Ask and you don't really get answers sometimes

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1 year ago

Today, I have chosen so odd topic and wanted to interview a few users with the hope they will give us some time to respond to our questions.

Today our interviewees are @PVMihalache@ARTicLEE @Pantera  @bmjc98  @Amjad_Ali_Waince @TheGuy  @Ruffa  @Olasquare  @Infinity & @NanV.

Thanks a bundle for their precious time, and for staying with us, despite their busy schedule.

Without wasting further time, let's focus on the interview.

Hello Readers and hello world!

Thank you so much for inviting me to this interview. I am honored to be chosen as one of your interviewees @LeonaReed. I am pleased and humbled that you noticed me amidst the bigger names out there in the Read world who have come before me.

So I am willingly gracing your show.

  • Our first question is, Would you like to share your real name with the read.caah family?

I apologize, Readers, but I plan to stay anonymous. In this digital era where information is crucial not to share, I am witholding my name.

  • What about your place, including country or only country, please? Of course place of birth and current place, if you don't mind?

I do mind, yes, but to be as specific, I am from Baguio City, Philippines.

  • The readers would also expect your age, or in other cases, some would love to know your birthday as well. Would you prepare to tell them?

Again, personal information, people. Don't give that away easily.

  • Some users are confused about your sex/gender, will you prepare to disclose it?

To the benefit of those who will be reading this, I'm a man.

  • What do you do for living?

I breathe, I eat, I sleep. Sometimes I blog here in read, in noise and in Hive. I go for a walk, morning walks preferably, at the park, by the roadside, nearby trails. Anything but dying, I hope.

It's been so fun so far. Well. I am sure it won't bitter to tell you audience:

  • When did you step into the crypto world?

I think it was 2015 or earlier. I have done some faucets then but didn't profit from those really. If I remember correctly, it was with bitlanders that I started earning. @Bloghound and @Momentswithmatti were my fellow bitlanders back then. Ah, those were happy days.

  • Why and when did you exactly join

  • It is a very simple question, which I'm sure won't take your time to think more or don't respond.

It's always money - additional income - which drove me to join platforms like this. It was in the later part of July last year I think that I joined read but I didn't dive right in to it because I was busy with noise. Finding time for another platform is hard that's why I can't manage but when the need for more money, that's when I really challenged myself to go for it.

  • Being one of the senior members of the read family,
    What advice will you give to the audience (readers), especially those, who are new to the crypto world and/or to

Manage your expectations. If you are looking for a way to earn quickly, this is not the place for you. If you want to earn without having to work for it, this is not the place for you. If this is the first time for you to blog, write or dive into crypto but you don't want to learn, you are wasting your time here. Many of us here were not experts. English is not our first language and we don't know what crypto is all about. Yet, we challenged ourselves to learn about this site, about crypto and pushed on. We are still not experts but we have added learning and we learn from each other here.

Our audience have lots of more questions to ask and wants to know more about you. They have been enjoying it. But I know you are a busy person and have lots of other tasks to do. Moreover, we should keep our interview time in mind as well. With these in mind, I will ask my last question.

  • Last but not least, What was the question I should have asked you, which I didn't ask and you would like to ask yourself and answer as well?

When will @LeonaReed invite you to her place and tour you to her country all expenses paid? :D :D

Thank you again for your time, Readers.

Good night!

The original interview can be found here The Interview: A Day with the Users.

Lead image was taken at Ili-Likha. More images here.

$ 1.26
$ 0.62 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Pantera
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
+ 16
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Avatar for ARTicLEE
1 year ago


Very good advice for those just starting out. Have to learn to earn!! As well as the other great advice you offered

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Manage your expectations

This is a very good advice. Most newbies usually have unrealistic expectations when they join this platform and that's usually why they give up after a short time

$ 0.00
1 year ago

As always..hidden identity tlga etong c lee hehehe. Pero when it comes to gender eh alam ko nmn na lalaki ka tlga noon pa.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo nga naman sir,buti at nabasa ko yung first question mo about sa real name, mahilig pa naman ako mag bigay ng personal info.pero ngayon dapat pala maging vigilant na tayo dahil maraming scammers na nasa paligid lang

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sometimes we do hide the answer for the question, but in terms of that it is do answer in a right way.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

shookt sya sa last answer heheh.. oh bitlanders.... hayz..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Excellent dynamic to get to know each other better, I'm back in Read.Cash and that excites me a lot!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I enjoyed reading this. The advice you dropped for newbies is just it, earning here on readcash or Crypto needs a gradual process and learning has it all.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really enjoyed they interview and I hope there would be a second part. I just like reading your write up. I really admire your flawless command on the English language😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It was really our pleasure and my honor you joined the interview.

We don't mind you don't sharing personal information, as I have mentioned a few time. If in the case interviewees don't wanna share personal information or answer some questions, it's up to them.

To be honest I was confused about your sex, if you read my previous articles, in some places I have used he while other places she... LOL

I really LIKE the suggestions you have given to users and the newbies.

When will @LeonaReed invite you to her place and tour you to her country all expenses paid? :

Hahaha when someone sends me 1 BTC or equivalent BCH to my address.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ayun pala isipan pa rin ang iyung totoong pagkatao hehe. Your right dapat may privacy pa rin at huwag ilantad ang mahahalagang information di Bali ng lugar. Ang ganda dyan sa Baguio dinadayu ng mga tourists.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Such diplomatic answers only I listened from our politicians. Lovely interview, we comes to know about lot of things about you , your routine and livings. Hope I will join the panel tomorrow.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey! Good advices, yes we aren't experts, and as you say: "we challenged ourselves to learn about this site, about crypto and pushed on" We just enjoy here writing, reading, trying to learn a bit more and maybe we earn something, not that much, but we also meet interesting people ;)

$ 0.00
1 year ago