Sunday: Mother's Day

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2 years ago

We don't celebrate events like this. It is only now that we are adults did we start celebrating events like mother's/father's day, valentine's day or any special day. I really am not one of those who are so keen about such celebrations. Sometimes it makes me wonder that we adapt this kind of culture because of what the media wanted us to do. It makes us consume more, spend more for stuff and food.

I'm not sure who wrote an article here but why do we make one day special and the rest not? Is it really showing our love for just one day enough? We don't act like we love them the rest of the days. Why not show love every day instead? After the one special day we go back to ignoring our loved ones.

This may have started as a rant but let's forget all about that lol!

How did you spend your mother's day?

A simple message to your moms will make their day. To those who have still moms out there, show them that you care. Show them your love every day. You don't have to shower them with gifts. Do it in your own way of making them know.

Of course I can't discount the fact that some have not that so good a relationship with their moms. Not only do we have to limit our greetings to our birth moms but also to those who have been there for us even if they are not related by blood.

So to all mothers out there, responsible ones or not, Happy Mother's Day to you all!

Earlier today, me and my partner visited my parents. There was a new cafe/bakery that opened near us. Even though I grew up there and have lived there, there are still things that are unfamiliar to me even though I get to pass them every day.

That is what happened today.

It says the address is right around our neighborhood but I'm not sure about the building. Good thing it was just right at our stop. I didn't know this building has a name. I am familiar with the names of the businesses there but not the whole building itself.

This is the new cafe/bakery that just opened yesterday. Funny thing is that to the left of this is a bakery and the right one is another cafe soon to open. Two doors to the left are yet two other cafes. There are more further down and across the street and yet all these cafes are filled with customers.

This particular cafe started as bakery and it's one of the biggest bakeries if not the biggest in town and the province. It was just recently that they started opening a cafe in the next city. It's only now that they opened a cafe here.

We bought pandan cake and chocolate landslide cake. We also bought watermelon along the way to my parents.

I like the chocolate cake. The brownies on top were not that sweet but the bottom part is where the sweetness is. I haven't had a taste of the pandan. I have had enough cake for the day.

Before we left, we brought home with us gifts from our brother and aunt and also bananas. The bananas were the ones we brought home from our road trip. It was only now that they have ripened.

When we got home, we rested and only now was I able to visit read.

So that is how our Sunday went. How was yours?

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2 years ago


My gosh those cakes are mouth watering.I greeted my mom after the church service and bought her favorite pansit guisado and ice cream, gladly liked it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ice cream is perfect for a hot weather :)

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2 years ago

Ako Kuya, I only greeted my Nanay with a Happy Mother's Day thru text and call and I guess for her it was more than enough. 💕😇

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2 years ago

Of course. It's the thought that counts :)

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2 years ago

Happy Mother's day to your mom. Give my Love and respect to her.

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2 years ago

We celebrated mothers day by having a simple dinner gathering, well sa totoo lang di rin talaga kami nagcecelebrate noon simple greetings lang ganern

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your day went really well Articlee, mothers are real gems and I'm glad you took out time to celebrate your parents... My day was quite the opposite, just here, I haven't even wished her a happy mother's day... (So bad of me).

Happy mother's day to all mothers all around the world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy mothers day to everyone, I love how you said, to the responsible and non responsible ones, also I wish there would open a bakery closer to my place, I miss eating cake, I would have to go to the far store before I can get it.. Lastly, for real, how many mothers day do we have in a year.. I'm still surprised.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We celebrated it with some pizza :) I greeted the moms in my FB too, posted something on my wall but di ako mahilig magpost ng mga gatherings namin sa bahay unlike when I am with my family in the province. I like the sound of the "chocolate landslide cake".

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy mothers day. And it is also my cousins birthday. Well, mother is the only person who loves us more than anything in life. They keeps doing sacrifices for our better life. And we should be respectful and also take more care to them. We should not make them sad at any cost.

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2 years ago

I agree. Halos lahat ng celebrations talaga commercialized na, good for the business actually pero sana balanced pa rin kahit papaano... if walang pera let's not force ourselves into spending, right? ung iba kc parang na over na rin eh...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy mother's day to your mom. I can totally relate to your rant. Hahaha! Di naman uso yan dati ano. But well everything changes today and we have to adapt to whatever it is.

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2 years ago

I concur with you. Our mothers need to be celebrated everyday and not until Mother's day alone. I love what you said here that: no day is different from others. Sincerely, that's my mentality too. We all just have to see all days equal and take care of our loved ones as we ought to.

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2 years ago

Oh, it's like a normal day for us bro. We just ordered pizza and cooked fries. Just a simple celebration. We don't celebrate it like super bongga. My mother hates it too.

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2 years ago

Just like a normal day, I don't celebrate any of the days like that. Infact not even the birthdays. I recently a few years ago learned that people celebrates things like that. See, a unique piece, haha.

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2 years ago

Happy mother's day to your lovely mom. GOD bless her. About cake it’s really look delicious.

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2 years ago

Happy Mother's Day to your mom✨, am craving for these cakes😸

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2 years ago

It's really great day for me as it is mother's day and also my birthday

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2 years ago

My mom is no more but she will be always in our heart.

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2 years ago