Sređujući fioke obavezno nađem stare fotografije. Oštećenih ivica, pune fleka, one meni evociraju i donesu puno emocija i informacija.
While arranging the drawers, I always find old photos. Damaged edges, full of stains, they evoke me and bring a lot of emotions and informations.
Fotografija prikazuje samo jedan trenutak. Fotografija zaustavlja vreme za taj jedan tren.
The photo shows only one moment. Photography stops time for that one moment.
Ona može predstavljati svedoka jednog tog momenta ili biti dokument sa svim podacima o tom vremenu, stilu i okruženju. Može baš kao slika da govori hiljadu reči.
It can represent a witness to one of those moments or be a document with all the information about that time, style and environment. It can be worth a thousand words just like a picture.
Nekada je bio običaj da se fotografišu najbitniji događaji jer je proces od poziranja do fotografije trajao dugo i bio skupocen posao.
It used to be a custom to photograph the most important events because the process from posing to photography took a long time and was an expensive job.
Развојeм технологије сада је доступна у новој форми као дигитални документ.
With the development of technology it is now available in a new form as a digital document.
Mnoge uspomene koje nosimo u našoj memoriji vremenom bivaju zaboravljene jer stižu novi momenti i nove impresije nekim datim okolnostima i dešavanjima. Međutim, fotografijom taj jedan trenutak izdvajamo iz tog perioda i ostavljamo kao dokaz ili podsetnik za neku budućnost.
Many memories that we carry in our memory are forgotten over time because new moments and new impressions arrive with some given circumstances and events. However, with photography, we single out that one moment from that period and leave it as proof or a reminder for some future.
Eventualno, moglo bi se govoriti o istrajavanju trenutka kroz sećanje nekog od aktera datog događaja. Ipak, trenutak bi i dalje ostao prolazan, s obzirom na to da egzistira kroz sećanje bića koje je i samo prolazno, to jest čoveka. Važi i obrnuto – ne samo da se trenutak ne čuva od zaborava ako nastavi da živi u sećanju nekog čoveka, nego se ni čovek ne spašava od zaborava ukoliko nastavi da živi kao deo trenutka oformljenog u fotografiji.
Eventually, one could talk about enduring the moment through the memory of one of the actors of a given event. However, the moment would still remain transient, considering that it exists through the memory of a being that is only transient, that is, a human being. The opposite is also true - not only is a moment not kept from oblivion if it continues to live in a person's memory, but a person is not saved from oblivion if it continues to live as part of the moment formed in photography.
Držimo li se ove definicije, fotografija dobija povlašćen status među umetnostima, jer ona najdirektnije kopira stvarnost. Svi ostali oblici umetnosti indirektno oponašaju stvarnost, a time je i u mnogo većoj meri menjaju. Osim toga, proces stvaranja svih ostalih umetnosti, kao i njihova recepcija kod posmatrača dela, sadrže forme koje traju i ne mogu biti svedene na trenutak.
If we stick to this definition, photography gets a privileged status among the arts, because it most directly copies reality. All other forms of art indirectly imitate reality, and thus change it to a much greater extent. In addition, the process of creating all other arts, as well as their reception by the viewer of the work, contain forms that last and cannot be reduced to a moment.
Photos are history, I'm sorry I don't have more photos today