Lights on or off and other questions

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1 year ago

Another unplanned post for me today. I have been having this uncomfortable headache when I woke up today. It started on the front of my headache and now it's radiating to the temporal side. While the pain is tolerable, it's incessantly throbbing.

I decided not to do anything online again. Rest is valuable. It's the start of another work week so it's a must to ready oneself to be able to get through. Whenever I feel this kind of headache, I drink coffee and it relieves it. It's been two days, going on three days that I haven't had coffee. I don't want to be dependent on coffee for this.

Anyway, after I powered up in Hive (no posts done there), I came here for a bit and saw Jane's post I Wish To Be A Heavy Sleeper and that's where I got these questions from. Now, I have a topic to write. These gave me the idea for a post.

Let's get on with it.

Light or Heavy sleeper?

I used to be a light sleeper. A slight movement or any sound can wake me. Age changed that. There are still times that I can be awoken by such but not as easily as I used to. I do fall into a heavy sleep when I am physically tired or I haven't had proper sleep for days. Now, I can say that I am more of a heavy sleeper, tired or not.

Fan or no Fan?

No fan. I think this is one of the privileges of living in the mountains. Our climate here is cool almost all year round. Summers are tolerable. Our weather is almost rainy the whole year round.

I do recall though back at home that there are times when heat was unbearable during the summer months that we did use a fan. We only have one fan back home and that was used by my brother in his room because it was a small room and not much ventilation and he sweats a lot that's why he needed a fan. When I do sleep in his room when he is not around, I do use the fan too.

One or Several Pillows?

Although I have several pillows, I only use one when I sleep. I use several pillows to prop myself up when I am lying in bed doing whatever I do on my phone but when I go to sleep, I only use one. I interchange the pillows. In the beginning, we only have one each. The rest were used by my niblings and brother when they were living with us. Since they moved, we had to put those pillows in our room to avoid them getting moldy.

Early in bed or Late sleeper?

Early to bed for I have to wake up early as well. There are still days that I like to stay up late especially when blogging or when it is not a work day then I can choose to sleep late.

Thin or thick blanket?

This depends on the kind of weather we have. Now that -ber months are hear, thicker blankets are the choice. If not, we use two thin blankets.

PJ or Comfy Clothes?

I remember having PJs when I was younger but as I got older, I don't have PJs but rather comfortable clothes that I use as PJs but most of the times whatever clothes I am in or my house clothes, then that serves as my PJ as well. Saves laundry.

Drink Milk or Water?

I have never built the habit of drinking milk before going to sleep. Back when I was working nights, my sleep pattern had been thrown out of balance. I tried doing things that would help me get some sleep such as reading or watching or drinking milk. Sometimes the milk does the trick but most of the times, it did not so I stopped doing that. I drink lots of water throughout the day though.

So there goes my sleep post. How about you?

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1 year ago


I'm a heavy sleeper naturally. I don't use pillow at all while sleeping. And I sleep without fans on.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can be like that too :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am in between light and deep sleeper... I don't get triggered easily when I hear a sound. In my subconscious, I know something is going on but it doesn't stop my sleep from going on as I am conscious to continue that sleep hahahaha.

I love fan... I don't joke with fan but ever since I got here, I've not been using fan because the weather is freaking cold.

I love having lots of pillows too even though I only use one.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

For me it depends but most of the time I don't let myself be bothered too in my sleep :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahahaha I can imagine.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well, i used to think that as one ages, they tend to sleep lighter ... As a kid, I might still continue sleeping even though I was taken out of my bed and placed on a railway. Lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't know if that's true, sleep lighter as you age.

Lol! I can relate to that. I would often find myself in my bed the next day and I don't know who carried me there :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wao these questions are about my sleep. Iove to answer them. Thanks for bringing these questions, I want to answer them I hope it will be great fun.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yey! Have fund with it :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

sarap talaga sa baguio no need of aircon at fan..hehe tipid sa kuryente...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe pag nasanay na mainit din minsan :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Drinking milk works on me, hot milk usually. I used to sleep with a lot of pillow but now I am the pillow of my Lo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There's something about pillows that is so comforting :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Looks like digging up challenges from month ago works like a treat 😁 I’ve already written mine couple days ago. Heavy sleeper for sure 😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't have any prompts saved already lol!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Haha, keep looking. Peeps come up with new things all the time :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Tipid sa kuryente walang fan pero malamig. Sanaol

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe oo din :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'll save this hihi.. Pag walang maisip na topic. Ako gusto ko ng thin na blanket ,mabigat yung makapal eh😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe oo din. Doblehin na lang ang suot na damit kung malamig :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ako sir huhu ayaw ko ng electric fan kasi minsan napapawisan ako paggising ko. Ayaw ko matuyuan ng pawis kaya gusto ko Aircon sir lee yan din sabi ng boss ko noon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pareho kasi na may effect ang fan at ac e.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sir lee true din.

$ 0.00
1 year ago