Breastfeeding in public - huge support!

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Breastfeeding in a public place in modern times causes a lot of controversy, although it is clear how healthy breastfeeding is for both the baby and the mother.

The basic criticism of breastfeeding in public is based on the fact that it is uncomfortable for the environment to see a naked breast natural, others are ashamed and afraid of the condemnation of society, which is still strong when it comes to breastfeeding in public. In some countries it is allowed, while in some it is strictly forbidden. In countries like America, Canada even prohibits discrimination against breastfeeding mothers in public by law.

You’ll probably think I’m exaggerating and that’s not really a problem. Most people think that it is the choice of the mother who can breastfeed in public or not, it can be covered while breastfeeding in public or not, the choice is up to the mother. The choice is up to the mother, but what will influence her decision is the environment in which she lives. A mother who has decided to breastfeed in public has to fight the established thoughts that have been present for years, she has to fight against herself and her upbringing.

We are mostly raised in such a way that we consider breasts inappropriate, dishonorable and an object that must be covered in any case so that no man would accidentally see them. And while you are breastfeeding in the middle of a crowded street, with a baby breastfeeding and enjoying, you are watching every passerby and waiting for the one who will say something to you, shout, look at you ugly. You hear your mother telling you to cover yourself, that what you are doing is inappropriate, to challenge men.

As I said at the beginning, the problem is in the society that raised us to look at some things the wrong way. Society and the media are the ones that influence our view of most things. From an upbringing that is crucial, from a Catholic environment that is conservative and sometimes very exclusive to a medium that has sexualized women’s breasts and turned them into an object that serves to meet men’s needs.

Women's breasts are mostly associated with half-naked starlets, porn movies and magazines, and with sexy lingerie models who shout at us from every commercial that our breasts must look sexy for our man. The fact is that women’s breasts are completely sexualized, the whole view of women’s breasts is wrong. We women look at them wrong. Men, the whole society, look at them wrongly, and worst of all, we teach our children wrong.

  • Babies are hungry and they can't wait!

  • Breastfeeding is normal and natural!

  • There is no a reason to be ashamed!

  • Stop sexualizing women and her breast!

  • Stop being cynical!

Support to all mothers and support to breastfeeding! You are all beautiful!

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @Jane
$ 0.01 from @milanlukic
Sponsors of AngryKoala



$ 0.00
4 years ago


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4 years ago

Ne razumem sta ljudi vide nedolicno u dojenju...Pa to je sasvim normalna i prirodna stvar.... Zar zbog nekih kvazimodo normi zene trebaju da se sklanjaju kad doje dete... Ako ti se prizor dok majka doji dete ne svidja nemoj da gledas, dosao si u restoran da jedes, onda jedi i ne bleji okolo, Zamisli da se tvoja majka nasla u ovo vreme u restoranu i dojila tebe, da li bi imao isto misljenje...??? Komentarise se prirodno ponasanje majke i dojenja, a kad bi se u tom istom restoranu, dogodilo neko nasilje, nad recimo zenom, ili detetom , da li bi reakcija bila okretanje glave, tj necu da se mesam, ili bi reagovali na neki drugi nacin...Uvek sam bila za dojenje i tako ce ostati bez obzira gde se to dogadja.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala na kvalitetnom komentaru i iznetom misljenju. I meni nije jasno kako nesto tako prirodno moze da se smatra sramotnim, a mnoge druge stvari ne. Na okretanje glave se najvise gadim. Divno je sto podrzavas dojenje u javnosti

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4 years ago

ne mogu da shvati zasto je dojenje tolika tabu tema u danasnjem svetu, jednostavno mi to ne ide u glavu, jedna apsolutno prirodna i normalna stvar da je do te mere stigmatizovana, apsolutno odobravam

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4 years ago

@milanlukic i @makeonline slazem se sa vama. Nije mi jasno kako je dojenje postalo sramota i nenormalno, kad je to bukvalno najprirodnija stvar na svetu. Niti je sramota, niti ugrozava nekoga...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Moje skromno misljenje je da se vrsi globalna kampanja protiv svega prirodnog kao sto je dojenje. Sve te navodne kampanje za zdrav zivot je samo farsa,eno pogledajte na zapadu npr. Nemackoj je zabranjeno proizvesti hranu u svom vrtu.Pitanje je zasto???

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4 years ago

Grozim se svega sto je danasnja normalnost za vecinu ljudi...isprani mozgovi...sto je nekad bilo normalno sada nije a sto je bilo nenormalno sada je neki nacin idemo ka kraju sveta ali ne u smislu pogodice nas ogromna kometa

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4 years ago

Dvadeset odsto mama koje su dojile svoje bebe u poslednjih pet godina, nikada nije dojilo u javnosti, dok je deset odsto reklo da su Ĺľelele, ali se nisu odluÄŤile na taj korak iz razliÄŤitih razloga, a jedan je i strah od negativne reakcije okoline, rezultati su nedavno sprovedenog istraĹľivanja Centra za mame o dojenju u javnosti u Srbiji.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nisu dojile zato sto nisu smele, jer ce ljudi da ih gledaju pogrdno ili da bulje u njih. Negativna reakcija okoline je nesto sto je sramota.. i muskarci su bili dojeni, a tek zene koje ce i da doje verovatno. Izokrenuo se svet. Hvala na ukazanim statistickim podacima

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4 years ago

Pa evo, ja imam bebu koja sada ima 4m i na srecu samo sisa i nema potrebe hraniti je dohranom. Jesam naravno za dojenje na javnim mestima, zato sto mi je ona bitnija od svacijeg pogleda, ali kada krenem negde uvek je prvo kod kuce podojim, a ako se desi da moram negde na javnom mestu da joj dam da jede imam posebnu maramu u kojoj je nosim i koja je super za podoj tako da se nista i ne vidi. A ako smo ispred zgrade u parkicu gde se skupljaju komsije sa decurlijom, ako dodje do toga da treba da joj dam da jede skoknem do kuce, nije na kraj sveta :) A i slazem se skroz sa @gordana nikome ne smeta kada se ove ludace skinu jos malo pa gole i pojavljuju tako na Tvu ili setaju gradom, one su tada totalno moderne, a ako majka treba da podoji dete to je vec haos, odmah te popreko gledaju, ali mene bas briga za to, bitno da mi je dete namireno :)

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4 years ago

That's right. Good for you. The child comes first. People like to look at a woman's bare breasts and they don't mind, and they are bothered by a mother breastfeeding her child. You're right, it's okay to cover a little with a scarf, more because of the dust or the sun, not because of the shame.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Me..subscribe your Account.. You Subscribe my Account đź’“đź’“

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I believe there are breastfeeding stations in almost every establishment besides the fast food chains but yeah, the breastfeeding in public is too controversial a topic, specially in the highly religious countries. It kind of makes you feel bad about the baby who has to suffer starvation just because of this kind of negative light on the topic

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In some cities there are places for breastfeeding, but in most cities, parks, restaurants do not exist. I certainly don’t think it’s necessary to feed the baby exclusively there. People eat on the street, in the park, everywhere. And the baby is no shame, quite the opposite. It is a gentle and innocent creature :) , and a breastfeeding mother should be viewed with respect by all.

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4 years ago

True but it would really be such a challenge to remove the stigma that's been impronted in the human mind for centuries or so. But it's never late to start the change.i suppose

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4 years ago

I don't think breasts feeding a child in public is healthy

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4 years ago

Why do you think breastfeesing in public is not healthy? Baybe needs to eat, and mothers milk is the most healthy food for the baby.

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4 years ago

Svakako DA al ne usred restorana. Ima nas razliÄŤitih ljudi i razliÄŤite kulture. Kod nas ima posebne sobe gde se moĹľe majka sa djetetom odmaknut i tamo u miru da mu mjenja pelene i nahrani ga.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ja se potpuno slazem sa ovim. Mislim da hranjenje bebe u sred restorana nije bas najprimerenije, Ja razumem da beba mora da jede kao i svi mi, i znam da svi mi nekada jedemo u javnosti, ali da bi beba jela majka mora da izvadi svoju dojku i da je da bebi. Po mom misljenju vadjenje dojke u javnosti nije nesto sto je najprimerenije i potpuno razumem da je drugim ljudima neprijatno da gledaju to.

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4 years ago

Personally i don't think breastfeeding a baby in public is bad. Everybody eats at their own convienient time, why then is it a crime to give a baby his food whenever nature demands and where. Except you have a bad attitude towards babies, breastfeeding is their only source of food and i don't think it should be a dictated where those babies should be breastfeeded. Thanks for this post

$ 0.01
4 years ago

Wonderful comment and explanation. Thank you for that. I can’t understand how disgusting or ugly it can be for someone to see a baby being breastfed by a mother. That's nice. I don't understand people who are uncomfortable. What makes them uncomfortable? I am embarrassed that such people exist, so I do not tell them not to go public.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow, thanks for your reply,it shows an intelligent mind. Thanks for the upvote as well, I appreciate the gesture

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4 years ago

Jas go podrzuvam doenjeto na bebinjata na javni mesta. Nema nisto strasno vo toa, bebenceto kje bide najadeno a majkata mirna. I sigurno pri doenjeto majkata se zastituva na nekoj nacin.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala na odgovoru i podrsci majkama za dojenje u javnosti. Dojenje nije sramotan cin, svi jedu u javnosti, tako i beba moze i treba da jede. Ovaj problem mora i sistematski da se resi. Majke treba da se osnaze i da im se pruzi podrska za dojenje u javnosti.

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4 years ago

Exactly. Breastfeeding in public should be normalized. If they think it is very shameful to do such motherly act then might as well help the mother first in silencing the baby before judging the breastfeeding action.

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4 years ago

You are right. I don’t understand why anyone would mind such a natural and normal act. It’s just a baby the mother is feeding. There is nothing shameful or rude about it. People who find breastfeeding inappropriate really need to think a little. Thank you for sharing opininion @Kiro , subscribe for more

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In my opinion, this is very wide topic. I do not know what to tell about this. I understand that babies need ot eat, and they cannot wait, but I also understand that someone, who is eating in the reastaurant do not feel comfortable while someone is breastfeeding a baby next to him. Both of those are totally normal, it is normal to eat, and also it is normal to feel unconfortable while someone is doing that. of course, it is not disgusting, there is not anything disgusting in feeding a baby.

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4 years ago

How about that? That person also eats in a restaurant, just as a baby eats. There is nothing dirty or embarrassing about breastfeeding. So, it is not embarrassing if there is a woman in a restaurant wearing a dress with a deep neckline, where a large part of the breasts can be seen, and the problem is if the breasts of a breastfeeding woman can be seen. Why? You got your point at the end, there is nothing disgusting in feeding a baby :)

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4 years ago

Yes, the person is also eating, but the moment when mother has to pull out her brests can be lil bit unconfortable. I totally understand that there are some people, who do not want to watch someone's brests while they are eating.

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4 years ago

What about girls who wearing to much open dress so you can see most of her brest. That is sexy?

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4 years ago

Gledala sam video anketu sta je privlacnije dojenje javno ili duboki dekolte kod zena,neverovatno da je vecina osudila dojenje javno.Nisam za to da zena izbaci grudi na javnom mestu pa makar to bilo i dojenje,jesam za to da se to radi pristojno pokriveno.

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4 years ago

Sto se tice pokrivanja prilikom dojenja, okej je to meni, prvenstveno zbog prasine ili jakog sunca. Nikako.zbog sramote jer tu nema niceg sramotnog. Naravno, privlacniji je dekolte, dojenje i ne treba da bude seksualno privlacno. To je hranjenje bebe.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Success is breastfeeding a baby with all the difficulties that modern society has imposed on us. Success is breastfeeding for one month, three months, six months, a year, two years. So congratulations to all the mothers who have managed and continue to breastfeed - remember that you are doing a great job!

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4 years ago

Yes, breastfeeding is a great job and all mothers deserve a huge support! Thank you @varda42 for that. Modern world is a heavy place and we all should help and support mothers

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4 years ago

U popunosti odobravam. Muka mi je od laznog moralisanja i pravljenja tabua od potpuno normalnih i prirodnih stvari.

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4 years ago

Hvala @ruza17 previse licemera na ovom svetu. Oni mogu da jedu u javnosti, a beba ne moze. Jednstavno nema zasto da bulje i zenske grudi, neka gledaju svoja posla. Bebe moraju da jedu kad pozele i gde pozele

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Bas tako, ljudi su cinicni i dvolicni. Dojenje je prirodna i lepa stvar, ne nanosi stetu nikome u okolini.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We should support this, there's no wrong about breast feeding in public.

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4 years ago

Thank you for your support.. Its normal and beautiful thing to feed the baby. I dont know how some people can tell that its not okay yo do that in public

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4 years ago

Maybe because they are just not thinking right. Don't mind them Hehe

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4 years ago