You may have a spark that is just waiting to be shared with the world!

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2 years ago
Topics: Thought

Your spark is the feeling that you get when you're on your way to do something and everything feels right. Your life has a meaning, and it's one that reflects who you are as an individual.

This is not just any spark. This is the flame that lights up your life and makes you realize that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. This is the fire that keeps burning until you have achieved all of your goals, no matter how big or small they are. We've all felt this before; we call it our "spark" (or passion). You may find many things in life that inspire you but there's only one thing worth following: your spark!

What is my spark?

Everyone has that something special in life that drives them to greatness! It isΒ  creativity, it is a passion for cooking or maybe even the love of books and writing. My spark is my family and friend who are always there when I need them most. No matter what you do, make sure you have these people around to support you throughout everything!

Do you ever feel like you're just going through the motions and time is passing you by? Like your life isn't as exciting as it used to be? You might want to ask yourself: what's my spark? It's that thing that gets you up in the morning, makes your heart beat fast and keeps your brain sharp. Is it a career or hobby that excites you? Maybe it's trying new things or being with friends. Whatever it is, find out what sparks your interest so life doesn't pass by without excitement!

Share your spark with others :

Collected: The Power of Thoughts and Imaginations

We all want to share our spark with the world, but sometimes we don't know how. You're not alone because sharing is caring and it can be a really fun experience.

There are some ways you can share your spark with others, from telling your story on social media to starting a blog. Whether you're an expert at what sets your soul on fire or just someone who wants to tell their story of living life passionately, there's a way for everyone here!

1) You can take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.

2) Share your ideas on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

3) Write about what inspires you in life

4) Start up an online business that is related to what you are passionate about

5) Spend time with people who inspire you

6) Read books that help provide direction .

How does your spark make you feel ?

Do you know what makes you truly happy? Whether it's baking, playing sports, shopping or just being around the people that matter most to you, everyone has something that they love. This can be hard if you don't have your spark anymore and feel like nothing really makes you happy.

I've had times where I haven't known what my spark was but this doesn't mean I didn't have one! When things were tough for me personally I found my happiness in others and helping them and the depressions of my life I have expressed through writing I have recorded them made me so much happier than anything else ever could.

You should never lose sight of your own happiness because then nobody will be able to find theirs either. So figure out what sparks joy within yourself and hold onto it tightly!

Why are you afraid to share it with someone else

Have you ever felt alone in this world? People are afraid to share their spark with someone else. It's like an unwritten rule that you shouldn't be happy, or at least not too happy when other people are down in the dumps.

Everyone has that one thing about them that they go to great lengths to protect. It's the little fire inside of you, your spark. You know, it's what makes you different from everyone else and maybe even a bit strange at times. Maybe it's how sensitive you are or maybe it's just something silly like your love for anything orange flavored (like me). Whatever the case may be, I'm here to tell you that sharing your spark is one of the most rewarding feelings in life! When someone loves us back with our weird quirks included there is no greater feeling in this world! So don't be afraid to share your spark with someone else because when they accept all of who we are without judgment then there isn't much more we could do.

The truth is that if everyone shared their light it would brighten up the entire universe! So why don't we just go ahead and do it already? Life is way better when you're sharing your spark with others!

Collected: The Power of Thoughts and Imaginations

Fight the negativity and find your own spark

Most people are unable to find their spark because the negative feelings of envy, dishonesty and ego have so much power over them. In the beginning you may feel very empowered by this light but soon it gets buried deep under these dark shadows that create an inner darkness within us all. But what if there was something even better? You can bring someone out with just one show or hint at where they're heading when its brightest - your inner being!

You are not alone. You need to find your spark before it gets buried under the negative feelings of envy, dishonesty and ego-driven ambition that is pulling you further down a dark path until all hope seems lost in an abyss of self hatred where nothing matters but being released from this pain as soon as possible!

Author opinion

You may have a spark that is just waiting to be shared with the world. You don't know it yet, but your spark will change lives and inspire others if you let it shine. The first thing you need to do is find your voice, then share your story one day at a time for as long as you can manage. With every word, sentence or paragraph written or spoken aloud, you are creating a legacy worth sharing!


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Thought


You wrote very nice dear friend, likening the motivation of life to a spark, really every human always needs to have these sparks to continue his life, otherwise he will not have a motivation to survive.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My spark is playing musical instruments like guitar, piano, lyre, and drums but when someone is staring at me I tend to stop playing and just go. I'm too shy and got distracted when someones watching me doing my things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As they day, you'll never know until you get there. So it beholds on the idea of trying and discover what's best for you. It comes with serving your purpose too. Once you found your way to that, you'll have peace of mind and genuine happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

another nice article! thank you @sj0820 for writing it..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much brother! You are awesome πŸ™‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone has some spark and just needs to discover what it is. When you do things that inspires you, you will aso inspire the others.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is exactly what I mentioned in my article .Thanks for reading my article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago