How is it possible to live with an irresponsible person?

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2 years ago

Is it really possible to live with an irresponsible person? By irresponsible here, of course, one of the husband and wife is meant.

It is very important for husband and wife to be responsible for the happiness of a family because if one of the two is irresponsible then there will be unrest in the family.

But husbands need to be more responsible than wives. Because the whole family depends on the husband's pocket. And in this case, if the pockets of the husbands are empty, then the family will be really worried.

Every wife wants to live a safe and secure life. This is what all girls want, especially after marriage. And in that case, whether the husband earns a living or not, whether he is responsible to his family or not, the family does not stop. Once a marriage is consummated, the family continues to grow.

Everything from the food of the family to the cost of education, cloths and other expenses depend on one husband.

So everyone expects the husband to be more responsible. And wives also have responsibilities towards the family. However, since the responsibilities of wives are included / limited in the internal responsibilities of the family, their irresponsibility is overlooked. But if the wives are irresponsible then the future of the children will be very precarious for sure and there will be nothing to say about the happiness and peace of the family. It is also normal but you cannot change a person overnight.

If someone is irresponsible, no matter how much you talk to him or argue with him, he will never change. Yes, but you have to make it a habit to adapt.

Many here may have a question, why should I adapt?

You make it because for peace in the family, to keep yourself well.

How long will you be able to argue with a person and will you find peace of mind? There will always be unrest in your mind and this unrest will lead you to depression which is not good for you and your children.

One thing you know! It is not possible to make someone aware of their responsibilities. I say this from my own life experience. Because I have failed after many attempts and now I have given up trying in vain.

After so many years I realized I had to do something. I need to find a way to earn some money so that I can continue my expenses. And since I had no job experience and I was a housewife for many years.

That's why I didn't think of a job in any organization and especially I needed to give time to my children as they are still very young and there is no other woman in the house to take care of my child except me.

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I was talking about irresponsible people and now I come back to that.

You either let go of the irresponsible people or you take some of the responsibility on your own. I think it is better to choose one of the two.

For those who think it is not possible to adapt or who do not think it is possible to live with such a person, the first option seems to be to leave the irresponsible person alone. And those who think your life is useless without this man take more responsibility for themselves.

But the funny thing is that no matter which path you choose, the end result is the same.

Think and answer what is the result?

However, I believe that the presence of both parents in the lives of children is very important, especially for their peace of mind because children do not understand these problems between us. They just understand love. They want love from both. They want a part of mother's love from mother and a part of father's love from father.

The only way for such unconscious and irresponsible people is prayer.

If the Creator ever raises their awareness of their responsibilities then maybe they can be guided in the right way. Otherwise there is no other way because the more you slander such people, the more they will quarrel and they will run in darkness.

The wisest thing to do is to be aware of yourself. None of us know the future so it is foolish to depend on anyone in the future.

So my advice is to prepare yourself for the future. Never depend on anyone completely and practice keeping yourself strong in any difficult situation from now on!!!!

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Written by
2 years ago


I am agree with you that husband is responsible for earning source. But wife should give him relax without more demand.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

when you get married you should know that being responsible wife/husband is included. if you are just taking marriage lightly then you are mistaken.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hmm I think it's not okay to just depend on someone, we must be responsible enough for our own good, yeah that's right child with a single parent sometimes felt like they are a puzzle with a missing piece, I have a friend who's like this she only have her mother but her father is no where to find to, her mother works abroad and spoil her on things but when I asked her if she's happy, her eyes tells me sadness and that's it when she get emotional sometimes because she missed her mother even she's being spoiled on things.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Depending on someone fully is kind of risk and the person might disappoint at any time, no one is perfect and kids that grow up with one parent always feel like something is missing even if the single parent gives the kid all the love he or she needs, it can't fill it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago