Unfamiliar wealthy rules.

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1 year ago


Human beings are in tactics with earnings since very early of his existence on earth because the hunger & thirst force him to search the food . As time passed the needs rised up and to fulfill them more effort been made by him.

Modern theory about going to rich and sustain at upper pitch is not only earning the money. It is all about spending the money. Especially Covid19 pandemic leaving this strong massage to human that spend wisely.

There are certain ways / rules of savings & spending, if we adopt them may it leads us to rich on a stage. Here are some and according to many experts it works.

Don't spend stolid income.

We all have different sources of income and mostly have one big tub and many small ones in earnings. One big can be your salary , business income, property rent etc and small ones like Crypto trade , blogging , free lancing and side hustle. These small ones are our passive income sources.

The experts says that don't spend the income from these sources for your daily routine needs but oppositely keep them in passive again. Means keep investing/ hold/ rotate in same source but don't withdraw. So by 10 years time your passive income will be a mountain and you can live further life is more peaceful.

Impressing others ( A useless hobby).

Most of us earn money by hardships and difficulties but spend it unconsciously to Impress others which is a useless hobby. We spend our precious money on unproductive things which has nothing meaning then some words of others.

Car , social status, furnished apartment, LED and lot of other things which we buy with no purpose but just to show others. These are all waste and can't give us any money at the end.

If possible, go for leasing.

If you have money then invest it to generate more Money instead of fixed asset which will be a white elephant for you by time passing. For example I have $100,000 with me and it is very easy to buy a house for me and live in it. But experts says it will be not a wise decision. Invest that amount into any project and generate minimum three times more then capital to buy a home.

Untill that time go , rent a home for $500 and live in it. Put your 75% capital in different investments and made it 3 times in next 10 years to buy a home. Same logic can be adopted for car , farmhouse, home and other expansive things.

If you don't have twice in pocket, don't buy anything.

This rule looks a abandoned one but interesting. Experts says that if you want to buy any thing worth of $1 ,you must have at least $3 in your pocket. So after spending one dollar you still have two in your savings.

Mostly here caught up and spend almost whole pocket to buy a luxury which ultimately pushed us in loans. So avoid any purchase until you don't have twice balance in your pocket. Also follow three W formula before any purchase. Why I am buying this ? What it means to me ? Which benifits I will got? If you repeat these questions to you before any purchase then may you never have unnecessary metals in your shelves.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


These days we really should have different sources of income and not rely on just one. Let's be more financial educated.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Today there are many people who, it is not that they spend what they have, but that they ask for loans to buy things, many things that are even superficial (there are people who go into debt to go on vacation).

$ 0.03
1 year ago

We should not spend more than our income. We want to earn money to satisfy our greed, thirst. We have to spend as much as we earn. Then the money balance will be correct .

$ 0.03
1 year ago

agreed mostly people earn money and what they do, they spend on people in order to impress them that we have money, and the last thing is never buy anything untill you have double amount of money

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I agree, many really wanted to show off and unable to manages their expenses. Then turn out to be in debt. I am always stingy, yet not to the point I would too advantage of others...It is just I am not fond of spending my money for useless things

$ 0.03
1 year ago

This article will surely help many people including me mostly it's our mindset that whatever we earn we should use it but if you really want to make passive income better to invest them k crypto in staking or trading and in no time your money will be doubled

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Its very hard to earn money so spend it wisely. If ever we have extra money, try to invest in small businesses to be able to save money and not buy unnecessary things like luxuries materials.think it multiple times on what is important for our living.very informative thank you sir God bless!

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I agree, impressing and also trying to spend time worrying about other people is not a healthy habit.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

But still lot of our country men are in this race.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is one of the biggest wrong fact in our life. We didn't have enough income there is no need to spend more. Extra efficiency and lower efficiency both are problematic.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

If other have red face , we try to do same by beating up. It is wrong race .

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a perfect way to spend money indeed. I have learnt not to spend more than I earn and I always write down my expenses too. It helps

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Writing down the expenses is beautiful way to identify the unproductive wastage of it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago