my journey here at, I will highly appreciate it. 

I will also appreciate your generosity please visit me at When you do please leave a message so I can extend my gratitude.


Feel free to check my previous post:

There is no Truth, no Reality: Only Stories

Full-time Blogger: Yes You Can

Anyone Has Their Own Purpose in Writing

Photo Credits:

Marcos Paulo Prado

René Ranisch

Brett Jordan


Special mention to my sponsors:

@Cineholic @CryptoBabe @CryptoMax


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$ 0.20 from @CryptoMax
$ 0.05 from @leejhen
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3 years ago
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This is one of the takeaways I really get from @Cryptomax, write even if you don't feel writing. We have our own stories to tell.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

I had a friend join and she was getting annoyed at the bot not visiting her and I used you as an example Lhaine :P

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you very much and thanks to your encouragement and your articles are really helping me!I think she has visited my last article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yes even if sometimes i feel lazy enough to write but everything we see has a lot of stories to tell.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, I also try different topics in writing but I make sure my style remains there. I want people who read my articles think, "This is really her, she really wrote this one." I also admire people who have beem notived by top funders of this platform. I do my best everyday until that day comea to me, too. For now, I will just write and write, with all that I got. (Even if sometimes I don't want to! ) ♥️

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Sometimes I feel lazy enough to write but I just looked everywhere, a single object can have hundreds of ideas to tackle, and if you're kind of used to it, your hands will be unstoppable. I even pull myself of bed during sleep time when an idea comes out, then I started writing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago