What a blessing I can and want to get for March 8th?
My project blog has been up and running for four and a half months - a decent age for this form of communication. In that time, I've been writing almost daily.
Some readers are surprised at the accuracy with which my posts appear in their news feed.
No matter what was going on in my life and no matter where I was (even when there was a bombing), I wrote and posted the message of the day. No circumstance has ever given me a reason to deviate from the rules I have set for myself, and that consistency is a sign of credibility for me.
In fact, it has been consistent and reliable.
In my creative calendar, I marked only one day with a hyphen, which indirectly demonstrates the exceptional nature of the events.
Today could have been the second day of silence, but half an hour ago my mother called me and asked
Article I. And it is thanks to her question that you are reading these lines.
The only subject I can write about is life.
The only thing I can do is to keep writing about life in English.
I do, but without much effort or commitment, and perhaps not as rigorously as before.
Since a week ago, every day has become a day woven of bits of happiness in a mood of anxiety, and if the mood needs no explanation, I'd like to say a few words about happiness.
Everything I do takes on new value and moves from the category of daily problems to the category of possibilities.
I go to work and think: how wonderful it is that I can still walk from home to the hospital in peace.
I get home and think of all the things I remembered before: that I can open the door, turn on the computer, change clothes and do my favorite things all day in peace.
The sound of a key turning in the lock, the cold water running from the tap, every step, every little thing, every hour is considered a priceless gift that requires nothing extra.
I drink my tea and enjoy everything that is characteristic of this state: the taste of the drink, the comfort of the posture and the temporary silence that accompanies the consumption of tea.
I vacuum the carpet and feel this situation not as part of a routine practice, but as evidence of my fitness, satisfactory well-being, and positive motivation to create cleanliness and coziness.
What a blessing that I have something and something to vacuum with!
What happiness that I can and want to do it!
The other day I was asked what gift I want to get for the 8th of March.
I'll be honest: none, except for March 8 itself and the end of this horror-war😪 !!!!
It seems to me that being able to welcome home another International Women's Day is a self-sufficient, expensive gift that needs absolutely no material support whatsoever.
To wake up and lie in silence, listening to the leisurely ticking of the clock...and hear the silence and see the clear sky without the streaks of planes and rockets.
To take a hot shower and, returning in warm clothes, make coffee...and no longer hide in the basement room from shelling...
To go out quietly to the courtyard, squinting against the bold rays of the sun...
Call my mother...
Flip through a recipe book...
I don't need anything else for March 8th!!!!!
And not just for the 8th, but for the 9th, and the 10th, and the 1st+, and the 12th...
For all the days I need only what I have - the opportunity to live an uncomplicated life, just LIVE!!!!!
And all these rapturous appraisals of the little things that weave the fabric of such a life do not contradict my anxious mood, but seem to be illuminated by it.
Photo: pexels.com
I thank God for his help in writing this article, and you, dear readers, praise him if your reading has been helpful to you.
I want to know your opinion.
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Good luck to you readers read.cash 🇺🇦
Happy International wowens day to you my friend. Its true in self sufficient is a best gift that needs absolutely.