This or That (Food Edition)

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2 years ago
Date: May 5, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Warm greetings Read.Cash Stars!!!

After days of depriving myself to sleep, at long last! I got to sleep for almost 9 hours last night. It’s been a while since the last time I experienced sleeping above the minimum sleeping hours. That being said, I woke up late today. However, one of the negative sides of waking up late is that you have no choice but to skip the most important meal of the day—breakfast. And so I did skip my breakfast today, but luckily my head didn’t ache.

Anyway, how’s your day folks? Were you able to do the things you are supposed to do today? Well, I’m assuming that you have carried out your tasks successfully. Speaking of today, if you asked me, I just had a very usual day. I intended to set aside what’s making me stressed and just do the things that would keep my mind at peace even just for today. I don’t know, but cleaning has been my way to ease the stress that I’m feeling. Having said that, I got the chance to clean our room. It took me hours to finish cleaning and in fairness I’m loving what I’m seeing. It is undeniable that when you see stuffs that are organized it brightens up your mood.

On one hand, not only did I clean our room, but also I decided to do the laundry. After done performing the chores, I did find my way to watch some amusing vlogs on YouTube. One of the vlogs that I watched was the recent blog of Alex Gonzaga. Every time I watch her vlogs, I can’t help but laugh out loud. She’s just so hilarious.

By the way, if you haven’t read my blog yesterday, I hope you might consider reading it. You can easily access it through this link.

For today’s blog content, since I have no interesting topics in mind, I will be doing a This or That Challenge (Food Edition). Am I late to do this challenge? Well, I’ll still do this challenge because why not? Lol. Anyway, let’s cut to the chase!

What do you prefer...

Rice or Bread?

I seldom eat breads, so I prefer rice. You can make something delicious with rice. You can make a regular porridge or the most popular porridge among Filipinos—the “Champorado” (filipino chocolate rice porridge). Likewise, you can also make “Sinangag” (Filipino Fried Rice).

Pizza or Pasta?

Ever since I was a kid, I used to eating pasta dishes. That said, I managed to love pasta up until now. Maybe, if I was used to eating pizza than pasta, then I would have preferred pizza over pasta.

Sweet or Spicy

I would prefer sweet over spicy. I am not a fan of spicy foods because I have a very sensitive throat. I just can’t stand to eat spicy food. It’s gross.

Fruits or Vegetables

Can I make an exemption for this one? ‘Cause I like both of them. I have been accustomed to eating fruits and veggies since my father used to plant vegetables in our frontyard, and as for the fruits, my Grandfather is fond of giving us various kinds of fruits. And so, I am confident that I can eat all types of vegetables and fruits.

And there you have It folks! Hope you find this blog of mine entertaining! Anyhow, thanks for dropping by! Hope to see you on my next blog. uwu! Hahaha.

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2 years ago


Ohooo, sweet and spicy together in on is so delicious 🤤, so I'll choose both. I pwdng isa langaasa. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Rice as the way! My Asian self kennat live without eating rice on a single day. Rice is life!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me, I'll definitely pick rice, my love for pastas will never change. Fruit is better than vegetable for me. and i love spicy things too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't live a day without rice haha, rice is life talaga.. bahala wala na.lahat haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Rice or bread? I'd prefer to go for rice. Pizza or pasta- pizza, then fruits or vegetables? I'd go for fruits as I don't like vegetables. I'd also go for spicy instead of sweet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I had a very stressful day today working around the house and going to buy necessary things. I prefer fruits to vegetables.

$ 0.00
2 years ago