Apocalyptic Questions: Would you rather?

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2 years ago
Date: February 4, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

I was planning to not write a blog entry today because honestly, I don't have a topic to write about. However, I suddenly thought of the previous blog crafted by one of my sponsors in the person of ma'am @yhanne. I was able to read her blog two days ago. I couldn't deny the fact that I was being intrigue and at the same time interested about the content of her blog. By the way, the title of her blog is "Would you rather? (Apocalypse questions).

On the other hand, she mentioned on her blog that she managed to watch this viral apocalyptic series entitled, "All of us are dead." Actually, the moment this series was aired on Netflix on the 28th of January, my brother and I hurriedly watched it right away.

The reason why I was able to notice this series is because I happened to watch the trailer. There is no denying that when it comes to zombies, South Korea really nailed the physical appearance of zombies. Besides, I must say that Asian zombies are quite petrifying because they can run fast. Thus, I am quite amazed of the zombie actors because they really portrayed their role accurately. And for that I say kudos to them and to the people behind this series.

Going back, since I'm interested of ma'am @yhanne's blog, I decided to create my own content as well. And so, for this blog, I will be answering "would you rather" questions as well.

Anyways, let's start!

1. Would you rather be turned into zombie or watch your loved ones turned into one?

It's agonizing to witness your loved ones become zombies, nevertheless, if the situation didn't allow me to turn into one, then I would definitely choose the latter. It may be difficult for me to look at them, but I will try my best to survive. That's the only thing I could do for them; to survive.

2. Would you rather escape the world by living underground forever or in space forever?

To tell you frankly, I don't want to live in space forever because it's not my preferred habitat. I would rather live underground and live a primitive life together with the people I love. I'm clinging to this so-called 'hope' that someday, this apocalypse would be over and that we could start a new life.

3. Would you rather try to survive a global pandemic or a third world war?

World war is something that I don't want to happen provided that it's chaotic and thus, you are going to expect a massive destruction. In addition, your life is at stake because of the ammunition. For sure, you will get to experience famine and disease. So, for me, it's better to survive a global pandemic like what we are experiencing as of the moment.

4. Would you rather share your supplies with someone and risk running out or hoard them and be alone?

My answer goes like this...

At times of apocalyptic crisis, being selfish should not prevail in us. I would rather share what I have than hoard them and be alone. I guess that's the worst thing that I would do."No man is an island," and with that being said, it's better to die together with someone may it be your family, friends, or people you don't personally know rather than to die alone. At least, I have served my purpose and that is to help other people who are in need. No regrets in the end.

And that concludes my blog for today! Hopefully, we don't get to experience zombie apocalypse because that's the worse experience we could ever encounter. Seeing those people eating human flesh or having a deformed body or face is undeniably terrifying. Just imagining it, I can't help but get goosebumps.

If you still have a spare time, please might as well consider reading my previous blog entitled, "I'm on Cloud 9."

The link is here.


See you on my next blog!

Lots of love from your resident AlphaCron<3

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$ 2.08
$ 1.94 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @yhanne
$ 0.03 from @Usagi
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2 years ago


If I get any chance to cure my loved ones then I will definitely try to cure them but if I get no chance for their cure then I am willing to become a zombie myself as I can't live with them. I have a phobia of height so I can't live in space for ever so I will choose underground, as it is safe than space. I can't see people's suffering, the flowing blood with my own eyes, so I will love to die in pandemic but I don't want to see world war. I will surely share what I have than to hoard because we can't survive all alone.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hopefully we wouldn't experience situations like this because for sure it's really hard to decide. Anyways, thanks for noticing this blog of mine! <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will also try answering this one if I'll be out of topic. hehhe

Anyway, I'm also into sharing what I have in times of pandemic but not to that point nothing will be left for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure maam Janz. Anyway, thanks for dropping by! <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naiimagine ko na ung sarili ko kapag nagka apocalypse pero sana huwag naman hehehe. Kakanood ko din to ng mga gore movies eh.

Pero for me mas okay na mag isa na lang ako, ayoko kasi ng may bubuhatn pa or aalahanin. Kaso di na kase ako single so pray na lang na wag sana mangyare iyon.

Another idea na naman para sa next article ko.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for noticing this blog of mine @Usagi. Have a great day!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

your welcome! keep on writing brother!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In times of apocalypse, I'd also preferred share. While also preferring to live underground instead of in space.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We are the same bro. Anyways, thanks for dropping by! I appreciate you commenting my blog!

$ 0.00
2 years ago