Content writing journey, .

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Writing the articles and blogs is difficult job especially for people who has other business/ job and ventures. It requires lot of skills, time , research and hustling. Then peace of mind , calm atmosphere and enough energy gives shining to words.

I am Amjad Ali with original photo dp . I am a mass communication graduate and basically a business man owning a grocery store, has some acres of agriculture land to cultivate, doing "Connector" commission base work in property consultancy on sell / buy / rental. So it is always difficult to get some hours to write a good blog.

I started my writing journey from Uptrend around two years back when HurmainZara pushed me in this field. It was a awesome experience there for 8 months till the ship drove down.

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How I reached on

I talked about this in my one of previous article also that I created the account by invitation of @Navi in middle of last year but couldn't post any thing till January this year. I got motivation to write here by two incidents. One was a sign board of a grocery shop in my town who is accepting BCH as cash ( till now he accepts and according to him he made 91 transactions of selling the goods against BCH in six months because he is only one shopkeeper who is accepting BCH in my town).

Second one was my friend of @shah forced me to write here which I accepted and then it is going on. My speciality is personal growth, social problems and traveling & photography.

Challenges in writing,

As I mentioned earlier that writing is never easy job. Blog per day is real challenge to me which I target every month but failed to do so due to my schedule. I fall short always not by topics or words in vocabulary but time can't manageable by me.

Is helping me? helping every user in different ways. Personally I am grateful to the core team , head of , owner and the senior users for all the helps I got here.

  • helps me in written skills. We all know that for writing, reading is compulsory. When we read books , magazine, other's blogs to collect some information. These things helps me a lot in development of my personal vocabulary.

  • I learn negotiation skill from . A negotiator has good communication skills which is key point in my work of "Connector".

  • proves on of the best financial assistance to me in worst times of Covid19. I earned more then my expectations and fullfil my needs. I am holding still more then 4 BCH in wallet which I can't throw to waste in this bearish time.

  • gives me courage to stay positive in all kind of situation. By reading lot of books, thesis I reached on conclusion that each thing has a specific time to happen. We keep lot of unnecessary fears in our minds which effects our efficiency.

Lessons learnt at .

We learn from our mistakes, other's experience and natural interactions. I found a best place for learning. Multicultural community, high experienced users , master of own class experts, investors and traders , multiple languages are source to get lot of lessons.

  • BCH is still alive even its price goes zero. It shows the strength, grip and lesson for us about its sovereignty. BCH is reality and it will remain as worthy as we are own.

  • Spending, earnings are didn't matter now a days. Every one earning but real wiseness comes in spending. How we utilise our assets and where we use it. The lesson about spending is very strong from How we earn money and where we are spending it .

  • Every thing is not for you. It is strong sentence with good lesson. Almighty God bless everyone some born base capabilities which are unique. We should admire him but it is not possible for others to be exactly like him.

  • Hold the emotions aside. Crypto market need patience which possible only when we learn how to control our emotions. The lesson I learn is don't listen your emotions in decision making but out realistic figure Infront to do so.

Thanks for your precious time to read my experiences. I will be glad to know your feedback in comments. Thanks to my prestigious sponsors who always help me. Thanks @Lhes for renewal of sponsorship.

Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince

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Tweeter | noisecash | readcash| noiseapp

Lead image: designed by me on Canva.


$ 1.87
$ 1.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @esmeesmith
+ 18
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


I have similar observations. In fact I kept emotions aside and got money out of the smartBCH, that entire chain went rugpull. I am just sticking with the BCH for now. :)

$ 0.03
1 year ago

This is so interesting from you and how Readcash has helped you even to improve in your skill. Though, writing is a challenge but it isn't anymore when we are used to it. We only need more time to be focused and write great content.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Glad to know that you're a multi talented person who is accomplishing different jobs. Your line about clam atmosphere for writing is So true. I can't write If I don't Sync my mood with well I started working on from i got to know about Haha also let me remind it to myself "once I was a scammer" the person who taught me working on just told me to take screenshot from Google and put it on without any Effort. Lol When I explored on my own I learned Blogging.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I've believe on it that before writing we've to read, doesn't matter it's in an exam hal or in article. I'm not so old in readcash, i joined it a month ago 😐

Yes besides money we learn things too if we used something daily

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Very well said sir. I'm like you I have many ideas to write about it's just the time I don't have to do so.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Writing and blogging really takes a lot of time. And it is more difficult when one has a business to run or work to do.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yes my friend. helps me a lot. It helps me to widen my knowledge because I learned a lot everytime I read an articles.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You are always welcome

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Writing is not very easy as you have said. One other challenge that writers face is writer's block. Most writers find it hard to bring up a topic and that's why social media remains one of the bed ways of getting a topic very fast

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It is true , finding a good topic always difficult.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed sir, writing is not easy but if someone really wanted to improve their skills read cash will help them, my writing skills are also poor and that's the reason I have joined to improve my skills and I hope one day I will be writing my blogs and articles just like you

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Katiness nothing is impossible in this world. You can reach at top better then else . Keep writing!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also near to 4 BCH, but only a few BCH less... Three less than four Bitcoin Cash. LOL I hope one day I will reach there In Sha Allah

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Your journey has been a success and I wish you more. You're a motivation to many.. thanks

$ 0.02
1 year ago

My content writing journey just started on and I hope it will be worth the time.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

My heart warmth wishes for your success!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago