The power inside

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3 years ago

I am not a Christian.

I do not believe in what is preached and my doubts about religion started during my childhood. To some the stories in the Bible make sense to me they don't. I do not see God as a person who is honest, fair, and full of love. All those tales full of life lessons, it beats me. I can not find the so-called message. I hear and see something different. Something they do not want me to see, they try to talk out of my head because according to them I should see it differently which I can not. I do understand why some do but I see different words, read a different story. This story should be told and known too.

People easily believed 10,000 years ago what was told, so they did 000 years ago. If you are not that educated everything is a miracle or wrath of... I am not one of them and I have doubts I would have been 2000 years ago. People like me questioning everything always exist. They are I liked, a threat to the community but also the bringers of new insights, new ideas, and inventions that the whole society benefits from.

I am raised with the bible, by praying seven times a day, "respect your parents" and all kind of phrases which fit the teachers, the believers, and my parents. Rules they didn't live by themselves but were willing to teach by beating you to death. Is this what God stands for? The love, the goodness? I find it hard to believe and to be honest, I don't believe it. This is the reason why I left the community and unsubscribed to the group (church) as they showed up on my doorstep and dared to ask for ten percent of my income. Goodbye church I am not the cow you can milk. You have never been there for me, you never cared, you just collect. You should have known Jesus didn't like moneymakers, those sitting in front of the temple, and neither do I.

I decided to raise my children with an open mind.

They know what a Bible and Quran are. They know what God stands for and what people say or claim. They know stories because they went to Christian schools. Catholic and Reformed ones and even been at a school for mainly Muslims. To me believing is a component of human development just like history, reading, writing and so many more things which help increase knowledge and is a way to build confidence. Knowledge is power. The more you know and see the more opportunity to make an objective choice. A choice we all have to make if it comes to our own happiness. Living in fear is not the way to achieve it.

My children should be free to choose for themselves.

Choices can only be made if you know what the choice contains. God didn't bring me anything, he wasn't the one who improved moy life. If he exists he is the person who agreed with a little child starving for hunger, being molested, abused. There's not one single part of this story I am grateful for. I can't thank him for it, for my life, if I would it means I am a hypocrite.

The culture I was raised in is a sober one. We do and say things straight, we do not waste words on being polite, make things better than they are. Already in the '60s, many gave up on religion. The threat to end up in heaven if we... is not one that impresses us and that's why our churches are empty. The preacher is too old fashioned to reach out to people living in a modern time, to those who have an opinion of their own. We are not blind and saw no door is opened if we knock and the religious ones are not the ones who give to the ones in need. We learned you can only achieve by working hard and by doing what feels right.

If self-esteem is low, if you suffer from anxiety, if no one gives you a hand and life is filled with misery it's good to cling on to someone, something, something that might give enough hope to go on.

I learned I am capable of taking care of myself.

I do not need to pray and beg God to help me and I do not thank for what I or others did for me.

As a child, I had to thank God for the food which made me seriously ill. I did although it didn't make sense. These days I thank the person who gave it to me, the one who cares deserves the credit. My children do the same. They are polite, say "thank you very much" and show gratefulness and respect.

These are two things I value but do not see much back if it comes to those who say they truly believe. I am surrounded by liars, killers, scammers, thieves, rapists... I am not judging but I do wonder how you can call yourself a believer if these are the values you live by. I know I can not live under someone's thumb, live by all those rules which means I am not a believer, not a Christian. I do not see it as something wrong, it's good to know oneself.

All those experiences, thoughts, about religion, are subjects open for discussion with my children. I do not tell them what to believe. I do not force it upon their throats, I am not teaching them a lesson by molesting them, setting them at the fire, or drag them behind my car. I do not let anyone abuse my daughters, do not prostitute them for the villagers, the family, or use them as a baby factory to support the whole family. I do not look down upon them or others because of gender, age, culture, sexual preferences, or belief. I might wonder and question it but that is it.

Within my family we are equal.

I am a single mom and we need to operate as a team to make it work. We all have our freedom of speech, of opinion. We all have our responsibility and rights as well. One doesn't go without the other, it goes hand in hand. I will not rule my children's life. It's up to them how to live, what to believe, how they step into the world, and what they add to it to make it a better and more peaceful one. A more peaceful one for them in the first place.

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SST: Christianity

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#kittywu #parenting #religion #selfesteem

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Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 years ago


It's a splendid idea to not give pressure to the child. They should be free of selecting their own ways and if parents raise them with good values they will surely choose the right path on their own.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Train up a child in the way that he should go entails that you groom him. A child is like hot metal. At that state it is flexible enough to be formed, what you make of it is what determines what shape it would get..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is the point. We need to raise and give values to a child carefully and technically, so the child has some sort of thinking power and restraint power within himself. And childhood is the best time to have a shape of life.

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3 years ago

A regular Christian would find this post offensive, however I don't; cos I'm not a regular Christian. That's where the problem comes in. Everyone is trying to follow a pattern. They seem to have forgotten that the same God who stopped Moses from getting into the Promised Land because of his temper is the same God who took Elijah (a man with a temper comparable to Moses') to Heaven in a Chariot of Fire..

This boils down to the fact that most Christians don't know God for themselves. They serve God based on the knowledge someone else has of Him. So if that person sees God as a fiery God who expects His followers to be as submissive as a slave, they feel that is the only thing He is known for.. Meanwhile the God we serve is a very merciful God.

Your background of Christianity I feel is the problem here. I did have that background too; seeing my religious teachers' children morally corrupt while the upright me still received lashes in Sunday School classes. I hated religion, until I got to understand God through the Bible. The Bible is is not literature.

But what can I say; we all have the right to choose.. My desire is that your choice grants you peace and complete satisfaction.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think this answers my question in one of your articles. And I salute you for your values and the way you raise your kids.

I too was baptized as a Catholic. But when I opened myself to what's really going on around me, that's when my views changed. I still believe in God tho. But not in religion anymore. I still believe there's this one conscious being up there. Whatever it is called, may it be God, Allah, or the universe, I believe there's someone.

Religion is also a great help especially to maintain peace. It prevents many people from doing something bad because of fear of being thrown in the sea of fire when they die. I have nothing against religion too, I respect those who believe in it and live their lives by the teachings of their books. And I also respect those who don't believe in religion. I think it is what we really need now. Respect for each other and humanity.

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3 years ago

I think that's where the problem is; Preaching Religion. Religion is a killer, religion is deceptive.

If we go by the lifestyle of Jesus Christ we would come to realize He was of no religion.. As a matter of fact the term Christians' originated out of Antioch. The natives saw how the disciples of Christ acted and likened it to His lifestyle. They said, "these people are like Christ" hence they are called Christians. This creates a fact; Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life.

Praying is not a religious activity, it is a way of life. Speaking in tongues is not a religious activity, it is a way of life. If you are a Christian you would also realize that Soul Winning is a way of life, not religion. This is what should be preached in Church, not just basic morals..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are definitely right. Religions also limit one's understanding when it comes to those things. They preach what they want you to believe, but it doesn't always mean that its the truth. Sometimes, it is also the root of many conflicts.

I remembered what I wrote on one of my articles, how the people from the highlands pray to the deities they believe and even had some sacred rituals. During that time, they don't know what religion is. But they pray and offer something because it is part of their way of life. I guess that's what we really need to understand.

But I doubt if churches will ever preach about this. Because some (not all) religions have contradicting beliefs and different interpretations of what's written in the holy book.

Please don't get me wrong, I respect all those who believe in religion. We all have our different choices and opinions in life.

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3 years ago

Churches would never preach about it cos they don't want to lose members. They know when they speak the truth which people need most people would turn to the Bible for more, so instead they prefer you get all the info from them...

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3 years ago

Indeed. But well, we are all free to choose what we want to believe. 💕

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3 years ago

I finished my studies at a Catholic school. They taught me about Religion, the Bible, Christianity, all about God. To be honest, this article is offensive to others. As their Faith in Religion is strong. But for me, I do believe in God, I'm a Christian, but I don't attend mass regularly, I don't make the sign of the cross when praying I don't adore the statue or sculptures. Because I. believe that believing in God and talking to God is how you do it with sincerity and with all your heart.

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3 years ago

Beautiful i must say form experience that giving your child a God to worship limits what he can achieve in life

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3 years ago

You are lucky you live now and not in medieval Europe. You would be burned at the stake as a heretic.

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3 years ago

As you wish

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3 years ago

It's your choice to not believe but i can tell you that you have made the wrong choice

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3 years ago

It's your choice but after all I believed that people change.

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3 years ago

Yeah, every human being should have a choice. It's sad to see children being brainwashed.

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3 years ago

Well beliefs doesn't based on what you see and what you hear. You must have it when you can't see it. Belief starts in faith.

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3 years ago

Religion is the bane to unity in this world, and the very knife that slaughter peace and progress in the world. The Bible they read to you was never the Bible for the man in Christ. Religion is a Catholic concept that gave the Bible a deferent interpretation. You never read it for yourself that's why you didn't see the light in it. Christianity is different from religion, Christ is the focus in Christianity. While religion goes after reform, Christianity goes after a new man. Where you cannot find Christ there God doesn't exist. The Christian Life is different from the religious life. The two are contrary to each other. Christianity is sacrifice, that's what Christ represent. Christians care, but the religious doesn't. If you have ever read the Bible you can remember the parable of the good Samaritan. That's a typical illustrations to show the difference between a Christian and a religious man. I am a Christian and not religious. I study the Bible for myself and get the truth in it. We support one and another as christians. We are kind and torrelating, we don't repay evil for evil, we give to our fellow men, we live what we preach. We stand as light in a dark world. We manifest the power of Christ anywhere we find ourselves by chose to do good at all times. We give to anyone even those who are not Christian's like us.

Even if you deny the existence of God, yet he reign supreme in the affear of men. Where is boosting, where is the money now, where are the world super powers. Sudenly the world is silence, no more power show and treat of war. Science failed those who put their hope in it. The mighty are made to humble themselves. When God is silence the earn is troubled. And you says there is no God? If you and your family are alive today, you should be greatful to God. Are we better than those who were buried in a mass grave across the world? When men try to play God the earth suffers the consequences. My sister i councel you to read the Bible for yourself, preferably start reading the book of John. You will know what Christ stand for. Thanks

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3 years ago

Religion is religion but God is God whether you like it or not He owns everything you see and if the time comes it will take it away in a blink of your eyes.

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3 years ago

When you are a parent you want the best for your children, how good that your children can choose to believe in God or not, perhaps they have the same pattern as you, when you see your reactions to religions, since our children see us as an example to follow ...

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3 years ago

Well, I can say that we all have different beliefs. Let's just respect each others beliefs. I salute all single moms out there for being strong raising a children.

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3 years ago

Just live life to the fullest

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3 years ago

the goodness the honesty and humility that you have towards your children and your neighbor ... is your God. Not the one that religions have placed him as a justice, punisher, vengeful. Jesus the Son of God, brother of all of us by having the same Father taught us humility, spiritual help and how to speak to God that is within each person. To find it we do not need to belong to any religion or church, we are our own Temple we are a Divine Creation.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Reading the bible is totally different from understanding and walk on it. Maybe you heard but you just refused. Or maybe you heard nothing at all? But i do believe you are still a children of God.. Our knowledge is very limited but God isn't. One day you will ask Him for a life to be saved (we don't know when) .But if that's the only way for you to seek Him , it will happen in His possibly ways..

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3 years ago