My Januarys with family and friends

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2 years ago

Last year, it was my first time to visit a friend's cafe and we have been going back there a lot of times since then. It was located in a perfect spot where you can watch great sunsets if the sky cooperates.

Almost every time we go there, we are the ones closing the shop for we always go late save the times that we go there in the morning but I think we only did that once. We have tried almost all that is in their menu - pasta, burger, chicken wings, pizza, cake, rice meals, hot and cold beverage (no liquor) and the newest addition cinnamon rolls. My favorites are their burger and cinnamon rolls.

The last time we were there was with friends and it was a time filled with laughter, laughing our hearts out that we had to talk above the noise and raise our voices to be heard. We joked that there must be something in the water that was served for we were that happy. I guess because we haven't seen each other in a long time and haven't spent a time together.

I wish we could do that again.

I have posted about P&F before and I'm sure most of you are familiar with the video above.

Three years ago, me and our family (our dad and mom can't join), traveled some hours to reach the second highest highway point in the country just to watch the sunrise.

We tried going different places as much as possible with the family because our brother and his family will be migrating to another place then. I think this was the beginning of the trips that we took. It came sort of a surprise that their papers came earlier than expected so we made abrupt plans. That's why in our trips, we were not complete for we just planned on the days where the majority of us can go.

If you were here when I started here in read, you might have read all about our trips for I made an article about them.

It just so happened that all of these memories popped up in my fb account reminding me of these happy times.

This photo was taken at the view deck of Atok, Benguet. This is one of the photos I took before we left the place and headed to a relative nearby where we had our breakfast.

Five years ago, my aunt (one of my dad's sister) brought her family for the second time after how many years. When she and one of her sister migrated to another place, she came back together with her husband but didn't come back since. Her kids were already grown and one of them had a daughter already. Sadly, they have to leave our uncle for he is not fit to travel due to his medical condition.

For a week, they stayed here and a reunion was inevitable. We were able to meet them and also our cousins, aunts and other relatives who live here in the country that we have not met for a long time and even meeting for the first time. Every one made an effort to come and meet our aunt and her family. They were so happy to see how huge our clan is. It was overwhelming to them but they are filled with joy to finally meet who they can meet.

There were lots of dinners and trips but I couldn't make it to all of them. I wasn't there on the first dinner but we had lots of dinners at one of our aunts' house where they had been accommodated that time. One of our cousins decided to go and have a tattoo with Whang-Od, a famous tattoo artist here in our country. His mom, our aunt, was against him having a tattoo but apparently that was one of the purposes of our cousin's visit.

Unfortunately, all things don't last for long and everything has to come to an end. It was a teary reunion and also goodbye especially our aunt and her siblings for they don't know when they will have a chance to see each other again. We do see each other virtually but it's still different to see them in person.

I hope someday we will see each other again.

All contents are mine.

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$ 8.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @mommykim
$ 0.10 from @CoquiCoin
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2 years ago


I miss family reunions too. If not because of Covid, we would surely have a lot of family functions

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

The big family reunions are so joyful I love them, too bad as you say, nothing lasts forever, but we are left with good memories. And you talk about a cinnamon roll, and now I'm starving for one, jeje. And I would love to have a coffee at your friend's place. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let's go and drink coffee :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm actually waiting for the photos haha but I really hope na maka bakasyon din ako together with my family, sobrang tagal na kasi last kami nakapag bakasyon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga e. Nakakamiss na get together.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakakamiss ang family reunion, especially if sobrang tagal nang di nagkikita ng maganak. Hopefully, someday when this pandemic is over it can happen again :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sinabi mo. Sana nga soon :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww, pero sana mag kita kita na kauo ulit. If di lang sa covida na to ano, wala sana problem siguro

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kunti na lang at pwede na naman mag get together :)

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2 years ago

You'll meet again when this is over. Don't lose hope. Ako nga rin gusto ko na makasama ulit mga kamag anak ko

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lapit na mangyari yan. Patapos na ang covid :)

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2 years ago

Nothing compares being with our love ones personally co'z eventhough there is technology that can connect us still the best yung kasama talaga.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed. Iba pa rin talaga un physical presence.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get together with friends are such fun. The video was too gud. I loved the flowers and the sky colour too much. When you mentioned about your reunion with your Aunt, its really heart touching. As u said virtual meetings happen but not face to face, as nobody jas the time for other.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's funny that sometimes even with virtual meetings we don't have to time but we make the most of what we can.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's nothing like meeting together physically, it's always best filled with fun and memories

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2 years ago


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2 years ago

I really love looking at your photos lee, from the food from the places you've been to.

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2 years ago

Thanks much! :)

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2 years ago

I can understand that you were buzzing here and there. Well I must say, I enjoyed your tour.

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2 years ago

Definitely you will see each other again. Though it's always painful when you guys have to bid goodbye after spending such amazing moment together, remembering memories and being happy. I wish everyone of you protection from God.

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2 years ago

Yes, not all things last for long. We hope you will accept each other

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2 years ago

Yes sir it's different to see them in person than in a virtual time. I wish you will see each other this year again sir. I missed my family and relatives too. I amazed the picture sir the one in the Atok, Benguet. It's really awesome. It's similar to the Korean drama I've watching now which is the "Forest".

$ 0.00
2 years ago