Final Demo: Meaningful, Blessed, and Favored

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2 years ago
Date: May 4, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

"You can now really manage to have or be a classroom teacher... "

"You could be a good teacher someday. "

What a euphoric Wednesday my phenomenal Read.Cash Family!!!

I am back again with another personal blog entry! Anyway, I would like to apologize folks for skipping to publish a blog yesterday. As much as I wanted to write something yesterday, however I decided to just prioritize rehearsing and finalizing everything for my final teaching demonstration which happened today. Due to my decision, I was able to fully understand the subject that I will be teaching and made me become more confident of myself for tomorrow's final judgement. To be honest, all I felt was the excitement to showcase my fullest potential in delivering the instruction excellently.

Due to my decision, I was able to achieve a desirable outcome today. If I were to describe my day today in three words, I would describe it as meaningful, blessed, and favored.

Today was a meaningful day for me because although our resource teacher told us in such a late notice that she can't go to school today, however, my buddy and I were so determined to have our final demo today. And so, what we did was to approach directly the Head of TLE Department if she could critique our final demonstration. I know it's quite nerve-racking, but we have no choice but to just accept the challenge. Fortunately, she didn't hesitate to help us in accomplishing our task today.

Fast Forward

I was taken a back when I find out that she's not the only person who would critique my final teaching ddemonstratio. Little did I discover that she tapped one of the electrical teachers to observe my final teaching demonstration. Despite that, I don't know why, but I didn't feel nervous, in fact I was delighted to see the two of them observing me while teaching. I could see that they were talking while I'm discussing as if they were commenting me indirectly. However, I didn't mind them.

As soon as I finished my demo teaching, I didn't anticipate them that they would give me uplifting comments about my performance. If my memory serves me right, they both told me that I am ready to become a teacher and have my own class. I couldn't help myself but feel flattered. I just couldn't begin to believe that the Head of TLE Department would say something positive about me. Hearing those positive compliments coming from their mouths, I couldn't help but feel the atmosphere of euphoria.

Anyway, these are there written comments regarding my actual teaching performance.

TLE Department Head's written comments

Of course, my final teaching demonstration wouldn't be possible without the help of one of my students who happened to become my mentor here on Read.Cash. She's no other than @Sequoia. Thanks Sequoia for extending your time effort just to be part of my success in this endeavor. Besides, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to my best friend for the unwavering support. All our hard works were paid off. And for that, congratulations to the both of us. Indeed, we managed to give our best shot.

To celebrate our success, we decided to eat something delicious just this evening. We had our dinner at a well-known fast food restaurant here in our city. We ate "Pancit Palabok." Pancit Palabok is a noodle dish popular in my country, the Philippines. Not only that but we also ordered "crema de leche" for our dessert.

I am blessed today because my final demo was a complete success. I will forever cherish this particular memory that I have made today. On the contrary, I am favored today because I believe that God has given me this one special day to showcase what I've got.

Closing Thoughts

The only person who believes in you is nothing but yourself. That being said, we should never doubt ourselves because that's the biggest betrayal we could ever do. Learn to appreciate yourself because I know that each of us has something to offer to the world.

I think I'll end my blog here. Thanks folks for sparing some time to read my blog today.

Lead image: AlphaCron

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2 years ago


Preparing in advance pays a lot. Congratulations on nailing your demo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations bro for your success. You deserve it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wahhh Congratulations serreee 🥳🥳🎉. Talagang para sayo ang pagtuturo. Good Luck!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats, sir! You deserve all the praise. You have come prepared and you delivered :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago