Go Mad To Yourself.

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1 year ago


Madness or anger is part of our psychological mindset which normally rise up when our expectations not meet. It is our instinct as human that we want the things according to our viewpoint. We want that our decisions must be accepted by all , our actions should be recognised by others without any criticism.

Anger or madness has lot of reasons but major are ,

  • On what we never expected.

  • On mistakes & failures.

  • On Hurdles by others.

  • On behaviours of others.

  • On ourself.

Are you feel anger over yourself at any point? That's the topic of the day. Mostly we go mad on others for different reasons and also goes mad on ourselves as well. This anger has lot of potential, power and energy. It need to convert it into lay of foundation for something bigger which we never achieve.

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Madness on ourselves generates lot of ideas ( positive & negative), thinking, pressure, desires etc. The harmonic speed gear up and our brain works more faster then normal conditions. Our heart pumps more blood in circulation and it gives more strength in muscles and joints.

The anger on ourselves can boost lot of hidden skills and techniques of our capabilities by birth. We can convert it in most possible good things like,

Desire of change.

Anger on ourself brings desire of change. When we run systemic way and can't reach to destination while others catching up then we feel that we should do it with some changes. That desire generates from anger of failure or lose.


When our efforts, struggle hits a hurdle and not move forward even by several trying then a diversion emerges. This Diversion gets birth from the lap of anger which converts the way of doing. As we know the anger always has more energy then the adopted diversion get triggered more quickly then earlier speed.


Anger on ourselves provide the opportunity to sit , rethink and replan our level of struggle. It helps us to evaluate the process, approach and landing. It shows us alternative ways , techniques and methods to adopt. It bring out our weaknesses and strengths.


Going mad on ourself gives opportunity to concentrate back on out footsteps taken to get the destination. We comes to know the reasons of failure and made another plan with more concentration to avoid any further falls.

Unlock the potential.

We got Mad by not did Task and gone angered on our self. Then suddenly a idea comes that why I can't do it by this way? I am capable of this and can do it . That unlock of potential only we comes to know from anger or madness over ourselves. If things go smoothly without any hurdles, may we never know that hidden potential of our body.


Normally we learn that don't be angry, frustrating or mad over failure but sometimes going mad over ourself gives lot of good things. Our twists to ourself gives chance to modify things in better shape. We should excercise it's positive response which is difficult in bigning but leave a huge inlightment to hidden capabilities and new horizons.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Great article, very correct as for me what makes me get mad at myself is my mistakes, especially when I have warn myself about not making sure mistake

$ 0.00
1 year ago

One thing for sure once madness is always prevail on us its not good as well, i know sometimes our day it not good to us still better to comeout to avoid madness

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You are totally correct and I am agree to it. Due these confusion and anger, sadness the madness overcome our mind. But to control that it is the best skill

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You are absolutely right, sometimes the mind of a person gets confused in many things, in this sense, sometimes people show anger, sometimes they act like mado, sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are sad. Sometimes they become completely silent and cannot even show their feelings and sometimes they are so confident that they will do everything.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Good thinking belongs to you. My think is same as your topic title. Indeed, we feel anger when anyone reached the same destiny but you still remain. It's good point, at that time instead of disappointed we should should move on improvements.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I strongly agreed to your thinking, we should sometimes mad to ourselves. We need this positive attitude to exceed in life.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Well agreed to your view point sir, madness has good as well as bad effects on our mind and life, if write positively about it, madness can play a vital role in achieving greater things in life, so if we use madness, anger(can say that it's most powerful tool )in a good way we can achieve greater things in our life.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Anger should always be controlled. I get angry in a moment and forget all the troubles in a moment. It is better not to be angry with any person. Anger should be brought under control.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

When I was young I easily got mad and angry but learned how to control it as maturity hits me.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Anger and madness at our own mistakes can make us to be more focused on our aims. We can learn to do things even in better ways. But we shouldn't let our anger to destroy us.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

agreed to you sir, sometimes its good to be mad over yourself so that we can improve ourslves, our mistakes and work hard to not be failure again.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I get mad at myself when my decisions in life cause me more worries and pressure. but on the other hand, it helps us also to feel at ease when things goes out of control

$ 0.02
1 year ago