Found two that looks promising

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2 years ago

I have mentioned that we are apartment hunting. We are looking for a new place to move in to since our upstairs neighbor makes lots of noises that is disturbing us and disrupting our sleep adding to the noise from the outside world made by humans and animals alike.

We prepared not even the sun was up. First thing I did was plug my phone to charge. We planned on going out around 6:00 a.m. or so. That way we can cover a lot of areas. We just cooked instant noodles and had coffee and bread. I did visit some of you while my partner was preparing.

I thought I plugged the cord all the way in to my phone only to find out that I didn't. So while waiting for it to charge some, I did some chores and again some things online and prepared myself. Once we are ready, it was about past 7:00 a.m. It is already warm out.

We set on foot. We already had a barangay as our target. We walked to get there but checked if there are available along the way. No luck. When we arrived at the particular barangay, no luck as well.

We then set to go to another barangay but we are getting tired by this point. We decided to go to the other direction still on foot. By then we were walking for two hours. I thought it was longer.

With no luck in sight, we then rode a jeepney going to town while thinking where to go look next.

When we arrived in the city center, we decided to go to another barangay. We set on foot again to go to the jeepney terminal of that barangay but then decided to take a cab instead.

This barangay is divided between the city and the town next to it. We set on foot again until we arrived at an apartment that we saw posted online. We asked the lady caretaker about it and she let us checked it. While it was okay for it was silent enough since it is on the top floor and the noise from the road is not can be muted a bit once the windows are closed, it is unfurnished and no internet connection. While we can work something out about those, we are looking for something a little more convenient.

By this point, we have already crossed the town side of this barangay. So walk we did. Still.

Until we saw an ongoing construction of an apartment building. Final touches are being rushed in two units for it is already reserved. There is one unit that can be ready next month which was on the third floor and we instantly liked the orientation of the unit. There is continuity, pleasant and great ambiance.

However, we can't get hold of the owner. Only the contractors were there. We left our number for them to hopefully contact us later in the afternoon when the owner comes but it's now evening and we still haven't been contacted. We forgot to get the number of the contractor. We plan to go back tomorrow. All we wanted to know is how much is the rent but the contractor doesn't know. I have a feeling it is way above our budget but I have to know lol! Else it might be a lost opportunity.

From there, we then walked some more until finally deciding to take a cab and go home. It's now close to lunchtime.

We then had our lunch and rested.

We checked some more online for posted apartments for rent and we saw one that seems to our liking so we headed there and checked it again. It is a duplex type, kitchen and dining on the first floor and bedroom, toilet and bath and living room on the second floor. I definitely love the view from the small verandah/drying area. It feels a bit cramped for we had to crouch down in some parts. However, we liked it. It's not perfect but the rent includes water and electricity so that is fine. We have to apply for internet connection which will take at least three days. We then informed the owner that we will be back the first week of next month for we have to ready our finances to cover the rent and deposit.

From there, we walked some more to check other units within the neighborhood. We were able to talk to two people. While one has available the first week next month, it's way over our budget same goes to the one we talked to over the phone.

So then we headed home again. After this, I'll be visiting my noise and then rest for tomorrow calls for another day of walking.

Leaving you with this photo I took in one of the barangays we went. I would love to wake up to a view like this.

$ 7.74
$ 6.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.08 from @Roojoroojay
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
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2 years ago


Pinakamahirap talaga na part ang maghanap nang malilipatan. I remember finding rooms para sa Architects namin, yung convenient sa kanila at di maingay...aiggooo..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo nga e. Stop muna kami. Sa fb na lang muna nag checheck.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wishing you the perfect abode that you truly deserve. You have really spent alot of energy both physical and mental in serve of the ideal home. Good luck friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I experience that before, I was searching about an apartment to stay for a month but sadly I couldn't find the Right one cause they ask huge amount of money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's one thing, staying on budget.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations for finding the apartment of your choice, hope so you will enjoy there and find the good neighbors 😻

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you but we are still in the process of finding the most suitable one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ehhhh, ang hirap pala maghanap ng apartment jan. Sana makahanap na din kayo na talagang mag gogogo na agad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dami naman napalampas before pero ngayon pag may okay, hindi na palalampasin hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The view is fascinating, and I wish you have finally found the perfect place According to your liking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, ayon na, you have found two to your liking hehe. Good luck!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ngem pass manen haha! Need pay agbiruk sabali.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, okay. Good luck ladtan ah :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha! Thanks :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang hirap mghnap ng apartment na tahimik talaga. Sana mkahanap na kayo ng space. Ang tahimik dito sa lugar namin kaya di ko ipagpapalit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lovely view. Before leaving for workit would be an energetic view. Hope you get the one apartment of your choice. But including electricity and water in the house rent is an added advantage. Because here its seperate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you get an apartment that would suit your budget and also a peaceful one where neighbors won´t have to keep disturbing you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you get into a beautiful yet economic one.. :) keep us updated

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish and hope that you will find the best apartments you need

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would love to wake up to that kind of view! May you will be able to get the best apartment that suits your needs :) Good luck po!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your lovely photo is a plus point of your article. I'm in love with this view. Now take a rest and start your another day with boost your energy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do hope you'll find the best option sir.. it is tiring to look for a place to rent talaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woah nice view in there and I hope you will immediately finds your next appointment to live.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Here's hoping you find the most ideal for your needs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Super busy day hah. Yeah visit that contractor once again, who knows it's on your budget. Don't let the opportunity slide.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana makahanap agad kayo ng apartment lee, pero un huli nyong pinuntahan na dupkex type eh mas okay na un, at least no one is above and below you..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a nice view dear what you captured. Look like you really walked so much and tried also.For now take a rest dear so that you can do your tomorrow's work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lovely photo sir. Such a beautiful barangay parang nasa ibang country and ang ganda ng green view. Wala na masyado ganyan dito sa amin sula nung dumating si Odette.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Magkano ba rent ng apartments Jan sir? Natry ko na din kasing magrent ng apartment dati nasa 7,500 yung nakuha namin up and down na siya with two rooms sa taas. Yun na Ata pinaka mura kasi usually mga 10k pataas mga apartments sa city

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depende sa size at location pero usually 10k ka un mejo okay na. Un iba kasama na ang internet at tubig pero swertehan lang un ganun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

malaki laki din ung 10k tas nasa city

$ 0.00
2 years ago