People are born in different generations. Those who were born under the same generation can relate to each other's stories as they evolve.
Do you know what type of generation you were born in? Perhaps you have heard of the word Millennials. How did kids live their lives in the 80’s?
It’s been months since I have posted an article about time travel, however you will notice that most of my stories are from the the past so it’s more kind of writing stories back in time.
I want to tackle today about the 80’s, most probably kids' life during when Super Mario Brothers were a famous Nintendo game.
Before I proceed, let me first give you a brief idea of how generations are broken down by age.
The Generations X, Y and Z
People born between 1946 and 1964 are named Baby Boomer. There is one Baby Boomer here on that I know. He writes well and he is from Venezuela. Do you think you know him?
If you were born between 1965 and 1980, you are a Generation X or Gen X. So if your birth year was 1980 you will mostly co-exist with the kids of the next generation.
Millennials as most people call them - the Generation Y or Gen Y. They were born between 1981 and 1996.
Baby’s born between 1997 and 2015 are called the Generation Z or Gen Z.
So I have given you small details about these generations. I hope you know where you belong now.
You might wonder why I almost know a lot about the 80’s. Obviously because I was born in that Generation, (do I sound like revealing my age, laughs). Geez! I feel too old.
Anyway, they said life in the 80's was the most memorable one and by far the best ever kids life experiences.
Yes, this is the generation when the MP3 player today was a Walkman back then. MP4 was Betamax. Voltes 5 before is still Voltes 5 today.
Batman, Superman and Spiderman are already famous during the 80’s. And you know what, your favorite Thundercats cartoon series is planning to revive this year. I can hardly wait.
However kids in the 80’s if not all were kind of having a traumatic experience when it comes to dealing with house rules. Parent’s back then were kind of authoritarian when it came to disciplining their kids. Perhaps because our parents and grandparents had post traumatic experiences during the second world war and then the declaration of Martial Law on September 23, 1971.
Kids back then including myself have experienced the so called corporal punishment in schools and at home. Yes, the discipline process during those days was so intense. Teachers have the right to beat kids as a form of discipline. I can still remember when my third grade teacher hit us hard in the butt with a hard broom because four of us failed to attend the flag raising ceremony. Or if we caught talking or became noisy in the class our teacher would pinch our ear hard or lips that would leave a blood clot marked. We named those teachers as “Terror” teachers.
My mother was the disciplinarian in the family. Father was a soft hearted and I don’t remember he beat me for my foolishness when I was a kid. He was my savior whenever my mother would beat me hard.
I wanted to tell you here how my mother showed her way of disciplining me and my siblings but I prefer not to share it. You wouldn’t like it when she punished a child. I think one incident was when she caught me saying bad words or that I had lied, she forcefully made me eat three red chili peppers. If I resist, she will crush those peppers on my closed lips. Oh, I’m sorry I wasn’t supposed to share that.
Parents those times were very very strict. You have to be very careful with your words and moves. You could be beaten for a very simple mistake. I remember my playmate when he was being punished by her mother. He has to be naked and then her mother would hit him with bamboo to any parts of his body. He was our neighbor and when her mother was done beating him I can see how he trembled helplessly in one corner of their house naked.
Mother was kind of similar to that but she will not undress me before beating me. She will just hit me with whatever available stick in the corner, even firewood
However, even though my mother was like that, it never came to the point that I would be rebellious. Although in my mind I already plan to leave the house and live on the street. It never happened, just my imagination.
Despite the suffering I endure with the discipline process of my mother, I have no regrets of having them as my parents. Perhaps if I didn't listen to my mothers unlimited advice and reminders I wouldn’t be a good father to my kids right now.
Now that I am a parent too, I don’t want my kids to be beaten for a very simple mistake. I want to end that style of disciplining a kid. It is no longer the 80’s today and kids are now of different generations. Those act of discipline is no longer acceptable although in some remote areas in different provinces, some parents still practice corporal punishment.
Those people’s minds are stuck in the events of the past that they can not adopt the current lifestyle of the new generation.
If you're reading this and happen to be a millennial or Gen X, I know you can relate and if you experience it too, please let us end this hysteria.
As much as possible let us discipline our kids without harming them physically, mentally or emotionally. Kids are gifts and we should not show cruelty to them. Although some parents have regrets about having kids, it’s not good to put the blame on them. Remember that the reason for their existence was from our own actions.
I think I have said enough here and I don’t want to make this post too long. I hope you have learned something from this post or at least can relate somehow.
When was the last time you were reprimanded by your parents for your foolishness? Did they punish you, beat you or just receive advice? Please share in the comment below so we can interact.
Thanks for reading. Ciao!
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Hahahaha. Now my brother and I would just laugh at the fact that we were beaten with a plastic fly swatter. The other side of the swatter which is by the handle. It hurts and it leaves a mark for days. Then I have noticed that we were lucky that we have been disciplined like that unlike with ny other cousins who never experienced a beating. They grew up so spoiled thay some of them did not want to work because it was hard. Now they are dependent with their parents even when they already have their own family and they do not share with the expenses in the house. Some of them and their wives have work but their salary are only for them alone. Sad. Now the parents are afraid to talk to their children because they fear that they might be angry and they might not talk to them or worse they would leave the house.