Unplanned Stuff...

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Written by
2 years ago

Today has been a solemn day for me. I would never have predicted it to go the way it went because there was a glimmer of light at the beginning of it, how quickly things change. To be honest, I am in no mood to write anything as I was really tempted to just take the day off and just listen to music until I fall asleep. Writing has its perks sometimes and can really be a mood lifter. But today, I won't let it lift my mood, I want to walk the distance this time around slowly and deliberately, no fast train this time around. So I am not swayed by the tempting relief that comes with writing your heart out, I have opted to jump on a prompt I had seen reading Kushy's Have you ever been dumped? A random prompt!

Let's get on, shall we?

...Been in Love?

Strange as it may sound, I have been in love and it was difficult for me, always has been as I tend to mix logic with emotions too often. Many have said to me that they don't mix, perhaps, it has always been because people are used to following their heart when they are in love and the heart can be in one place while the mind is in another... Well, I have been in love before, LOL.

...Felt lonely?

One too many times I have, even among many, I have felt alone. I think it is often based on the fact that I can't relate to what is going on around me when I am in this crowd, or that I don't resonate with it. I think at some point, everyone has felt lonely.

...Trip to overseas?

Never left the shores of my country, so, that is a no. But I would love to, and I hope to do so many times before my black hair turns grey. That would make one of my life goals TBH.

…Talk to a stranger?

Is it possible to exist and not interact with strangers? I usually don't start conversations with strangers unless it is to ask for directions. But I usually engage if they indulge me in one. Sometimes, these conversations end up being one you remember time and again and think about it fondly too.

...Ate a lot of ice cream?

Not sure what a lot of ice cream is so I am not sure how to answer the question. I do know that I am not a big fan of ice cream, but I do enjoy a tasty one on a cold afternoon. Even as a kid, I didn't buy ice cream often. But I guess if you combine all the ice cream I have consumed since I was born, we can say that it is a lot of ice cream.

...Siblings fighting?

I was a very stubborn child, so I guess you are right, I was not one to be cheated or bullied. Trust me there was a lot of fighting while we were growing up hehe. But not anymore, we are all grown ups now, so we don't do that anymore, although there are times I have to watch our eldest scold our youngest. LoL

...Been dumped?

LMAO. Isn't dumped a strong word? Gives the feeling that one was used and disposed off when they are no longer needed. I can say that I have mostly been at the other end of a break up. I guess one way to look at it is that there is only so much of me one can tolerate and another way to look at it is that I am such a sweetheart that I can't hurt anyone. Haqhaqhaq.

...Dumped someone?

Again, this dumped word. Aish. True that there have been times I have been the one to end things, so Yeah, I have also been at the other end of a break up too.

...Make a joke?

Is this a question whether I make jokes? Yeah, I do make jokes many times, I can be a joker sometimes and a lame one too other times. It all depends on several factors combined.

...Unplanned stuff?

Rarely, I like to plan my things and so dislike when something unexpected changes my plans. Nothing like planning before hand and following those plans to the letter. That is not to say that there aren't unplanned stuffs that pop up once a while, we just have to deal with them accordingly.

...Watched a movie alone?

More times than I can count. In fact, there is only a handful of movies I have not watched alone. I must confess that there are times I really enjoyed watching those movies with someone and there were also times I enjoyed watching them alone.

...Felt confused with life?

Yeah, there are times I have found myself in doubt and confused about what the meaning of life really is. I'd be lying if I said I have it all figured out right now, so yeah, still confused I guess.

Thank You For Reading πŸ–€πŸ–€

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Written by
2 years ago


Dumped is a strong word indeed but it seems we are getting used to it, lol! Even the markets dump hehe. And being dumped is painful :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't like to eat a lot of Ice-cream. I love to eat chocolate a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm a big fan of ice cream and I can't say o whenever ice cream is offered to me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So this werey don first fall in love πŸ˜‚ interesting and creepy at the same time. E just be like Buhari coming out to tell us he is in love, my skin go crawl πŸ˜‚

$ 0.02
2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I no blame you. Nonsense. I am human after all, and at some point, romantic love was What's next on my hierarchy of needs according to Marslow

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eww, abeg no dey talk this thing again, e be like I dey listen to Sheldon talk about love πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ if Sheldon can fall in love, who am I.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your answer is making me to laugh.... it's an interesting question that I will love to answer too.. hehehehe , but the dump word is kind of strong, lol

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I reckon it is strong. Feel free to jump on it haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That will be Today by God's grace 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you get to travel overseas at least once :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope so too Art.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice reply man, I will be jumping on this soon enough

$ 0.02
2 years ago

By all means Honey

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha! Hey! Don't overthink! Ur just down... It's Flyday, it's weekend... So, take a break!!! Go out and eat icecream or a coffee with a friend... Cheers!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehe. Thanks Jento. All my friends are far away though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago