The Female Dropout Crisis - The Negative Impact of School Dropouts on the Girl Population!
Girls education is a key to empowering them on different aspects of life. Education provides opportunities for girls in all aspects of their lives, like avoiding early marriage, violence and child labor. This is why it's so important for girls to be in school. If they are not in school, then there's a greater risk that they will be forced into marriage, or worse - into prostitution or a laborer at the age of seven.
Child labor, violence and early marriage are some of the struggles that girls face when they are out of school. The consequences can be severe for them as these things could lead to a lifetime of poverty. These girls are also less likely to have property rights and economic opportunities.
Educating girls is one of the ways in which we can address these problems. It is vital for their safety and well-being, enabling them to meet their full potential and make a life for themselves.
The education system is currently biased against girls as it does not offer them the same opportunities as boys for higher education. Out of the 20 countries that were studied in the study, 3 had no female teachers and 19 had fewer than 10% female teachers in secondary schools.
Girls are at an increased risk of having to drop out of school and enter the workforce, which makes them more likely to be exploited in various ways, including sexual exploitation.
The International Labor Organization estimates that there are over 100 million economically active children in the world who are not in school.
Girls and young women may be engaged in domestic labor, such as looking after family members, cooking or cleaning for a wage, or other types of work.
Worldwide, there are over 100 million girls out of school. When girls remain in school, they have higher chances of getting an education, better job opportunities and lower risks of child labor, violence or early marriage.
The sad truth is that girls often face violence and discrimination when they try to go to school. That’s why we need to work together to make sure that these girls get the education they deserve and have their basic human rights respected. The overall wellbeing of the girl is threatened when they are out of school.
Girls in school are more likely to finish their education and less likely to drop out, and are therefore more likely to find employment opportunities.
Women with a secondary education earn up to 33% more than those with no formal education. With these statistics we can see how important it is for girls to be in school and not at home unpaid for long periods of time where they will be put in danger.
Even though it may seem that not being in school would help girls with their safety, the reality is unfortunately not like this. In fact, because these girls are not educated and do not have any skills for employment these girls are more likely to be out of the house - which puts them at risk for violence, child labor and early marriage.
As girls grow older, they become more and more at risk of child labor, violence and early marriage. They are often taken out of school to do the household work or to provide income for the family.
Even if girls are in school, they are still at risks of becoming victims of violence because schools in developing countries often lack security measures and can't offer protection from physical attacks. Girls also tend to be on a different schedule than boys- many schools start earlier in the morning for boys so that they can go to work after school but start later for girls. This leaves female students with less time to study or eat before going home where there is often an expectation that they will cook and clean. Furthermore, this time difference between male and female students means that these girls have increased risks of being attacked
Girls' education is a key part of their future and we need to advocate for it. Girls' education is critical in contributing to the development of society. Girls who stay in school are less likely to be married early, less likely to engage in exploitative labor, and more likely to have a shot at being literate when they grow up.
Womens' dropping out of education impacts society negatively. Education makes us human. Education comes under fundamental human rights. Be it in traditional schools or homeschooling, every human has the right to education.